Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1390: Nine-Fantasy Magic Cave

"Your Majesty, the potential of this dust is terrible. If you can pull him to my gossip, maybe my gossip will have the opportunity to surpass the nine-day kingdom and become the first kingdom of the central world!"

Seeing the talent and understanding of Ye Chenfeng's incredible thoughts, the teacher of Sakyamuni is amazed, and the voice is blinking, and Qi Chengtian is thoughtful.

"This wind is really amazing, but these amazing people can't control it!" Qi Chengtian said: "The driving is good, he will be the blessing of my gossip, and the driving is not good, he will be I am going to gossip about the country of God."

"Your Majesty, are you not worried about him?"

"Well, this wind rises too suddenly and too strangely. No one knows his identity background yet. This is not a good thing!" Qi Chengtian, the city's extremely deep, said.

At the time of Qi Chengtian and the voice of the Sakyamuni, the body of Ye Chenfeng vented infinite death to the sky, and evolved into the third round of the end of the sky, engulfing the light in space.

In less than a day, the last days of the disaster were cultivated to the triple realm, and the last trace of luck in the heart of Li Fengxing was smashed, and the heart of Li Tianyi’s pride was hit hard.

"Teacher, I don't know what else you can say now!"

The teacher of the Shakya Kingdom looked deeply at Ye Chenfeng and cast his gaze on the fierce wind of the face, and asked in a low voice.

"This first savvy test, God lost!"

Severely, the wind rushed out a few words, and the helpless opening promised to lose.

And this concession will undoubtedly make the Wanjiao lose the wife and the soldiers. It is necessary to know that the end of the natural disaster is the root of the teaching of the cult, never spread to the hands of outsiders, but now However, it was penetrated by Ye Chenfeng in one day.

Not to mention that he also lost to the 50-year-old Tianjing of Ye Chenfeng, and these losses are enough to make the robbers feel hurt.

"Spirit of the Lord, I don't know the 50 Chinese stars, when will you give me!"

Ye Chenfeng dispelled the three black dooms that were suspended above his head, and slowly stood up and looked at the extremely calm and windy inside, and asked.

"Zhongpin Tianjing is too precious, I only have thirteen, but you can rest assured that I am not a trustee. Within three days, I will definitely get 50 yuan in the middle of the sky. You!" Li Fengxing resisted the anger in his heart, but he could not help.

"I don't believe in your trustworthy reputation!" Ye Chenfeng ignored the sharp-eyed smoldering eyes: "Let's do it, you first give me 13 Chinese celestial crystals, and then write me a owe."


There was a blast of lungs. He did not think that Ye Chenfeng was so abominable and repeatedly humiliated them.

"I don't want to fight if I don't want to pay. It seems that I don't want to pay my debts!" ​​Ye Chenfeng sneered, and aggressively said: "The 10,000-year-old reputation of Wanjiao will be destroyed in your hands." /

"You...this owes me a fight!"

Under the eyes of the public, Li Fengxing could not refuse at all. Once refused, the reputation of the robbery would be swept away, and he could only bite the back molars, humiliating and writing an owe, and thirteen Pin Tianjing threw it to Ye Chenfeng.

"His Majesty, begin the second contest!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at Li Fengxing, who was about to vomit blood, and Li Tianyi, who was clenched with both fists and frustrated.

"You don't need a break?" Qi Chengtian asked with a hint of intriguing smile.

"Without the challenge, he doesn't need a break!" Ye Chenfeng said confidently.

"Li Tianyi, then do you need a break?" Qi Chengtian cast his gaze on the forehead and collapsed, and he was humiliated and whispered.

"I don't need it either!"

In the savvy test, he lost to Ye Chenfeng. Li Tianyi has no retreat. If he loses again, he will have no chance to bite his teeth and say.

"That's good, then everyone will go to the Nine Magical Magic Caves with the Emperor to conduct a will test!"

Speaking, Qi Chengtian took the crowd and passed through the ban, and came to a gloomy valley deep in the Devil Mountain. In the deepest part of the valley, there was a magic cave filled with powerful illusion power.

"I don't know if you have heard of the Nine Magical Caves?"

The Shakya Kingdom teacher looked at Ye Chenfeng and Li Tianyi outside the Nine Magical Caves and asked.


Ye Chenfeng and Li Tianyi shook their heads, and they all had the same voice.

"The Nine-Fantasy Magic Cave is a sacrament left by my ancestors of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God. It contains powerful illusion power, divided into nine-fold space. The illusion power of each heavy space is different. Entering the Nine-Fantasy Magic Cave will produce The more illusions, the more down the illusion, the more terrible the illusion, the more intense the pain."

"No matter who you are, there are only three hours to enter the Nine Magical Devils. In the countless years of my gossip, only nine people crossed the nine-fold magical space in three hours and walked to the end!" After the detailed introduction of the Sakyamuni National Teacher, he asked: "Well, you two of them will challenge first!"

"I will come first!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the nine-fold magical cave that was sealed in a strong ban, and said openly.

"Good!" Shakya’s teacher nodded and forcibly opened the entrance ban of the Nine Magical Devils. He handed over a transport stone to him and said: "The Wind sage, the phantom power in this nine magical magical cave is fatal. If you can't stand the illusion of erosion, immediately crush the conveyor stone to leave, and forcibly staying will die."

"I understand!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded, holding the transfer stone in his hand and walking into the nine-fold magical cave filled with a strong ban.


After entering the Nine Magical Caves, Ye Chenfeng immediately appeared a large number of illusions, confusing his brain consciousness.


Looking at the glacial world in front of the illusion of illusion, Ye Chenfeng is in danger, and the illusion of the magical figure shows his body, suspended above his head, dispelling the phantom power that flows like water, quickly The Jiuzhong Magical Devils flew deep.

"The Magical Spiritual Roadmap... He actually cultivated the four meanings and cultivated them all into the spiritual map!"

When Ye Chenfeng smashed the Nine Magical Magic Caves, the light mirror above the Nine Magical Magic Caves mapped out the scenes in the Magical Devils. When everyone saw the magical spirit road map suspended at the top of Ye Chenfeng, they sent out. The sound of horror.

"I didn't expect the wind and dust to be so deep in the illusion of the illusion, there is a magical level road map body, three hours is enough for him to enter the seven space of the magical cave." Konjac said with appreciation.

"Well, luck is good, this dust may break into the eight-fold space of the magical cave, and even the nine-fold space!" Qi Chengtian nodded, showing a look.

When I heard the dialogue between Qi Chengtian and the konjac king, Li Fengxing’s face was more gloomy, and Li Tianyi’s proud heart was hit again.

At this time, witnessing the practice of Ye Chenfeng into a magical level road map, his heart was even more desperate, and the war was greatly reduced.

"Two, three, four..."

Ye Chenfeng ignored the increasingly horrible phantom power of the Nine Magical Devils. After spending more than one hour, he came to the Six Magical Magic Space.

And these amazing speeds are completely unexpected, and even Qi Chengtian has to be amazed and admired.

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