Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1391: Spy and secret

"The nine-fold magical magical cave is really not simple. The power of the illusion filled with the six-fold magical space is actually invading my soul sea through the magical spirit road map."

Standing in the six-fold magical space, looking at the sea of ​​lightning like Lei Hai, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and stepped into the thunder sea.


Stepping into the Thunder Sea, the endless mad thunder exploded at the same time, madly destroying his body and wanting to destroy him.

"Severe, illusory, true and false, if lost in this illusion, the consciousness will collapse and die!"

Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes and controlled the brain to keep his heart and soul sea, and quickly flew to Leihai.

When flying to the depths of Leihai, Ye Chenfeng's flesh was constantly shattered by the terrible mad thunder, revealing the bones of Senbai, but for all this, Ye Chenfeng was unaware of it, just speeding up the flight.


The horrible thunder attacked a fragrant time, and Ye Chenfeng was bruised and bruised, and his legs with white bones exploded.

After that, his waist was also shattered by mad thunder, and the endless mad thunder madly plunged into his body, trying to destroy his entire body.

"A good real illusion!"

Although the body was almost destroyed by the mad thunder, but on the face of Ye Chenfeng, there was no panic. Under the rapid deduction of the brain, he knew that all of this was fake, and the illusion was illusory, if his heart If you are afraid, you will be completely confused by all of this, and you will be lost here and lost your life.

"The willpower of this dust is too strong, and the illusion of the six-magic magic space has no effect on him. It seems that in a limited time, he is likely to step into the eight-magic magic space." Looking at the left head, Ye Chenfeng, who was flying fast, many people said with emotion.

And Li Tianyi witnessed the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s illusionary magic cave, but his face appeared pale. In such a real environment, he did not know if he would be completely lost.

Soon, Ye Chenfeng wore the six magical magic space, and came to the seven-fold magical space, in a sea of ​​fire burning with a blazing flame.

Flying into the sea of ​​fire that twisted the space, the speeding brain of the gods completely restrained the illusion erosion. Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes, flicked away from the changes of the body, and soon came to the Eight Magical Magic Space.

"Two hours, when you reach the eight-magic magic space, is this dust going to create a miracle?"

Seeing the illusion of ecstasy, the speed of moving Ye Chenfeng, the konjac king and other people's minds emerged a bold thought, they feel that Ye Chenfeng may really create a miracle, through the nine magical magic space, straight to the end .

"Space cracks, so many spatial cracks!"

Feeling the constant cracking in the space, it is like a space crack that swallows a big mouth. Ye Chenfeng still has not slowed down, and there is no dodging, illusion of a residual image, speedy and arrogant.

And while he was on the way, he was repeatedly swallowed up by the terrible space cracks, smashing the flesh, but he kept his heart, ignoring all fear and despair, moving on, and getting stronger and stronger. The power of illusion slowly approached the last layer of space.

"Nine, he entered the nine magical magic space!"

When the morning light of the leaves stepped into the white scorpion, the endless nine-fold magical magic cave, Li Tianyi was completely desperate, and there was no luck.

But when Ye Chenfeng stepped into the nine-fold magical space, the eyes of Qi Chengtian and others lit up.

The Nine-Fantasy Magic Cave, also known as the Heart Space, will awaken the most fearful and fundamental things in the heart, and will reveal some secrets in the hearts of the people.

The secret of Ye Chenfeng is what Qi Chengtian most wants to see.

"What power is this!"

Crossing into the space of the Nine Magical Caves, Ye Chenfeng feels a strange power that penetrates into the sea of ​​souls, causing his instincts to produce fear and despair, awakening the secrets hidden in his heart, in him Appeared in front of you.

"No, there is a problem with this nine magical magic cave!"

Looking at the familiar picture, Ye Chenfeng was shocked and quickly controlled the magical level road map to weaken the power of the phantom power in the Nine Magical Magic Caves, and to control the phantom power in the soul of the soul. , smashing a familiar picture that appears in front of you.


Looking at the scene in front of Ye Chenfeng’s eyes, the face of Qi Cheng’s well-waveless face reveals a strange color, and the means of surprise the morning breeze resists the illusion power in the Jiuzhong Magical Cave.

But in the fleeting picture, he saw a person, the one he least wanted to see - Luo Shen.

"This dust has a relationship with the guardian of the Terran..."

Qi Cheng Tian brows tightly twisted together, and there was a thought in his mind. The deep scorpion scorpion shot the cold light.

Breaking the power of the mind and brain, smashing the picture of his inner secret, Ye Chenfeng quickly flew to the end of the nine-fold magical magic cave.

Although the closer to the end, the illusion of the illusion in the magical cave is more terrible, but the brains that have been transformed again and again are terrible, and all the illusion forces that have eroded into the sea of ​​the morning spirit are swallowed up.

Finally, near three hours, Ye Chenfeng tore the space of the nine-fold magical magic, came to the end of the space, punched a virtual light door, left the nine-fold magical cave, appeared outside.

Static, incomparable silence.

Looking through the Nine-Fantasy Magic Cave, the unfrozen Ye Chenfeng, the Sakyamuni National and other people all smashed, staring at Ye Chenfeng like a monster.

But here is Ye Chenfeng, and there are some embarrassments in his heart. He doesn't know whether Qi Chengtian and others have passed through the picture and peeped into the secrets of their hearts. If they peek, I am afraid there will be trouble.

"Wind sage, you are much better than I imagined, smoke can marry you, it is her blessing, but also the blessing of my gossip royal family!"

Qi Chengtian looked at Ye Chenfeng turbidly, and said with a deep voice, the calm look made people unable to speculate on his inner real thoughts.

"Hermitage of the Emperor, although I know that there is no chance to turn over, but this nine-fold magical cave, I still want to take a look, please complete it."

Li Tianyi clenched his fist and asked for help.

At this time, he never had the temperament of the beginning, and his proud heart was completely trampled by Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, I will give you this opportunity!" Qi Chengtian nodded.


Li Tianyi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He held the stone and entered the Jiuchang Magic Cave.

After personal experience, Li Tianyi knew how terrible the difficulty of the Jiujiu Magical Cave.

Although he has a strong heart of martial arts, he strives to keep his heart and strives to be unaffected by illusions, but when he reaches the fourfold space of the Nine Magical Caves, he can no longer hold on.

The death of the horrible death of the torment, the instinctive crushed the transfer stone in the hand, leaving the four magical magic space.

"Three games, I have won two games, can you promise me to mention my relatives!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced down on the ground, no **** Li Tianyi, asked.

"Wind dust, I admit to understanding, the will is not as good as you, but you dare to admit, is your strength not as good as me?"

Although the loss is thorough, Li Tianyi is not reconciled. He bit his lip and stand up on the ground. It is necessary to win a morning breeze and find some face.

"What, you still want to fight with me for the last fight?"

Ye Chenfeng looked pale, his eyes were red and bloody, and asked disdainfully.

"Yes, do you dare?" Li Tianyi clenched his teeth and snarled.

"Well, since you still want to experience another blow, then I will fulfill you!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and promised.

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