Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1503: 天天天

"Where to run!"

The demon and the demon masters screamed and accelerated the pursuit of Ye Chenfeng. They wanted to join forces to kill him and win the best treasure of his body.

The speed of the sword wings is too fast, and the consumption of life-threatening has not disappeared. In the blink of an eye, Ye Chenfeng has got rid of the pursuit of the two masters, and is close to the heavens.

"Well, the surrounding space is more fragile!"

Being close to the sky, Ye Chenfeng feels that the space is becoming more and more fragile, and space can be torn between flights.

But his strength is not the same as before. The cracks in the space that are constantly cracking have no threat to him. Ye Chenfeng shuttles rapidly in the ruptured space and enters the deepest part of the ancient Tianxian Mountain. In the thick fog, he saw it. A black hole that slowly rotates and smashes the space.

And according to the map that the Emperor left him, this black hole is the entrance to the sky.

When Ye Chenfeng stared at the black hole in the space, his keen perceptive power perceived several powerful forces to lock himself, without hesitation, turning into a speedy sword shadow and breaking into the space black hole.

Into the black hole in the space, Ye Chenfeng was immediately squeezed by the terrible space and wanted to explode his body.

"Space rules, space trajectories!"

With the squeezing of the force of the sword against the space, Ye Chenfeng immediately plunged into the space trajectory and shuttled quickly in the space where he could not reach the five fingers.

I don’t know how long it took to shuttle. Ye Chenfeng suddenly noticed a bright light in front of him, immediately speeding up the flight, flying out of the space channel, and entering the heavens.

"Good thin aura!"

Into the heavens, Ye Chenfeng discovered that the space here is a lot less aura, and looking at the gray ones, giving people a feeling of depression.

"Well, there is a problem with the power of space in the sky!"

Ye Chenfeng took out the outer map of Tiantiantian and identified the direction. When he flew to the heavens and the sky, he found that the space outside the heavens was very strange, producing a strange energy fluctuation, constantly interfering with his soul. , confuse his mind.

If it is not that his soul is too strong, and he has almost reached the Taoist position, he is very likely to be lost in the outer space of the heavens.

"Spiritual fish, fire unicorn, come out!"

Teaching to the strangeness of the heavens, Ye Chenfeng summoned the spirit fish and the fire unicorn to see if they have special feelings for the heavens.

"Morning wind brother, is this the sky outside?"

Looking at the gray space around, the soul fish feels distressed, and the chubby little face becomes pale and bloodless.

"Well, here is the sky!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Soul fish, fire unicorn, do you have any special feelings here?"


The spirit fish closed his eyes and felt silent for a while. There was no special feeling except for the inexplicable sadness.

The fire unicorn is also the first time to enter the heavens, it is also very strange to this place, and is disturbed by the strange power here.

"Let's go, let's go deeper here and hope to find your father!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng and Lingyu rode on top of the fire unicorn. According to the topographic map of the Star Emperor, a little bit closer to the inside of Tiantiantian.

"Well, they are chasing!"

The fire unicorn rushed for more than half an hour in the dark sky, and the speeding deduction of the brain was aware of the breath of the three Emperor Xuan Tianzun. Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to send them to the Qiankun environment to hide.

After about three hours, Ye Chenfeng felt that Emperor Xuan Tianzun had gone far away, left the Qiankun and continued to move to the depths of heaven.

"Wait for the fire unicorn, stop, something is wrong!"

When the fire unicorn was flying according to the terrain icon, Ye Chenfeng unexpectedly found that there was a huge difference between his direction and the topographic map. He immediately stopped the fire unicorn and looked around.

"This day is the first danger in the Central World. The environment here is changing all the time!"

Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain and deduced it for a while, and found that the surrounding environment was constantly undergoing subtle changes, and it could not help but reveal the color of dignity.

If you can't find the entrance to the outside world, it doesn't matter if he has the key to enter the interior.

"Morning Wind Brother, you mean we are lost here!"

The spirit fish squinted at the big eyes, looked at the strange space around, and whispered.

"Well, I just didn't find this space change. The place we are in now is very different from the route marked by the map. We have to re-determine the position!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and controlled The rapid derivation of the brain is sensing the change of space.

"Go, let's go there!"

The brain was quickly deduced for several hours. Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened his eyes and locked the northwest side. He quickly flew past the spirit fish and the fire unicorn.

When flying, Ye Chenfeng constantly took out a piece of piece of equipment and inserted it on the ground to leave a mark.

After an hour, the gray sun is getting darker and darker, and Ye Chenfeng’s group of people appear in a small hill overlooking the space covered by gray fog.

"Morning wind brother, have you found the map orientation?"

Looking at the eyebrows and looking at the distant Ye Chenfeng, the spirit fish whispered.

"This day is far more strange and mysterious than I thought." Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath: "If I feel good, here is a huge magnetic field, and the space changes with the change of the magnetic field."

"Okay, let's rest here tonight, tomorrow we will continue to find the way!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and sat on the floor with his knees, controlling the rapid derivation of the brain, inducing changes in the magnetic field.

At this time, the sky is getting darker and darker, the gray sun disappears, and the stars of the sky appear on the void.

"Well, these stars have problems!"

When the sky is full of stars, the speeding brain is aware of the suspicion. Ye Chenfeng discovered that the stars in the sky are evolutionary ideas, and as time goes by, the stars in the sky are also happening. Change.

With this discovery, Ye Chenfeng was overjoyed. If he could push the changes of the stars, he might be able to push the changes in the magnetic field to find a route deep into the outer heavens.


When Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain, and when the stars changed, a fierce beast sounded.

A pair of fierce eyes appeared in the dark space. A large number of monsters felt the breath of Ye Chenfeng, slowly approaching and surrounded the hills.

"Lower sacred beast!"

Feeling that there is a subordinate beast in the monster surrounded by himself, Ye Chenfeng reveals the color of the accident.

"This day is even more terrible than I thought. The potential for Nirvana to survive here is too small!"

Ye Chenfeng did not kill the nearby beast, but summoned the chaotic beast, Jin Qinglong blood lion, and gave these demon ** to the three holy beasts.


The terrible beasts of the beasts broke the silence of the night, and the three holy beasts fought fiercely with the surrounding beasts, and the terrible demon power shook the world.

After a night of killing, the three holy beasts combined to tear up all the monsters and swallowed their demon.

At dawn, Ye Chenfeng opened the closed eyes and rode on the Jinqing Dragon Blood Lion. He said loudly: "Go, let's go to the northwest."

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