Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1504: Magnetic ancient wood

After about half an hour, Ye Chenfeng and his entourage came to a tree with a height of several tens of feet, and the whole body was dark gray. The bark surface was covered with ancient trees under the ancient wood.

"Morning wind brother, is there any problem with this ancient wood?"

The spirit fish looked at Ye Chenfeng and stared at this ancient wood, and asked with big eyes and curious eyes.

"If I feel good, this ancient wood should be one of the magnetic field. If you break this ancient wood, you should weaken the power of the magnetic field and reduce the impact of the magnetic field on us!"

Ye Chenfeng controls the time when the brain is repeatedly inducing a fragrant incense, and it is determined that this ancient wood is one of the magnetic field bases. The thoughts move, summoning the chaotic gods, and controlling the gods to swallow the ancient wood.


Devoured by Chaos Shenmu, this dark gray ancient wood immediately swayed the lush crown, releasing a lot of energy like a magnetic field, attacking the chaotic **** wood and smashing its attack.

The force of the magnetic field hits like a tsunami. Chaos Shenmu immediately shakes out the chaotic five elements of light, smashing the force of the magnetic field, extending a large number of five-color roots, and rooting toward the ancient wood.


The five-color roots have to be attacked, and the thunderous sound of thundering sounds in the gray ancient wood. A lot of magnetic power like the thunder breaks out the ancient wood, attacking the five-color roots, and does not give them a chance to be close.

"Morning wind brother, do we want to help?"

Looking at the fierce and repulsive two gods, the beautiful big eyes of the spirit fish burned a lot of war, and asked.

"No, everyone can wait in place!"

Chaos is one of the most powerful gods in the universe. It is not a magnetic field.

In the fierce confrontation between the two ancient trees, Ye Chenfeng sat on the ground with his knees, controlling the brain to quickly deduct the changes in the surrounding magnetic field.

"No, the enemy is here!"

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng opened his closed eyes, and the deep shackles showed a dignified color. He looked at the East and saw a man wearing a black robe, full of burly, full of explosive muscles. Fly with amazing demon power.

"Finally found you!"

The ancient demon honours in the air, watching Ye Chenfeng and others, the voice said honestly.

"How about finding it, can you help us?"

Although the ancient demon is horrible, but with the strength and heritage of Ye Chenfeng, he can be defeated.

"A big tone, do you really think that defeating the emperor can fight me? Today I will let you know the horror of the deity!"

Speaking, a huge lion's head emerged from the chest of the ancient demon. When the lion's head cracked open the **** mouth, a horrible sound screamed out and bombarded Ye Chenfeng and others.

Looking at Ye Chenfeng and others were swept by this terrible sound, and Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the spirit fish and the three holy beasts were summoned into the Qiankun environment and disappeared.

"Space Treasure!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng's strange disappearance, the ancient demon statue looked a glimpse, revealing a hint of unexpected color, accidental Ye Chenfeng turned out to be such a rare rare space treasure.


When the ancient demon statues locked in the hustle and bustle, a fierce voice rang in the void.

Bronze ancient 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青

When the ancient demon statue waved a large fist in the washbasin, when a fist hit the bronze ancient scorpion, the konjac broke out the ancient scorpion, holding a dragon-sized knife with a million pounds, and slammed into the ancient demon statue.


When you see the konjac moment, the ancient demon statue and the Emperor Xuan Tianzun are the same, revealing the color of the accident.

Because even in Tianyu, you are a terrible existence, and it is hard to get to the sky.


The sorcerer's dragon-shaped knives smashed on the giant guns of the ancient demon statues across the head, and the terrible power shook the space outside the sky.

"The original body has a seal, so it's just right, give it to me!"

Front confrontation, the ancient demon statue feels the power of the seal in the body of the konjac, the brilliance of the big bell in the big bell, the black rifle with the highest level of the sacred weapon, like a dragon in the river, the fierce attack to the devil Hey, he took him straight out.

Because of the seal, the konjac is far less powerful than the ancient demon, but his body is much more than the ancient demon, and he has been attacked by the ancient demon. He has been pumped out again and again. The second flight came over, and the ancient demon was fiercely killed.

At this time, Chaos Shenmu completely suppressed the magnetic field ancient wood, tens of thousands of five-color roots must be directly broken into the ancient wood, crazy to engulf the energy contained in ancient wood.

"Well, what is that treasure?"

Looking at the chaotic **** wood that sways the chaotic five elements of light, the attention of the ancient demon is deeply attracted.

"I didn't expect that the human race kid is so deep, there are so many good things!"

The greed in the ancient demon respect is getting stronger and stronger. In order to get the treasure of Ye Chenfeng, he decided to kill him at any cost.

"Battle Form!"

In order to speed up the battle, defeat the konjac, the ancient demon statue changed into the strongest battle form, the strong body surface covered with a layer of lion hair like a steel nail, its own strength also reached a star demon limit.

"Give me to die!"

The strength of the skyrocketing, the ancient demon statue stabbed a long shot like a long rainbow, the terrible gun into a black dragon, whistling and smashing the attack of the konjac, he shot a shot and flew out a few kilometers away .


Flying the konjac, the ancient demon statue wants to **** the chaos **** wood. At this time, a deafening dragon humming sounds.

Kowloon Yuxi broke out of the Qiankun environment, cut off the space, and condensed eight lore killing dragons to the ancient demon statue.

"Another great treasure, the opportunity of the deity is coming!"

I feel the level of Jiulong jade, the hot color of the ancient demon statue is more intense, he is holding a black pike and fiercely killing, instantly interweaving thousands of guns and smashing the attack of the lore.

When he broke the attack of the Kowloon Jade in his most sturdy posture, Ye Chenfeng left the Qiankun and appeared next to the broken magnetic field.

After the madness of Chaos God Wood, the magnetic field contained in the magnetic field is almost empty, and Ye Chenfeng smashes the ancient wood and weakens the force of the magnetic field.

"Human boy, you are finally out!"

The ancient demon murderously said, holding a black long gun stabbed Ye Chenfeng, want to kill him first.

"Want to kill me, next life!"

The magnetic field is broken, and the speed of the deduction of the brain is a route. Ye Chenfeng has no love, and the chaotic gods are collected into the body. The konjac is sent to the Qiankun, summoning the sword wings, and sneaking up the ancient demon. The attack of Zun flies to the south.

"Where to run!"

The ancient demon screams and screams at the speed of the morning.

The speed of the sword wings is too fast. Less than a fragrant time, Ye Chenfeng got rid of his pursuit and disappeared into the dark space. The ancient demon screamed and roared.

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