Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1505: Upper sacred six-headed snake

Ye Chenfeng and Sword Wing merge into one, flying rapidly in the dark space, slowly, the sky is dark, and Ye Chenfeng flashes and hides on a piece of ancient wood several hundred feet high. Waiting for the dark.

In the middle of the night, the stars are a little bit, and the silent heavenly sounds of the beasts are heard in the sky, and a large number of high-level monsters are in the wilderness.

The extraterrestrial days of the monsters are extremely high, but these monsters are different from the outside world, that is, the intelligence is extremely low, only knowing to kill.

But Ye Chenfeng also did not intend to conquer these monsters, and his mind moved to summon the three holy beasts, let them kill these monsters, and swallow the demon to enhance their strength.

When the three sacred beasts hunted the monsters, Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain to speed up the deduction and deduced the changes in the stars in the sky.

"Sure enough, the magnetic field of the ancient wood was shattered and the root of the magnetic field was broken. The magnetic field strength in the outer periphery of this day has weakened a lot."

Re-enactment, the brain can clearly promote the changes of the stars, which makes Ye Chenfeng's inner heart happy, through the transformation of the stars, looking for the location of the next magnetic field.

Soon, it’s dawn.

After killing all night, I swallowed a lot of demon, and the three holy beasts with bloodstains came back.

"Chaotic Beast, how long will it take for you to evolve into a superior sacred beast?"

Looking at the three great beasts with blood on the body, Ye Chenfeng asked.

"Boss, this place is very good, if we continue to kill and swallow, I estimate that we can evolve within three days!" Chaos beast opened his mouth and said excitedly.

"Okay, let's stay a few more days!"

The three holy beasts have helped the Ye Chenfeng very much. If they can further evolve, they will greatly enhance the power of Ye Chenfeng.

"Go, let's go to the next place!"

When the three sacred beasts hunted the monsters, they used the brain to push the position of the next magnetic field. Ye Chenfeng rode the chaotic beast and leapt into the ever-changing space, and came to the second plant several hundred feet high. The whole body is dark gray under the ancient wood.

"Well, what is that?"

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrink and see a black pool under the magnetic field. In the middle of the pool, there is a small tree that is half a meter high and has three white fruits.

"White jade fruit, that is white jade fruit!"

When Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain to push the three white fruits in the center of the waterhole, three white fruits appeared immediately in the brain.

The white jade fruit is a very high value fairy in Tianyu, and the effect of white jade fruit is only one, that is to enhance the strength.

With the endless strength of Ye Chenfeng, if you get these three white jade fruit, he will break through the five-level Taoist sacred without suspense and reach the six-level sacred realm.

And once he embarks on the six-star sacred, even if he does not use the soul of life, with his strength and heritage, he can defeat the average master.

"What will happen under this pool?"

The fairy tales like white jade fruit have absolutely terrible existence guards. Ye Chenfeng closes his eyes, controls the rapid deduction of the brain, releases powerful soul power, penetrates into the water pool, and finds an extreme A horrible atmosphere.

"This breath, the superior sacred beast, the guardian of the white jade fairy fruit turned out to be an ancient sacred beast!"

In the Central World, the Holy Beast is extremely difficult to see, not to mention the superior sacred beast. Ye Chenfeng guesses that the reason why the sacred beast is cultivated to the superior sacred beast is most likely related to the white jade fruit.

"Sword Wing, Accelerate!"

Although the superior sacred beast is terrible, but Ye Chenfeng has full strength to kill, he summoned the sword wings, blended with the sword wings, flying at a speed several times faster than the speed of light, flying to the white jade fruit, wanting Pick them up first, so as not to be affected during the battle.


A murderous roar sounded in the pool.

The six snake-sized snake heads broke out of the waterhole, squirting a stinky poisonous mist, blocking the space and attacking Ye Chenfeng.

But the morning wind is too fast. Before the attack of the six python heads, the sword wings cut off the half-meter-high tree and directly picked up the three mature white jade fruit.

"Hey, mean human, I killed you!"

The guardian did not know how many years of white jade fruit was taken away by Ye Chenfeng, completely angered the superior sacred beast in the water pool. A six-headed snake with a length of more than two hundred feet and a six-headed tongue broke out. The water pool, screaming loudly at the morning wind in the emptiness.

"The konjac, come out!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't want to delay too much time, quickly summoned the konjac and attacked the six-headed snake.

The Six-Headed Snake is an ancient superior, and its strength is far superior to that of the general top-class sacred beast, but it is only quite a six-star demon sacred peak, and there is no threat to Ye Chenfeng.

With the horrible flesh and the amazing konjac attack, the angry six-headed snake was instantly suppressed, and the scales covering it were shattered by the konjac and bloody.


When the six-headed snake was defeated by the konjac attack, Ye Chenfeng summoned the Qiankun sword array, and the control sword array merged into a sword with a few feet and a flowing innate pattern. He bowed to a **** head of the six-headed snake.


A painful scream sounded.

Under the attack of Qiankun Jianzheng, the six-headed snake was knocked out of a head, and a large amount of blood was splashed out like a fountain.

"Innate swords, oh!"

The next moment, the silver sword soul merged with the innate sword and tires, breaking into the space trajectory, waiting for the painful six-headed snake to make a second reaction, and another sword smashed its second head.

The two heads were smashed by the leaves of the morning wind, and the scarred six-headed snake was afraid. He did not dare to continue attacking and turned the huge body to escape.

"Nine days of jade, **** mountains, suppression!"

Ye Chenfeng needs the demon and the blood of the six-headed snake. How can he give it a chance to escape? Under the control of his mind, the two best holy treasures broke his body and released a terrible amount of town pressure. The depression was suppressed on the huge body of the six-headed snake, and it was hard to suppress it, so that it could not escape.

At this time, the magical konjac approached the six-headed snake, and the hands of hundreds of millions of pounds of strength clasped a snake's head, hardly pulled out, and three snake heads were pulled out, the painful six The head snakes want to faint.

"Human, I am dead, but also pull you to hell!"

The loss of three snake heads completely angered the six-headed snake. It made a fierce roar, and it was necessary to detonate six demon shards in the body and launch a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng and the konjac.

"Do you think I will give you this opportunity?"

Ye Chenfeng sneered, the soul of the brain broke out, turned into a terrible dizziness, and slammed into the three snake heads of the six-headed snake, which produced a strong sense of dizziness.

Next, Ye Chenfeng pushed the three major spiritual maps to the extreme, inspiring the strongest power of the silver swordsman, blending into the congenital swords and launching a fatal blow to the six-headed snake.

A sword smashed out, and there was an ever-expanding space crack in the chaotic void. The terrible swordsman directly penetrated the body of the six-headed snake and smashed his fourth and fifth snake heads.

When the snake head of the six-headed snake was forced to blew himself, the konjac took the dragon-shaped knife and smashed it, and smashed its last snake head and killed the superior sacred six-headed snake.

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