Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1528: Candy Service

"Candid Dragon, don't make unnecessary struggles, smash it here, if you resist again, don't blame me for killing you!"

A domineering voice sounded in the three towns of the sky, threatening the full power of the magic candle dragon.

"Old things, suppression is here, I am not as good as death, this God is fighting today, try it!"

The devil's unyielding resistance, the power of the mountain-like body continues to block a chain of locks that locks his body.

"Since you are stubborn, there is no need to leave you!"

Speaking, the power of Taiyi’s stay in the soul of the three towns broke out, and it was injected into the three towns’ monuments, which increased the power of the town’s monument, and wanted to kill the scarred gods and dragons. .


Under the suppression of the three towns of Tianbei, the body of the gods and dragons is smashing, and his struggle is becoming pale and weak. The great pain makes him grow a painful roar.

When you see the magical candle dragon, you will be crushed by three unimaginable towns and souls. Suddenly, a dark golden hand broke the heart of the candle dragon and hit the three towns with a light palm. monument.

The next moment, the three towns of the monuments broke open and cracked, and even the Taishou soul hidden in the town's monument was affected.

"Who, who is it!"

The voice of the old man’s voice reveals a scream, and he is very surprised by the power of the dark gold hand of the Zhentian Monument.

When Taiyi mobilized all the power, repaired the town's monument, and fully suppressed the magical candle dragon, the dark golden hand suddenly turned into a strange soul wave, pouring into the town's monument.

Soon, the power of Taiyi disappeared at a rapid speed, and the root chain of the magic chain was broken. Three counts of the town’s monuments, which had been suppressed for thousands of months, disappeared into the chaos of the sky.

"Well, what happened in the end, who saved the god!"

The magical candle dragon has a big eye, and he can't believe that he is on the verge of life and death. He is miraculously free.

But the devil's candle dragon has not yet vented the joy of getting out of trouble, he suddenly felt a strange force infiltrated into his soul, quickly forming a soul mark.

"Oh, everyone can't think about controlling this god!"

The demon candle dragon sends out an angry roar, mobilizes powerful soul power, and wants to smash the mark in the soul.

Why, Ye Houji’s left hand is terrible, and his heart that has been integrated into the body has long been hand-footed by Ye Wuji, and his resistance has become pale and weak.

Slowly, there is a terrible mark on his soul, and his heart is controlled.

"Well, control the magic candle dragon!"

Ye Chenfeng, who is waiting patiently in the Qiankun area, suddenly established a soul connection with the magical candle dragon, and his brow squinted, revealing a deep surprise color.

Next, he left the Qiankun territory and appeared outside, watching the gods of the candle dragons being unwilling to roar.

"It's you, is it your hands and feet!"

The demon candle dragon glared at the huge eyes and glared at the Ye Chenfeng.

"The candle dragon, you will be with me in the future, and after a while, I will fly up to the sky, and I will take you back!" Ye Chenfeng ignored the angry eyes of the gods, laughing Said.


"The candle dragon, you should know your situation, if you want freedom, you only surrender to me!" Ye Chenfeng said slowly.

"I am dead, and I will not surrender to you such a weak human!" How proud the gods of the candle, never want to yield to a human.

"I know that you think that I am too weak to be your master, but if you let you surrender to the owner of the golden hand? Will you still be wrong?" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said.

"Yes, a weak human like you, this **** can crush you with one finger!" God's magic candle dragon said proudly: "Only the talents stronger than the gods match the gods to surrender." /

"The candle dragon, you think compared with the owner of the gold hand, who is strong and weak?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"This **** is not as good as him!"

Thinking of the dark golden hands easily shattering the scenes of the three towns, the magic candle dragon is not as good as it is.

"The candle dragon, I can tell you that the man is my father, he is a master of virtual gods!"

The candle dragon is extremely important to Ye Chenfeng. In order to conquer him, Ye Chenfeng had to move out of Ye Wuji.

"Your father...the **** of the gods!" The magic candlestick took a breath and said incredulously: "You didn't lie to me?"

God Magic Candle Dragon knows how terrible the virtual **** is. It can be said that the true God is not present. The virtual **** is the most terrible existence in the universe. It is enough to kill him with one finger.

"Do you think I am lied to you is interesting?" Ye Chenfeng said faintly: "Do you think that I can control you by my means?"

"Let's do it, let's make an appointment, you follow me for a thousand years, and after a thousand years I will still be free!" Looking at the magical candle dragon in meditation, Ye Chenfeng said hotly.


The demon candle dragon eyes are bright.

A thousand years is very short and short for the magic candle dragon. If you spend a thousand years in exchange for your own freedom, this transaction can be done.

"Well, I can swear by the heavens!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said with a slap in the face.

"Okay, deal!" The magic candle dragon took a deep breath: "But the junior, the **** was broken by the one hundred and eight locks of the magic chain for too long, hurt the roots, need to sleep quietly, so only Can help you at the height of life and death."

"No problem, I don't want to grow under your wings. I want you to stay with me, just afraid to go to Tianyu to be in great danger!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "Wait a day, see you." Go to my father, I will let him help you."

"Where is your father now?"

The damage of the demon candle dragon is more serious than what he said. He also wants to heal in advance.

"In the virtual world, Xiaoliudao!" Ye Chenfeng said frankly.

"Small six-way..." The magical candle dragon took a cold breath: "Who is your father?"

"The blood of Hongmeng, the blood flowing in your body is the blood of Hongmeng!"

When the gods of the candle dragon were surprised, Shi Shenda passed through the body of Ye Chenfeng and stayed alone.

"Your father is Ye Wuji..."

The demon candle dragon also knew the scene of the virtual world. It was clear that the blood of the most precious Hongmeng of the Starry Road was taken away by the Ye Wuji couple, so he found that the blood flowing in the body of Ye Chenfeng was the blood of Hongmeng. I fell into deep shock.

"Do you know my father?" Ye Chenfeng showed a hint of unexpected color.

"I rely on you, you are really the son of Ye Wuji, you, how are you so weak!" Determined the identity of Ye Chenfeng, the magic candle dragon directly sweared, can not believe that it was called the virtual world The son of the first scattered school was so weak.

"I just got the blood of Hongmeng, but I am confident that the strength will surpass you after a thousand years!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth is slightly upturned and hesitant.

"A thousand years of breakthrough in the realm of the gods!"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s words are incredible, but the fear of the blood of Hongmeng, the magic candle dragon feels that Ye Chenfeng should be able to do it.

"Okay, you should have a space treasure, I am going to sleep inside, don't call me when it's okay!"

In the first battle, the demon candle dragon was extremely wounded and needed to heal as soon as possible.

"Wait, remember what I said to you at the beginning? Some people criticized my life, I need your help!" said Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, then help you send a few small fish!"

When finished, the magic candle dragon changed into a normal posture, followed by Ye Chenfeng to fly outside the dead market.

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