Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1529: The scary candle dragon

"What happened in front of you? Why is there such a horrible energy fluctuation?"

"I don't know, but this place is a bit strange, I am afraid there are hidden secrets that are unknown!"

"Secret, these weak planes, in addition to the inheritance of the North Ming master, can there be any big secret? Let's go, first grab the Terran kid and say!"

The Xiaofeng Emperor said that he did not care about it. He did not put the dead market in his eyes.


The squadron of the whispering priests ignored the prohibition in the dead market. When they quickly penetrated, the blasting sounds that shocked their hearts resounded through the heavens and the earth. The terrible sounds seemed to be ruptured in the world, shaking their souls, and several people were scared. I almost got to the ground.

"Well, what kind of ghost is the Terran kid doing? How to make such a big move?"

"Is there really something wrong here?"

"It is possible that he knows our lower bounds, and definitely wants to blog, but the cat is a cat after all, and the cat can't become a tiger!" said the voice of Qingyi Tiandi.

"Yes, it is useless to have three heads and six arms!" Xiaofeng Tiandi nodded, and with the Qingtian Emperor and others accelerated the speed and quickly flew to the depths of the dead.

"Ye Shao, are you still able to turn the tide?"

Thinking of the power of the Emperor Xiaofeng, the strength of the Qing Emperor, the emperor has a feeling of being unable to return to heaven.

When Xiaofeng Tiandi and others approached the place where the candlestick was suppressed, they heard the sound of avalanche.

Through the violent tumbling of the black mist, everyone clearly saw that three mountain-like monuments like the mountains flew to the Nine Heavens, and the pressure of the town in the dead market disappeared instantly.

"Go, we speed up, there is something in front!"

Although Xiaofeng Tiandi is a two-star Emperor, when he saw the three monuments in the town, he felt the trembling of the soul, and the deep eyes showed a hot color, which raised his own speed to the peak.

At this time, although he did not know what the three towns were suppressing, it was not a trivial thing to be so horrible, even in the Tianyu.

"What secrets are there in the Terran Kid?"

Xiaofeng Tiandi feels that there is a big secret in Ye Chenfeng, but in the face of absolute strength, he believes that he can completely control the life and death of Ye Chenfeng.

The sound of a piercing sound broke out.

Xiaofeng Tiandi and others raised the speed to the peak and directly tore the space of the dead space to the cracks. Just as they quickly approached the space of the candlestick suppression, they found two figures flying over.

"The whispering Emperor, the Qing Emperor, the white robes, the ones who got the inheritance of the North lord!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Ye Chenfeng, Mo Yu Tian Zun looked a glimpse, revealing the color of the haze.

And the emperor’s nine days and the emperor’s annihilation look at each other and see the fear in each other’s eyes.

They know that once Ye Chenfeng was killed by Xiaofeng Tiandi, they are likely to be betrayed by the Qingtian people. It can be said that their fate is tied with Ye Chenfeng.

But Ye Chenfeng has repeatedly created miracles, but in the face of huge power gap, they are not optimistic about Ye Chenfeng.

"Good, I want to see what you got here again?"

The whispering Emperor reveals a cold smile. The terrible power of the sky has poured out of the body, banned the entire space, and sealed all the retreats of Ye Chenfeng.

"Ye Xiaozi, are they your enemy?"

The tall and sturdy body, the magical candlestick with a strong sense of pressure and coldness glanced at the humanity of the whispering Emperor.

"Yeah!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "When you kill them, and then help me block the interface door of this space, you can go to sleep in the hustle and bustle."

"And also block the interface door!" The magic candle dragon angered: "You can know how much the blockade interface consumes a lot. With my current physical condition, forcibly blocking the interface door, it is likely to cause more Damage."

"When I fly to Tianyu, I will find a way to heal your body!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly: "And you have to be clear, even if you really hurt the root, you will see my father in the future, he can Heal you, and you may be blessed in disguise."

"Oh, okay, then I will take a lot of effort to seal the interface of this interface!"

Thinking of the horror of Ye Wuji, the magical candle dragon sighed softly and compromised.

When Ye Chenfeng communicated with the magical candle dragon, the Qingtian masters, led by Xiaofeng Tiandi, surrounded them.

Because the demon candle dragon intentionally hides the strength, Xiaofeng Tiandi and others did not find his terrible, but completely ignored him.

"Human boy, you are not afraid, not only dare to kill my Qingtian Tianzun, but also dare to control them for your use!" Xiaofeng Tiandi looked at Ye Chenfeng: "Tell me, you and Beimingzhi What is the relationship between the Lord?"

"Who are you?"

Although the smell of Xiaofeng Tiandi is terrible, far more than Ye Chenfeng, but there is a **** magic candle dragon support, Ye Chenfeng did not put him in his eyes, said unceremoniously.

"The Emperor Xiaofeng!" Xiaofeng Tiandi said arrogantly: "You can die in the hands of the Emperor, it is your blessing."

"When you were in the lower bound, was it squeezed into the head of the Tianyu gate? How do you say it?" Ye Chenfeng said sarcastically.

"You are looking for death!"

The whispering Emperor did not think that Ye Chenfeng was so courageous, humiliated him in public, his face sank, and the momentum in the body quickly condensed into a big hand, oppressing Ye Chenfeng, wanting to give him a Under Ma Wei.

Suddenly, the demon candle dragon raised his head and glanced at the imposing manner of the whispering Emperor.

The next moment, this big hand that is enough to crush the dead road is like broken glass, broken without warning.


Seeing the scene in front of you, Xiaofeng Tiandi’s pupils shrank and looked at the gods, and the eyes could not help but reveal a dignified color.


The whispering Emperor looked at the magical candle dragon, and the tone of speech was no longer just arrogant. He could break his own imposing presence with a single look. It was definitely stronger than him. He could not imagine that these weak interfaces would have This terrible existence.

"It’s up to you, a little emperor, not worth knowing who I am!"

The whispering Emperor said that he was very mad, but the sacred candle dragon talked more madly than he did. He looked disdainfully at Xiaofeng Tiandi and said indifferently.

"Have you been a human being?"

Although the magic candle dragon did not emit a hint of breath, but when the Emperor Xiaofeng looked at him, he instinctively felt the psychological tremor, and then reminiscent of the three towns that have just risen from the sky, the heart is produced. A deep uneasiness.

"The dead do not need to know who this **** is!"

Speaking, the magical candle dragon has explored the big hand. The terrible big hand seems to be able to catch the sun and the moon, catching the face and madness, and summoning the whispering Emperor of the sacred spirit.


The space in the square circle trembled.

The true spirit holy treasure summoned by the Emperor Xiaofeng is like a toy. It is caught by the big hand condensed by the gods, and he is crushed by the big hand of the print, and is killed on the spot.


Seeing the strongest Xiaofeng Emperor was killed by the gods, the Qingtian Emperor and others were so scared that they changed their speed to the extreme and wanted to quickly escape from here.

At this time, the magic candle dragon and the virtual space moved a few times, the whole space collapsed directly, the terrible power instantly wiped out the Qing Emperor, the ink feather Tianzun and others, directly smashed them and disappeared into the collapse space. in.

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