Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1541: Soul Stele


Across the space door, Ye Chenfeng came to the second assessment space, and in this space, there is only one tall and ten-footer, the surface portrays the dark golden ancient text, revealing the power of powerful soul, located in a huge The stone monument above the basaltic.

When Ye Chenfeng slowly walked toward the stone monument, a strange soul wave rushed into his soul sea and appeared assessment information.

"Understanding the first style of Zhenfeng, the loser will be eliminated forever!"

"真凤诀, I don't know how this is really!"

Ye Chenfeng whispered to himself and slowly walked toward this dozens of tall soul stone tablets, reaching out to touch the stone monument.

"Five-star esteem, the highest level of assessment, the time of comprehension is an hour!"

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng only felt a powerful suction, sucking his soul into the soul stone, appearing in a fire burning with a blazing flame, and in the cave, there is a lot of ferocious Fire beast.

"Well, how can I appear here, is it true that I still need to find my own!"

Ye Chenfeng has a brain-shaking brain. The most fearless thing is to participate in the practice of cultivation, but in the soul stone monument, Ye Chenfeng found that the second assessment of the spiritual inheritance is completely different from what he thinks. When you comprehend the true phoenix in the hour, you must first find the true phoenix cultivation rhetoric.

"Call, can't delay time!"

Feeling the difficulty of assessment, Ye Chenfeng did not delay the time, flew directly into the cave, released a powerful soul, and searched for the hidden position of Zhenfeng.


The sound of a ferocious beast rang.

A fire beast that breathes only in the cave is awakened, screaming at the burning flames, and making a fierce scream to Ye Chenfeng who breaks into their field. There are many fire beasts, scrolling With a blazing flame, it directly launched a fierce attack on Ye Chenfeng.


When Ye Chenfeng waved his fist and smashed a terrible fire beast, a white fly-small word was drilled into the soul of Ye Chenfeng.

"The original phoenix cultivating sputum is hidden in the body of these fire beasts. In order to comprehend the true phoenix, I must first kill all the fire beasts here."

Teaching to the difficulty of the second assessment of the spiritual family, Ye Chenfeng summoned the golden sword soul to raise the attack speed to the limit, and the wind-rolled cloud-like attack turned to a fire beast.

"Spirit image!"

In order to speed up the killing of the fire beast, Ye Chenfeng splits the mirror and helps himself kill the fire beast.

Under Ye Chenfeng and the Mirror Extreme Attack, a large number of fire beasts in the caves were extinguished, and a small flying head continually melted into the body of Ye Chenfeng.

Soon, the time of the semi-column has passed. Under the killing of Ye Chenfeng and the mirror madness, there are only three horrible kings of fire beasts left in the cave. All other fire beasts are killed by them. .


Three fire tigers that reminded more than ten meters gathered together, making a fierce screaming at Ye Chenfeng and the mirror, but because Ye Chenfeng and the mirror were too horrible, they did not actively attack.

"Quick speed!"

Ye Chenfeng ignored the threat brought by the three kings of fire beasts, and killed the image with the mirror, and fought against the kings of the three beasts.

"Mirroring, ban them!"

Ye Chenfeng suddenly swept up and issued an order to the mirror.

According to Ye Chenfeng’s order, the mirror bursts the body at any cost, turning into a terrible slogan that bans the king of three fire beasts.

"Heaven and Earth Seal!"

The three major spiritual road maps emerged, and merged with the soul of Ye Chenfeng, and turned into a large handprint containing the stars of heaven and earth. With the power to destroy everything, it was printed in the king of three fire beasts. On the body.


Under the attack of heaven and earth, the three kings of the beasts mourned and turned into dozens of small characters, which poured into the body of Ye Chenfeng and formed the complete cultivation of Zhenfeng.

"There is still more than half an hour, I don't know if time is enough!"

Ye Chenfeng calculated the time and immediately sat down in the cave where the temperature was extremely high and burned with blazing flames, controlling the brain to see through the real phoenix cultivation.

"The real phoenix, the product of the true spirit of the spirit, the attack can be turned into a fire and phoenix burning everything."

Ye Chenfeng controls the rapid development of the brain, and browses through the real Fengqi, and has a preliminary understanding of it.

Although the original spirit is very difficult to practice, it is good that Ye Chenfeng only needs to master the first style of true phoenix wings, and the three soul stone tablets that are one of the brains and brains have evolved three times. Thirty times, Ye Chenfeng still has the confidence to understand the true phoenix wings in the rest of the time.

In addition to distracting thoughts, Ye Chenfeng controls the rapid development of the brain, absorbing the burning flames in the fire caves, and quickly practicing the true phoenix.

At the same time, the early Ye Chenfeng passed the test of the soul stone, wearing a black martial arts uniform, the tall woman with scars on the way to the third assessment space, encountered great trouble.

And this woman is not someone else, it is the descendant of the Star Emperor.

The summer butterfly has long come to the central world. With the heart of the star of the emperor, she has surpassed the talents of ordinary people and some opportunities. She has cultivated into the nirvana under the baptism of the world of hate.

But the spiritual test is too difficult. At this time, she is in a wilderness and is besieged by a large number of ancient beasts.

If she can't kill this dangerous wilderness, she will not only be unable to enter the third test, but more likely to die here.

"Awful, how can there be so many ancient beasts here!"

The summer butterfly will inspire the blood of the star **** to the extreme, constantly exerting the inheritance of the star emperor, killing the ancient beast that besieged him.

There are too many ancient beasts in this wilderness. She strove to kill hundreds of heads and still can't kill the end.

Looking at the ancient beasts that are constantly coming from the distance, the beautiful eyes of the summer butterfly reveal a desperate color, but she did not accept her life, and she bit her teeth to show her life in the spiritual inheritance. Soul, burning a lot of life, go all out.

Although he did not recover the life spirit of Shouyuan, but at the time of life and death, she had no choice but to fight for it.

"True phoenix wings!"

With the powerful force of life, the strength has been greatly enhanced. The summer butterfly immediately displays the true phoenix she has just realized. A lifelike, burning flame of the holy fire splits her scarred body and slams into the front. Killed dozens of ancient beasts.

"I can't give up, I will succeed!"

The summer butterfly **** a deep breath, fearlessly kills the front, and finally fights.

When the summer butterfly encounters the crisis of life and death, Ye Chenfeng successfully penetrated the first form of Zhenfengyu in a limited time, and the true phoenix spread its wings.

"True phoenix wings!"

Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened the closed eyes, and the flame spurted out his body. On his head, he gathered a huge wing burning with the flame, and smashed into the distance, directly in the cave. There is a deep gap left.

"The test is successful, rewarding the true phoenix."

An ancient voice rang in the soul of Ye Chenfeng, and a large number of small heads flooded into the soul of Ye Chenfeng.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng’s surprise discovery, the true phoenix cultivation vocabulary has changed greatly and become more esoteric, and the level of the true phoenix has also been upgraded to the level of the Chinese spirit.

ps: Continue to five more, ask for a red envelope! Red envelope!

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