Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1542: Meeting

"I didn't expect this true phoenix to be a sacred artifact, but a true spirit of the Chinese spirit, and the spiritual inheritance is not ordinary!"

Ye Chenfeng knows the preciousness and power of the true spirit of Zhongpin. The masters of Tianyu are not qualified to practice. Only by breaking through to the emperor can they learn.

The soul returns to the ontology, remembering the true phoenix sacred to the mind of the gods. Ye Chenfeng did not immediately cultivate, but crossed the open space domain door and entered a desolate wilderness.

"Through the wilderness, you can reach the third place of assessment!"

When Ye Chenfeng looked at the wilderness, a strange force passed into his soul.

"It turns out to be like this!"

Although Ye Chenfeng found many ancient beasts in the wilderness, these ancient beasts are too weak for him.


A piercing sound broke out.

Ye Chenfeng raises the speed to the limit, tears the space pressure, and flies in the wilderness.

An ancient beast that only attacked him was crushed by his amazing impact, and he could not delay his flight speed.

Flying and flying, Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul force felt a familiar atmosphere in front, and his brow slammed and immediately speeded up and flew over.

"Can't you? Is it really I am going to die here!"

The injury is getting heavier and heavier, and the power of life burning in the body is almost exhausted. The body of the summer butterfly is getting weaker and weaker, and it can't resist a crazy ancient beast attack.

When she was about to annihilate the crazy ancient herd, when she was bitten by an ancient beast, she suddenly had a flower in front of her, and a familiar figure appeared in front of her eyes.

The next moment, she found that the ancient beasts who had been besieging themselves were flying out, and they became a group of blood fog in midair, killing them on the spot.

"Did you die? Why do you see him when I die? No, no regrets!"

The summer butterfly with excessive blood loss showed a fascinating smile, and the whole body fell heavily on the ground and passed out.

"Oh, okay, you met me, or you are really dead!"

Ye Chenfeng gently lifted the faint summer butterfly to the waist, intertwined with a sharp sword, strangling an ancient beast that was not afraid of death, mad, and flew to the end of the wilderness. .

After more than an hour, Ye Chenfeng, who was extremely fast, did not know how many ancient beasts were killed. He came to the end of the wilderness and saw the door of space.

"Hey, wake up!"

Ye Chenfeng took out a precious quasi-sacred Dan and stuffed it into the pale **** lips of the summer butterfly, whispering.

The familiar sound was heard in the ear, and the long eyelashes of the summer butterfly shook a little. When she opened her eyes and found herself lying in the arms of the morning wind, she stopped.

"I, am I dead?"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng in the near future, the summer butterfly said.

"What do you say?"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the pattern of the summer butterfly, showing a faint smile.

"But I am dead, why are you seeing it!" The summer butterfly suddenly reached out and touched the face of Ye Chenfeng: "Did you already have an accident?"

"No, temperature, you have temperature, me, I don't die!"

Feeling the body temperature uploaded by Ye Chenfeng's face, the eyes of the summer butterfly and the dead gray suddenly revealed the spirit of the road, and pinched the cheek of Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, you light, hurt!"

Looking at the surprise of the summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

"Wow, I didn't die!"

Make sure that you are really okay, the summer butterfly reveals a strong excitement, and instinctively embraces Ye Chenfeng, expressing his inner joy.

"Good summer butterfly, I am a man of bloody, you tempted me like this, don't be afraid that I can't control it for a while, will eat you!"

The clothes on the summer butterfly are severely damaged, and they feel the soft squeeze of the two groups on the chest. Ye Chenfeng can't help but sway.

"Go to death, you are stinking, you haven't seen it for so long, you are still so beautiful!"

The summer butterfly has a red face, like a frightened rabbit, quickly left the arms of Ye Chenfeng, said with anger.

"Hey, it’s you who touch my face, you are also like you, but now you say my color, you still don’t care!” Ye Chenfeng looked at the annoyed summer butterfly and said: “But so I haven't seen you for many years, you are a lot better, at least some places are not flat."

"You..." I thought that the clothes on my body were severely torn by the ancient beasts, and the summer butterfly face was redder. I quickly used my hands to protect the bimodal road with the silk spring: "You see me again." Your eyes."

"Hey, you talk about your woman. If I don't look at it, you may say that I have no taste. I am embarrassed to read it. It is really unpredictable!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said, "Okay." I don't look at you, you can change your clothes quickly."

"When I change clothes, if you dare to peek, I dig your eyes!" The warning of the summer butterfly screamed, and quickly turned around and took out a set from the carrying ring. The martial arts suit was quickly replaced.

"Okay, look at the fact that you saved this girl, you are indecent as for me!"

Changed to the clothes, the summer butterfly returned to normal, and went to Ye Chenfeng, not cold or hot.


"When I am rude, you don't want to talk nonsense!" said Ye Chenfeng with a stunned look.

"Hey, you said no, there isn't it?" The summer butterfly licked his nose and said an unreasonable look: "I don't know what you did when you were stunned."


"Summer butterfly, do you feel too good about yourself!" Ye Chenfeng said somewhat silently.

"For the small leaves, how come you are here?" asked the summer butterfly.

"Because I am also the heir to the spiritual inheritance." Ye Chenfeng replied with a smile: "I feel that the fire of life in your body is weak, whether you burned life."

"Well, the ancient beast here is terrible. I don't want to die. I used to slay the soul. I didn't expect it to be almost killed!" The summer butterfly nodded and said with a lingering heart.

"Burning life is not a trivial matter. If you can't recover in time, it is very possible to shake your foundation and let your realm stop. However, I have a life spirit that can recover five thousand years of life!" Ye Chenfeng summoned a drop of life fluid.

"Give me!"

Looking at the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the life spirit liquid containing the power of the vast life, the eyes of the summer butterfly suddenly lit up.

"When you say it to you, you will be given it? You can know the value of this life spirit!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said deliberately.

"So how do you want to give me?"

The summer butterfly is also clear, and the consequences of the sacred spirit are arbitrarily applied.

"Well, let me think about it!"

Ye Chenfeng looked up and down the summer butterfly, and it was almost perfect body.

"Smelly, you shouldn't want my body, tell you, no way!"

Captured the eyes of Ye Chenfeng, the face of the summer butterfly changed slightly, and the warning of evil.

"I don't want to? Then forget it!" Ye Chenfeng intentionally teased her, put away the water of life, and turned away.

"Hey, don't go!" Summer butterfly quickly chased it up and grabbed Ye Chenfeng's arm: "Small leaves... No, Ye Big Brother, except for this condition, you can mention any other conditions. I promise you."

"Really, is this what you said?" said Ye Chenfeng.

"This girl has always been a letter and has a letter!" The summer butterfly patted the straight double peaks and said it.

"Well, except for you, there is really nothing on your body that can touch me. So, you owe me something, and I will come back to you later." Ye Chenfeng said with a meditation.

"Okay, a word is fixed!"

The summer butterfly nodded, one promised, took the life spirit from the hands of Ye Chenfeng, swallowed the belly, and restored the burning life.

"Let's go, let's go to the third test space!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took the summer butterfly and flew out of this desolate space, and came to a space full of powerful prohibitions. In this space, they saw a huge stone statue of the head.

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