Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1548: Five years

"Time **** wood branches, space **** wood branches, did not expect the spiritual inheritance rewards actually have the branches of these two gods!"

The origin of the spirit is precious, but its attraction is far less than that of the two gods. If you can further master the rules of time and space, it will greatly enhance his heritage.

Ye Chenfeng found a place with ample aura, decided to first understand the rules of time and space, and in the Taoist monument, to learn the true spirit of the spirit of the spirit of the dragon fight.


Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and simply adjusted the interest for a while. He summoned the treasure of the life of Chaos, and controlled the chaotic **** wood to release a powerful phagocytic power. At the same time, the time **** wood branches and space **** wood branches were swallowed up.

The next moment, he controlled the rapid refining and refining of the two gods, and the rules of time and space that slowly spread from the branches of the gods.

When Ye Chenfeng fully penetrates the two rules, the summer butterfly drops the blood and recognizes the main hidden clothes. After earning the body, he begins to slowly absorb the origin of the spirit, breaking the world's shackles and impacting the four-star road. .

Although the talent of the summer butterfly is extraordinary, the foundation of cultivation is even more solid, but the origin of the spirit is extremely precious energy in the Tianyu. If it is spread, the master of the Tao will be robbed and refining with her nirvana strength. The risks and the difficulty are enormous.

But the summer butterfly has the heart of pursuing the supreme avenue, the blood of the star **** is very powerful, coupled with the innate celestial body, beyond the perseverance of ordinary people, she clenches her teeth and silently bears the origin of the refining spirit. The pain, a little bit of change in the flesh, hit the realm.

Soon, three months have passed.

In these three months, Ye Chenfeng's time around the body is getting faster and faster, and the overlapping space around his body is constantly being cut off, filling the power of the formidable space.

"Call, finally mastered four times the time flow rate, and penetrated the space rule third-level boundary space!"

Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief, woke up in three months of retreat, and his face showed joy.

Mastered four times the time flow rate, his attack speed, flight speed will be faster, and in the battle of life and death, four times the time acceleration, enough to let Ye Chenfeng turn around at a critical moment, turn the tide.

The partition space, although not much attacking power, is a powerful defense against the deadly attacks at critical times.

"It's time to get through this monument. I hope this monument will make me more rewarding!"

Ye Chenfeng simply adjusted his interest and came to the dozens of high-thickness roads to control the rapid development of the brain, release the powerful soul and penetrate into the Taoist monument, and participate in the Taoist road. meaning.

"Well, life and death, heaven and earth, the Five Elements, the magical meaning, and the heavens..."

When Ye Chenfeng penetrated the monument, he unexpectedly discovered that the Tao’s meaning contained in this monument was surprisingly consistent with his own cultivation. Even his stagnant heavenly mood had an unexpected color. .

"I didn't expect this monument to be a source of monument!"

Ye Chenfeng resisted the inner excitement and controlled the brain to penetrate.


When Ye Chenfeng quietly penetrated the source of the Taoist monument, the summer butterfly suddenly reflected the endless light in the body.

In the inhuman pain, refining the origin of one thousandth of a spirit, she finally broke the shackles of the world and broke through to the four-star sacred realm.

Boundary breakthrough, her body is also changing under the origin of the spirit, and there has been no small change. A lot of impurities flowed down her pores, and her whole body became more refined.

Soon, half a year has passed.

The summer butterfly breaks the world's shackles, breaks through the realm, and transforms the body, making her body more resilient, and the source of refining the spirit is faster.

In the past six months, her realm has undergone a qualitative leap, crossing the four-star road, the five-star road, and breaking through to the six-star road.

At this time, she only refines the source of one percent of her spirit. She has a feeling that if she completely refines the origin of the spirit, she will certainly be able to break through the Taoist gods that she could not imagine. territory.

The summer butterfly 摒 摒 摒 摒 摒 摒 摒 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶

"The origin of this spiritual family is really too strong. If I can fully understand it, I should have the opportunity to practice the five-way map to the mysterious map."

I feel that I have penetrated the origin of the monument, and the heavens and other ideas have undergone qualitative changes. Ye Chenfeng is expecting more and more.

If he takes the understanding of Taoism to the next level, it will greatly enhance his combat power and increase his self-protection ability in Tianyu.

Time flies quickly, and soon, two years have passed.

"Tiandao mysterious map, heaven and earth mysterious road map, five elements of mysterious road map, life and death Xuan-level road map, magical Xuan-level road map!"

In the past two years, the original source of the monument, the understanding of the five avenues realized by Ye Chenfeng has undergone a qualitative change, all of which have been upgraded to the realm of the metaphysical road map, greatly enhancing his strength.

After more than two years of refining, the summer butterfly refining the origin of nearly one-fifth of the spirit, successfully torn the bottleneck of the realm, and broke through to the one-star road.

"One star is respectful...the source of this spirit is really powerful!"

Feeling the strength of the summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile and continued to penetrate the source of the monument, sublimating the meaning.

In the practice of Ye Chenfeng and Xia Zidie from the spiritual inheritance, the Central World has undergone tremendous changes.

The central world of the dominance does not know how many years of the three major ethnic inheritances are completely destroyed, the three new countries are established, and the human race is the only master of the fighting world, and the entire central world has completely restored its calm.

Five years of fingering.

In the past five years, Ye Chenfeng has fully penetrated the original Taoist monument. Although his understanding of Taoism has not gone any further, his combat power has increased by dozens of times, and his strength is also natural. It has crossed the five-star Taozun and reached the six-star vicissitudes of the world, and successfully cultivated into the top-class real spirits.

In the past five years, the summer butterfly has completely refined the origin of the spirit, cultivated to the four-star road, and completely inspired the innate celestial body, and penetrated the origin of the monument, successfully succeeding the heavens, the birth and the dead. Meaning, the Tao of the Stars is cultivated to the realm of the metaphysical road map, and it has penetrated the real spirits.

"Hot, five years, it's time to fly up to Tianyu!"

The strength of myself and the summer butterfly has changed dramatically. Ye Chenfeng feels that he can fly up to Tianyu and find the stone statue of the head.

"Predecessors, we are ready, we can fly up to the sky!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath.

"Well, I will open the interface transfer array now and send you to Tianyu. However, this interface transmission array exists for too long, and you may encounter danger when the interface is transmitted. You are better prepared!" The stone statue of the head reminds me.

"The younger generation has the confidence to overcome the danger and fly into the sky!" Ye Chenfeng said confidently.

"Okay, then I wish you good luck!"

When finished, the stone statue of the head opened the ancient interface transmission array, conveying the leaf morning wind and the summer butterfly to the vast and magnificent Tianyu.

ps: Immediately soaring, seeing the snow drifting, want to see the snow drifting the original picture of the Jiayun tear WeChat public number: ylty83, on Sunday!

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