Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1549: 天域

Tianyu, the core of the entire universe, is also the oldest and most vast continent of the universe, at the very center of the universe, occupying the entire core of the universe.

Since the birth of Tianyu, too many races have been born, and the gods have been born, and the power of the heavens and the earth is invincible.

These powers have opened up a new world in the sky, standing in the center of the heavens, that is the virtual world.

A large number of energy fluctuations suddenly appeared in the ancient mountains of Tianyu, which did not know how many, and many of the perched beasts in the mountains fled.

The next moment, two blurred figures appeared in the mountains, feeling the world.

These two people, through the interface transmission array, fought to restrain the space torrents of the morning air and summer butterfly.

"Well, what is this power!"

The two just flew up to Tianyu, and immediately felt a strange force coming from all directions, madly into their bodies, tempered their body and body.

"Tianyu's strength!"

Ye Chenfeng knows that when the lower bounds of the ascendant appear in the Tianyu, there will be such a process, and there are many people who are inferior in strength and forced to ascend, and they are killed by the force of the Tianyu.

And Ye Chenfeng and Xia Wendie, all cultivated in the lower bounds to the Taoist realm, of which Ye Chenfeng is a six-star Taoist, and in the Tianyu is also not allowed to exist.

The power of the Tianyu has no effect on them.

"Tianyu, is this Tianyu?"

Feeling the power of the celestial domain, looking at the ancient trees that are dozens of meters high and ten people can hold them together, the beautiful eyes of the summer butterfly can not help but express the excitement.

"Let's go, let's find someone to inquire, go to the sky and sky!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng and Xia Xiandie flew outside this ancient mountain forest.

"There is a terrible space pressure, and I can't fly for a long time with my six-star road."

When Ye Chenfeng and Xia Zidie flew in this ancient mountain forest, they found that the space in the space was under great pressure. With their strength, they felt deeply exhausted for a long time and had to descend to the ancient forest. In the middle of the walk, I rushed outside the forest.


When the morning wind and the summer butterfly were running fast, an earth-shattering beast suddenly sounded in the depths of the ancient mountain forest. Through the gap between the canopy of the sky, Ye Chenfeng was shocked to see that one body More than three kilometers long, with a pair of black and black wings, the whole body of the snake flew out in the depths of the ancient mountains, hovering in the air, with a chilling blood basin, loudly screaming.

"Morning wind, this, what level of this monster!"

Although the summer butterfly reaches the four-star road, but she sees this colorful snake, she still feels the psychological tremor, as if this big snake can easily kill him and hold Ye Chenfeng tightly. The big hand asked, the voice.

"The level of the big snake is probably beyond the king's holy beast!" Ye Chenfeng's face changed slightly. I didn't expect to come to Tianyu, and I met a demon snake that surpassed the two-star Tao.

"Go, let's go over there, don't let it find us!"

The leaves of the morning and the summer butterfly both converge on the breath, carefully moving in the opposite direction of the demon snake, for fear of being found by the demon snake.


The demon snake hovered in the air, screaming in the heavens and the earth, a bird-like sound like a cloud-clearing stone, a whole body flowing five colors of light, wings spread more than 100 meters, and a big bird with a crown on his head fanned With huge wings, the hurricane flew up and fought in the midair with the demon snake.

Suddenly, the whole void had a big chaos, and the rolling monsters filled the four wild, igniting the violent tremor of the whole void.

But the space in the celestial domain is too strong, and the two smashing beyond the king-level sacred animal can not destroy the void, and can only cause a wave of energy.

"No, there are monsters coming over, we are accelerating!"

Feeling that many monsters in the ancient mountain forest were frightened and attacked, Ye Chenfeng took the smooth hand of the summer butterfly and fled to the ancient mountain forest very quickly.

At this time, the ancient forests became more and more chaotic, a large number of terrible monsters rushed from all directions, and several terrible monsters discovered Ye Chenfeng and Xia Butterfly, attacking both of them. I want to swallow them.

"Summer butterfly, we don't want to keep our hands, any monsters that attack us, kill them all!"

In a critical moment, Ye Chenfeng did not show mercy, and they summoned powerful treasures and attacked the monsters who killed them.

Under the best holy treasure attack, a monster is killed by them ruthlessly, and the powerful strength of the two of them also shocked a lot of extremely intelligent monsters, so that they dare not approach easily They are two.


About three more hours, the terrible bird songs resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The colorful bird's claws tore off the huge body of the demon snake, and made a long beep of the winner.

And Ye Chenfeng and Xiahua Butterfly also used this time to escape to the outside of the ancient mountain forest and find a remote cave to hide in and enter the Qiankun environment.

Looking back at the scene, the summer butterfly still has a lingering fear. She did not expect that there are so many sacred beasts in this mountain forest, and the strength of each sacred beast exceeds the black ant that he conquered in the mainland. .

"Summer Butterfly, these two great saints and clear feather knives give you self-defense!"

The summer butterfly is very strong, but her bottom is too thin, and there is no such thing as a strong treasure. Ye Chenfeng will be the two great swords of the best sacred rituals and the sacred spirits of the singer The sacred Qing Yu Ling knife gave the summer butterfly.

"Thank you!"

Seeing the dangers of the celestial domain, the summer butterfly is not polite with Ye Chenfeng, and has received three great treasures. The blood drops and the Lord accepts the refining and refining in the body.

"Hey, boss, have we come to Tianyu?"

At this time, the chaotic beast came over and the voice was excited and excited.

"Well, we have come to Tianyu smoothly!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Oh, great, I must restore my memory as soon as possible, I want to take revenge!" The chaos of the beast and the beast in the eyes shot a fierce color, said evilly.

It is very hard to know who it is, suppressing it for countless years, and almost letting it die in the land of fighting.

"The chaos, Dragon Blood Lion, I want to go to the sky, you know how to go wherever you go?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

The reason why he wants to go to the sky is because Ye Wuji told him that there is a general outline of the ancient sword in the ethereal Tianzong, which is extremely useful to him, and there are still acquaintances in the ethereal sky.

"Master, Tianyu is too big, unimaginable, gestating a lot of space, and the fastest way to cross the space is to cross the space wormhole, but the price of wormholes through the space is extremely expensive, the distance is more The farther the price is, the more people can't afford it!" Jin Qinglong Blood Lion Road.

"Okay, I know!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded. In the middle of the Qiankun area to the dawn, and waited for the calm in the ancient mountain forest, he and the summer butterfly smoothly left the forest. After inquiring, the nearest to the ancient mountain forest, the red ridge with the space wormhole The city flies.

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