Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1589: Tianta Trial


A deafening roar sounded and swayed throughout the ethereal mountains.

The gates of the Eight-Sky Tower, which is up to several dozen feet, are open at the same time, and a breath of breath is filled in the tower.

"Go, let's go in!"

The first day of the snow family, the snow was the first to come, and it broke out with amazing power. It rushed to the tower in the first time.

And Ye Chenfeng and others followed, and disappeared into the gate of the tower.

"Bone age is less than a hundred years, trial is difficult!"

Ye Chenfeng just entered the mysterious unknown tower, and a strong voice rang in his ear.

Xuemingxuan's soul memory is correct. The difficulty of the tower is based on the bone age. The bigger the bone age, the more difficult the challenge is, and the leaf morning wind and the summer butterfly bone age are smaller, which is quite cheap.

"Well, this day the tower space is so amazing, it is only me!"

When Ye Chenfeng looked around the space of the Sky Tower, he found that there was no one left, only himself, and he was amazed at the heavy treasure that the ethereal Tianzong controlled.

Looking at the giant mountains that overlap in the distance, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate, summoned the sword wings, flew past at a very fast speed, looking for prey.

When he just flew into the lush green forests and forests, the fast-moving brains felt strong soul fluctuations in a valley in front, and the heart moved, and immediately speeded up and flew over.

"Heavenly Soul, this is the soul of heaven!"

Flying into the valley, Ye Chenfeng saw in the valley that at least 20 people were covered with black scales, the first two horns, the soul of a pair of bat wings behind, and because the morning wind challenge is less difficult The strength of this first layer of the soul of the heavens is only one star, and it does not pose any threat to him.


The sharp wings behind the leaves of Ye Chenfeng intertwined with a sharp sword, and rushed into the group of heavenly souls, screaming fiercely.

The sharp swordsmanship maps the sword wings, such as the speed of the sword, cutting the space, and constantly killing a close-up soul.

And every time he kills a soul, there will be a pure soul force through his body pores, drilling into his body, giving him a very comfortable feeling.

"Good pure energy, the energy contained in this day's soul is even more pure than the true spirit of Shengdan, there is no impurity at all!"

When Ye Chenfeng was running the soul-harvesting refining, he easily refining the soul of the body that was drilled into the body. In the refining room, his strength also improved, which made him realize the trial of the tower. benefit.

Only just a dozen breaths, twenty-three souls were killed by the leaves of the autumn wind, and the identity tokens on his body also appeared twenty-three shiny at any time. Stars, once the number of stars in the identity token reaches one hundred, it can generate a powerful transmission force and directly transfer him to the second floor of the tower.

The space of the Tianta is vast and boundless, but under the speed of the brain, he still easily discovered the soul of the heaven hidden in the tower.

Although most of these souls are group, Ye Chenfeng’s strength is much stronger than them.

In less than three days, Ye Chenfeng killed a hundred souls and successfully transferred them to the Tianta double space.

The strength of the heavenly soul in the double space of the Tianta reached the Samsung Taoist, but it could not pose a threat to Ye Chenfeng, and Ye Chenfeng broke out with amazing power, and when he smashed a famous Samsung soul, he got The soul of the soul is more powerful and pure.

He has a feeling that if he can kill the five- or six-story tower space, his strength should be able to cross the two-star road.

Time goes by.

Ye Chenfeng is not tired of killing in the sky tower space, constantly killing the soul of the heavens and enhancing his own strength.

About more than a month has passed, and Ye Chenfeng, who is striking in strength, embarked on the fifth floor.

The strength of the spirit of the heavens here has reached a star, and it has brought him a lot of trouble.

"Call, the difficulty has increased so much!"

Ye Chenfeng hides his breath and hides himself on a piece of ancient wood that is more than ten feet high. When he looks at a strange rocky valley, he discovers that there are more than 20 souls in the valley, but the strength of these souls has reached one. Star Tao.

Although the strength of Ye Chenfeng can easily kill the one-star Taoist soul, but at the same time it is attacked by the soul of more than 20 one-star Taoist realm, he can't afford it.

"It seems to take some effort!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and decided to attack all the time in the first time. As far as possible, he would kill the soul of the heavens. After the five interest, he should quickly withdraw if he succeeds or loses, and does not trap these souls. opportunity.

After the decision, Ye Chenfeng summoned Jiulong Yuxi in the palm of his hand, and the whole body turned into a shocking sword and rushed to the soul group.


Feeling the breath of Ye Chenfeng, a soul that floats only in the air and falls into a deep sleep is awakened, giving a piercing scream, intertwined with daunting ideas, such as the sky Stars, the attack turned to Ye Chenfeng.

"Kowloon Jade, partition space!"

In the face of more than 20 attacks by the soul of the heavens, Ye Chenfeng immediately burned the blood of Hongmeng and speeded up the strength. At the same time, the control of Jiulong Yulong continued to grow bigger, blocking the space and resisting the attack.

At the moment when Jiulong Yulong was bombarded by more than 20 Tianshen, Ye Chenfeng suddenly accelerated the time flow of four times and slammed into a height of several feet at an astonishing speed, like a giant soul.

The power of more than four billion pounds broke out all over the body, and the terrible power smashed the soul of the soul and smashed him.

Next, the golden sword spirit flew out of his soul sea, intertwined with the glaring golden swordsman, and instantly penetrated the heads of two souls and killed him.

"True Fighting Dragon!"

Even killing three stars and one emperor, and Ye Chenfeng did not retreat. The four metaphysical road maps emerged from his body. He pushed the mind and power to the extreme, and turned into a terrible true spirit. A fist that was enough to fight the real dragon, the earth-shattering, and the bombardment of the soul of the full force.

A burst of fierce popping sounds.

Ye Chenfeng displayed the real spirits and beat the dragon boxing, and killed two emperor-level souls. They used space rules to cut off the space, weaken the terrible attacks like a star, and recover the Kowloon jade. The speed flew outside the valley.

When Ye Chenfeng left the valley very fast, more than a dozen angry souls did not catch up, and in the mouth of the valley, the angry roar of Ye Chenfeng.

"Killed five souls, but these souls already know my existence and want to kill them all, I am afraid it will take some time!"

Looking at the thirteen breath horror, driving the soul of the space tremor, Ye Chenfeng concealed in the dense forest, running the soul-stricken refining and refining the pure soul of the soul.

"The bottleneck in the realm is broken!"

When Ye Chenfeng refining the spirit of Wuyitian, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the bottleneck in the realm that could not be broken through broke through, which made him ecstatic, waiting for the opportunity to continue to kill the emperor. The soul of the heavenly spirit, full impact on the realm of the two stars.

ps: Cloud tears decided that this morning's leaf morning wind map, like the look of Ye Chenfeng's plus WeChat public number: ylty83, or the public number only pick up the clouds and tears, don't miss it!

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