Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1590: Two Star Road Emperor

"Spirit image!"

The refining of the soul of Wuyitian, Ye Chenfeng did not delay the time, splitting a mirror image, and rushing into the valley with the hand of the Kowloon Jade, suddenly attracted the attention of the 18 souls, bursting out a powerful Heavenly spirit, launched a fierce attack on him.

"Hong Meng blood is burning!"

"The Holy Blood Fusion!"

"Sanctuary triple change!"

At the moment when the mirror avatar attracted the attack, Ye Chenfeng displayed the final card and used the third best sacred treasure blood bead to bring the strength to the extreme, fanning the powerful sword wings. Extremely fast speed rushed over.

"The ethereal swordsmanship, the ethereal sword!"

Ye Chenfeng will deduct the Tao to the extreme, the golden sword spirit flies out of his soul sea, a sword is thrown out, the whole space seems to be still, the ethereal swordsman blends the power of the whole space, such as the space crack In general, he has turned to eighteen emperors.


The three emperor-level souls that were dodge were smashed into the real swords. The whole body, like glass, was broken and turned into three pure heavenly souls, and they got into the body of Ye Chenfeng.

"The three-footed sword!"

Burn the blood of Hongmeng, Ye Chenfeng has an inexhaustible power, regardless of the consumption of the body, and successively casts a three-footed sword that has evolved into the Cangwu Avenue, attacking the nearest Emperor of Heaven. Cut him in half.

"Kowloon Jade, receive!"

After killing four emperor-level souls, Ye Chenfeng did not continue to fight, and recovered the Jiulong jade, let the mirror split all the way, smoothly evacuated the valley, and continued to refine the body in the valley. force.

Ye Chenfeng was patiently killing the Emperor of Heaven on the fifth floor of the Tianta. The summer butterfly squatted on the fifth floor of the Tianta.

But the background of the summer butterfly is far less than the leaf morning wind, and it will not mirror the body. So she encountered a lot of trouble in the fifth floor of the tower. After several attempts, she failed to kill an emperor. soul.

Time goes by.

Ye Chenfeng is extremely patient, and sneak attacks are carried out again and again by mirroring, constantly killing the souls in the valley.

After seven days or so, the Emperor's Heavenly Spirit in Tiangu was all killed by him, and refining and refining more than 20 days of soul power, he has more and more cracks in the bottleneck of his realm, and he has broken through the realm of the two-star road. Just one step away.

killed all the emperor's souls in the valley, Ye Chenfeng simply adjusted for a while, restored the consumption of physical injuries, and continued to search for other imperial souls on the fifth floor.

"Well, what's in front!"

When Ye Chenfeng controlled the rapid development of the brain, he felt a strong breath in the mountains in front of him. This breath is stronger than the one-star Tao, and it is suspected to have reached the level of the two-star Tao.

"Strange, how can the fifth layer of the tower have two stars?" Ye Chenfeng reveals an unexpected color, muttering to himself.

With curiosity, Ye Chenfeng summoned the sword wings and flew at a very fast speed.

Feeling that Ye Chenfeng is approaching, this two-star Tao Emperor suddenly flies into the distance, trying to get rid of Ye Chenfeng.


Feeling that the two-star Tao Emperor suddenly escaped, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate, and instantly burned the blood of Hongmeng, further improving the speed and speeding up the chase.

Under the double amplitude of Hongmeng's blood and sword wings, Ye Chenfeng's flight speed continues to soar, gradually getting closer to the distance between the two stars.

"Well, what is that... a stone?"

Through the heavy tree sea, Ye Chenfeng found a huge stone in front of him with two legs in a hurry, and the two-star emperor who felt the brain and felt it was this stone.


The eyes locked the running stone, and Ye Chenfeng’s body was filled with a powerful sword, such as a meteor that cut through the sky, and stabbed it at a very fast speed.


Ye Chenfeng, with his sword in his body, stabbed the sword and stabbed it on this huge stone, sparking a spark on the surface of the stone.

"Good hard body!"

Ye Chenfeng found that this stone was attacked by a sword that he had displayed, and only a sword mark appeared on the surface of the stone shell.


An angry shout sounded in the stone.

The two thick buckets of the bucket broke the stone and bombarded Ye Chenfeng with the force of billions of pounds, trying to smash the morning wind that dared to attack it.

"Nine transformations!"

In the face of the attack of the stone man, Ye Chenfeng continued to attack. He raised his own strength to the limit, and broke out more than four billion kilograms of strength. He regretted that the stone man was rushing, and he was bigger than his body.


Two fists filled with billions of pounds of force were bombarded together, and the shocking sound of the explosion broke out, shaking the ancient wood around them and breaking them into pieces.

"Your strength is just that!"

The hard-forward stone man's attack, Ye Chenfeng found that its power is weaker than himself, revealing a sly smile, bringing the physical strength to the extreme, and fighting with the stone people with absolute power.


The two were strong and strong, and they formed an amazing bursting force in the whole space. The terrible sounds appeared like a **** clock between the heavens and the earth, shaking the world.

"Sanctuary triple change!"

Hard for hundreds of attacks, Ye Chenfeng suddenly burned the triple sacred fire, further enhancing the attack, and by the power of the sacred fire, broke the hard body of the stone man.

About a fragrant time, the intensely smothered Ye Chenfeng had a lot of blood flowing out of his body, and the stone man was covered with cracks and one arm was severely damaged.

Ye Chenfeng and Stone Man’s injuries are constantly increasing, but they have not given up the meaning, continue to attack hard, and do not show weakness.

After a fragrant time, when the effect of Hong Meng’s blood pulse amplitude subsided, the golden soul flies out of the sea, and the stone spirits are close to the stone. The amazing attack power directly puts the stone. The man flew out and left a deep sword mark on his chest.

"Kowloon Jade, kill me!"

The stone man was badly hit. Ye Chenfeng was not wasting his time. He summoned the Kowloon Jade, and controlled the four avenues into the jade, condensing nine loafing dragons to bombard the stone man.

The attacking power of the golden sword spirit is also fierce attack at the same time.

Finally, before the effect of Hong Meng’s blood pulse amplitude disappeared, the stone man who had no struggle was broken.

The two more powerful and powerful souls of the heavens broke through the smashed body and got into the body of Ye Chenfeng.

"Souling, refining!"

Feeling the power of these two days, Ye Chenfeng immediately ran the soul of the soul, quickly refining, and impacted the realm of the two stars.


The cracks that are clearly visible in the road are constantly cracking in the bottleneck of Ye Chenfeng. The power of the two-star emperor flows into his body.

When Ye Chenfeng spent two days refining the two powerful souls of the heavens, he broke through the bottleneck of the realm and broke through the realm of the two stars.

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