Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1594: 天道道

"In less than two years, I set foot on the eighth floor of the Trial Tower. This is not a good thing for the morning wind to break my memory record!"

"Is this the talent of the descendants of the virtual gods? I am a distant genius compared to him, the difference is too far!"

Looking at the first genius of the ethereal Tianzong, Yue Jianfeng is still trying to kill the king in the sixth floor of the Tianta, but Ye Chenfeng has already embarked on the eighth floor, Yue Xuan, etc. People are very embarrassed.

"Sovereign, do you think that it will take a long time for Ye Chenfeng to break the monument of the eighth floor of the Tianta!"

Although the trial of the eighth floor of the Tianta was very difficult, there was no doubt that the monument could resist the pace of his journey.

"Well, about a year or so!"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s time to break the Taoist sacred crystal is very short, the power of the Taoist monument is far more than the Taoist sacred crystal.

"I think it takes at least three years!"

The skin is dark and the expression is serious.

"Then we will wait and see, see if this morning wind can bring us surprises!" Yue Hyun smiled and turned his eyes to the trial glasses, paying attention to Ye Chenfeng.

"This test of the eighth floor of the test tower is a monument to the Tao!"

Thinking of the introduction of the trial Tianta in Xue Mingxuan's soul memory, Ye Chenfeng looked at the space like a shady, and vaguely saw a monumental Taoist monument.

There is still a long period of time in the ten years. Ye Chenfeng is not in a hurry. He sits cross-legged in the eighth floor of the trial tower, sorts out the tiny sentiments gained when he breaks the Taoist crystal, and restores the soul of consumption. , fully prepared to meet the honing of the monument of Tao.

After about three days, Ye Chenfeng opened his closed eyes and took a deep breath, stepping on the evenly pace and stepping into the dark space step by step.


Just two steps, the dark-skinned sky suddenly trembled, a large number of ancient lines, a dozen miles of Taoist monuments descended from the sky, with hundreds of millions of pounds of strength, suppressed to Ye Chen wind.

Thinking of the seventh floor of the trial tower, the eighth floor space can only be countered by morality. Ye Chenfeng takes a deep breath, and the three metaphysical road maps emerge from his soul sea, which quickly merges into one. The power of the group is greatly ambiguous, and the monument of Taoism comes from the crackdown.


Under the suppression of the Taoist monument, the three imaginary roads turned into a whirlpool of whirlpools, and the terrible trace of Taoist slammed into Ye Chenfeng, trying to suppress him.


Ye Chenfeng burst into a bang, the power of the five great points erupted, and the power of the boiling water, like boiling water, rushed into his arms, and hard to support the monument.

Following, Tiandao Xuantu emerged from the spirit of Ye Chenfeng, together with the three metaphysical road maps, madly poured into the monument of Taoism, forcibly attacking the Taoist monument.

"This is what level of map in this monument!"

When the four major Xuan Dao maps poured into the Taoist monument, Ye Chenfeng found a road beyond his imagination in the monument of Taoism, and instantly disintegrated the four major maps.

"Is this a heavenly road map! The eighth floor of the trial tower is a test of the heavenly road map."

Ye Chenfeng has not seen the heavenly road map. It is not clear that the heavenly road map is terrible. Today, he is deeply shocked by the power of the heavenly road map.

Tiandao is the foundation of Wandao, the five-way road map, the heaven and earth road map, the life and death road map is a powerful fusion of the Tao, the four meta-level maps into the Taoist monument, even by the heavenly road map It is easy to disintegrate, which makes Ye Chenfeng deeply understand the terrible picture of the heavenly road map.

"It seems that if you want to smash this monument, you must step into the ninth floor of the trial tower and you must go through the heavenly road map!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and calmed down his heart. While vigorously supporting the monumental monument of hundreds of millions of kilograms of power, he controlled the rapid development of the brain and penetrated the heavenly road map.

"This, how much strength does Ye Chenfeng have, why should he not let go of the monument, do you have to hold it?"

"He won't know, this monument can be put down slowly!"

Snowy King looked at the monument of Taoism, and Ye Chenfeng, who was fully involved in the map of the heavens, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"No, I think Ye Chenfeng seems to be practicing strength!" Yue Xuan shook his head and said: "It is easy to hold the monument of Taoism without much effort. The body of Ye Chenfeng is even stronger than the Holy Beast.

"Strong strength..." The crowd was speechless.

Time goes by.

When Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain, and fully participated in the Taoist map of Taoism, many trial disciples were eliminated, but many people set foot on the higher level of the trial tower.

Among them, the ethereal Tianzong four top talents, the monthly Jianfeng, the wind drums, Huaxi and Xueyi both killed a hundred emperor souls on the fifth floor of the trial tower, and entered the sixth floor.

The summer butterfly has been hard-working and the spirit of never giving up, killing more than 80 imperial spirits, and stepping into the sixth floor, it is only a step away from challenging the king spirit. .

"It’s been almost a year, and it seems that he is in trouble!”

In this nearly one year, Yue Xuan and others entered the trial tower from time to time, and observed Ye Chenfeng through the trial glasses, but eleven months passed, like the sculpture-like Ye Chenfeng did not move, which made them feel that Ye Chenfeng should have encountered big troubles and could not break the heavenly road map in the monument of Taoism in a short time.

But they don’t know that the brains of the gods have penetrated the heavenly road map in the monument of Taoism as early as half a year ago, and Ye Chenfeng has not broken the monument of Taoism, but wants to pass through the sky. Level road map, sublimation of his own understanding of the Tao.

Soon, more than two years have passed.

Ye Chenfeng is like a petrochemical general, holding a monument of Taoism, while refining the body, while participating in the heavenly road map.

After the deduction of the brain, he has a new understanding of the understanding of the Tao.

Although this understanding does not allow him to sublimate the comprehensible road map to the level of the heavenly road map, he is only looking for an opportunity. The time is coming. He believes that he will be able to sublimate the number of avenues of comprehension. To the heavenly road map.

"Call, it is time to break this monument and enter the ninth floor of the trial tower!"

Ye Chenfeng calculated the time and found that he had been in the trial tower for more than four years. There was no further delay, and the power of the sky broke out in the arms, pushing the monument of Taoism to the air.

The next moment, the power of Dao’s power increased by a few percent, and the Taoist map of Taoism did not enter the monument of Taoism, madly destroying the map of heaven.

Although the four mysterious road maps that Ye Chenfeng comprehends are compared with the heavenly road maps, there is still a great difference in morality. However, he has already thoroughly understood the virtual reality of the heavenly road map and constantly smashed the composition of the day. The heavenly pattern of the road map weakens the power of the map of heaven.

Soon, a clearly visible crack cracked on the surface of the Taoist monument, and a terrible force of arrogance was vented in the monument.

In the end, Ye Chenfeng controlled the four metaphysical road maps, smashed the heavenly road map in the monument of Taoism, and broke the monument of Tao.

The next moment, a powerful moral force emerged from the monument of Taoism, and the madness did not enter the body of Ye Chenfeng.

Under the strong power of this doctrine, Ye Chenfeng captured the opportunity to sublimate the Tao, and in one fell swoop upgraded the five elements of the Taoist map to the heavenly road map.

The road map has just sublimated, and a powerful force of transmission has enveloped him and sent him to the ninth-floor space where only three people have stepped into the history of the ethereal Tianzong.

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