Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1595: The third layer of Qiankunjing

"Primary, you are really good! It’s much better than I thought."

"Know that no one has ever stepped in here for more than four years. You can say that you have created a trial record of the ethereal Tianzong."

When Ye Chenfeng entered the ninth floor of the trial tower, he had a flower in front of him, and there was an old man shrouded in white light, and this old man was trying to test the spirit of the tower.

"Thank you for the predecessors to praise, the younger generation can step into here, thanks to the bone age is smaller than others!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, not humble and humble.

The smaller the bone age, the less difficult the trial is, like the moon Jianfeng, the snow smashes them, the strength of the soul in the trial tower is far stronger than the soul of Ye Chenfeng.

"No, this has nothing to do with bone age!" The spirit of the old man’s form shook his head and said: "The cultivation is less than a hundred years, and it breaks through the realm of Taoism. This is itself a manifestation of strength and talent. Maybe you can really be in the rest. Defeat the old man in time to get the ultimate reward."

"I don't know the strength of my predecessors?"

The strength of the trial tower is beyond imagination. The old man, as its instrumental spirit, may have reached an unimaginable level. With the strength of Ye Chenfeng, it is difficult to defeat him.

"Don't borrow the power of the test tower, the strength of the old man is equivalent to the peak of the six-star road!"

"Six-Star Road Emperor Peak..."

Under the strength of the old man, Ye Chenfeng couldn't help but take a breath.

Although he can kill Samsung Dao with the help of the golden sword spirit, he has no chance to face the six-star Taoist peak master.

"Good juniors, there are still more than five years away from the trial of the tower. During this time, you can challenge me as long as you can beat me for the rest of the time, and here, You are not subject to any restrictions, you can use the treasures you are practicing." The old man said: "Now, do you want to challenge me?"


Ye Chenfeng nodded and wanted to personally test the strength of the old man.

"Come on!"

The old man with his arms carrying his hands, standing quietly, there is no expression on the face of Gujing’s waveless.


Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, the blood of Hongmeng, the three holy flames burning, the blood of the blood of the Holy Blood burst into the body of Ye Chenfeng, and his strength was raised to the peak in an instant.

The next moment, the golden sword spirit flies out of his soul sea and turns into a golden sword.

“The Essence of the Swordsman!”

Ye Chenfeng blasted a loud, big-day road map, and the three sacred road maps showed his body. He raised his moral and physical strength to the peak, and infused it into the golden sword soul. The ethereal swordsmanship is upright and standing, and the old spirits are not evasive.

This blow, don't say Samsung Dao, even the four-star Taoist emperor should avoid its edge.

But the old man of the instrument only stretched out the old right hand, squatting in front of him, resisting the power of the avenue, and rolling the empty sword of the sky.


The ethereal sword is in the right hand of the spirited old man, suddenly bursting out of earth-shattering power, fluctuating the space, the sharp attacker of the old man's right hand.

But his right hand seems to be the best of the true spirits, and the power of the ethereal sword can not hurt.

The next moment, the old man's right hand violently exerted force, and shattered the ethereal sword, while printing a palm at Ye Chenfeng.

Under a palm, the space seems to have solidified.

The terrible palm is like a partition from the entire space, with the power of fear, greeted Ye Chenfeng's body.

"Space rules, partition space!"

In the face of the attack launched by the old man, Ye Chenfeng’s hands danced fast and constantly cut off the space, trying to resolve this terrible big handprint.

But the spirit of the old man is too striking, and the space of Ye Chenfeng's continuous partition is easily crushed by this palm.

He applied the time rule again, speeding up the time flow of four times, making all the powerful attacks and forcibly weakening the power of this palm.


Between the electric and the flint, the big handprint printed by the old spirits destroyed the killing of Ye Chenfeng's continuous display. The palm of the hand, which was fully defended, flew out and directly fell out of the kilometer. He fell to the ground and was hit hard.

"Good, this strength is too strong, it is impossible to stand up!"

Ye Chenfeng was deeply shocked by the strength of the old man. He felt that the strength of the old man was absolutely more horrible than that of Heipeng, and he dispelled the idea of ​​using the soul of the soul.

"Primary, with your current strength, it is impossible to beat the old man. Fortunately, you still have more than five years to practice, when you want to continue to challenge, remember to call me!"

A palm hits the morning wind, and the old man does not have a chance to chase, and the body flashes in front of Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, just stay here for a while!"

Ye Chenfeng is strong and sits up, thinking and communicating with the environment.

"Sure enough, the environment is no longer restricted!"

Feeling the existence of Qiankun, Ye Chenfeng’s heart was happy, and immediately entered the Qiankun environment, taking a precious healing sacred object and healing the body.

About three days later, Ye Chenfeng recovered his physical injury and came to the edge of the second floor of Qiankun. He was ready to try to open the third floor of Qiankun.

If he can open the third floor of the Qiankun territory and get the treasure left by the demon, for the rest of the five years, he believes he can make a breakthrough.

When the soul is applied, he feels that he still has the opportunity to defeat the old man of the spirit and get the final reward from the trial of the tower.

"The third floor of Qiankun, open!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, controlled the golden power of the body and rushed out of the body, madly melted into the realm of Qiankun, and tore the wall a little.

Under his efforts, the wall of the three-story space that banned the Qiankun environment was shattered. He moved to the third floor of Qiankunjing.

"Ten times time flow!"

Entering the third floor of Qiankunjing, Ye Chenfeng first felt that the time flow rate here has reached ten times that of the outside world.

In other words, he cultivated here for one year, which is equivalent to practicing the outside world for ten years, completely solving the big problem that his cultivation time is still short.

"I don't know what treasures the demon has left in this space!"

Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes and sensed the treasures left by the gods in the three-story space through the control of the Qiankun.

"Well, a terrible breath, what level of weapon is this!"

Induction for a while, Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened his eyes, and his thoughts moved. In the depth of the three-story space, he found a handle that was three feet long and half a foot wide. The sword body depicts tens of thousands of mysterious patterns. The giant sword that weighed hundreds of millions of pounds of force was inserted on the ground.

Gently touch the giant sword that only the giant can dance. Ye Chenfeng immediately felt the terribleness of this giant sword. He had a feeling that this giant sword might be a perfect holy spirit.

In addition to the incredible giant sacred sacred soldiers left by the demon, there are also gods and sorcerers who search for various planes, and the rare treasures that are obtained, the sacred beasts and the two qi and blood, the ancient form of quenching Body holy wood.

"This is the top quality!"

In the relics of the demon, Ye Chenfeng unexpectedly discovered two precious and precious, three products, which are almost impossible to buy with Tianjing, and more than ten pieces of the second spirit.

"In the past five years, in the 50 years of Qiankun, I have been practicing here for 50 years in the realm of Qiankun, and see how I can raise the realm to the realm after fifty years."

Ye Chenfeng sent the three holy beasts and Heipeng Emperor to the three-story space of Qiankun, giving them a lot of exotic treasures and sacred beasts, so that they can cultivate here.

And he himself took out a second-class real spirit, Sheng Dan, swallowed his stomach and began the longest period of retreat.

ps: The picture of the morning breeze on the weekend, the friend who wants to see plus WeChat public number: ylty83

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