Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1632: Tomb of Tomb of the Dead

"Thank you for your help in the life of the predecessors, I am grateful to the people!"

Although Ye Chenfeng seems to be young, his strength has conquered some people in the place. Van Gogh came to him with a group of humanistic experts, and he was grateful to the heart.

"Vatican is a polite person, everyone is a human being, you are welcome!" Ye Chenfeng smiled a little, not sullen.

"Lord, this is not the place to talk, we return to the ethics, and then thank the greats of the predecessors!" The charm of the beautiful woman wearing a phoenix robes walked in the void, screaming and whispering.

"Yes, seniors, Bairan seniors, please!"

Speaking, Van Gogh put his posture very low, and personally brought Ye Chenfeng to the beautiful scenery, the building palace, the mountains and rivers and the intertwined humanities.

"Predecessors, are you from the virtual world!"

Seeing the amazing power of Ye Chenfeng, Fan Long and others can't help but doubt that Ye Chenfeng comes from the real core world of Tianyu.

"No, I am from Tianyu!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Occasionally, I met Xu Daxiong and learned that the Humanitarian League is difficult."

"Ye's predecessors, your kindness to my ethical alliance is too great. This time, without you and the Bairan predecessors, I am afraid that it is difficult for us to escape this catastrophe. This box will be given to the predecessors!" The dragon took out a brocade box from the Qiankun ring and handed it to Ye Chenfeng.

Gently open the box, Ye Chenfeng saw a whole body milky white lying in the box, exuding a strong spiritual ginseng.

Although this white ginseng is extremely valuable, it is comparable to the best of the true spirit, but Ye Chenfeng does not lack this level of sacred objects, gently close the box and put it on the table. On the road.

"How, the leaf predecessors can't see this white jade ginseng!" Van Gogh saw that Ye Chenfeng did not accept the emperor, and his brow was slightly wrinkled and asked in a low voice.

"This white jade is a good thing, but I am more interested in other things!" Ye Chenfeng said: "Vatican Lord, I am not going to circle with you, I am very interested in the tomb of Taixu, I do not know Can the Vatican Lord tell the location of the tomb of Taixu?"


Vanron and others looked at each other and hesitated.

"Vatican Lord, although the tomb of Taixu is precious, but the Vatican Lord feels the strength of the human alliance, can you swallow the tomb of the Taixu?" Looking at the silent and silent Van Goon and others, Ye Chenfeng slowly Said: "If the Vatican Lord tells the secret of the tomb of Taixu, I promise to enter the tomb of Taixu and leave a big chance for the humanitarian alliance."


The Tomb of Taixu is known as one of the three ancient tombs in the Tianyu. Although some people have entered the tomb of Taixu in the long river of history, there are only a handful of people who come out to live. It is really difficult to get too weak with the strength of the Human Alliance. The opportunity in the tomb, and if Ye Chenfeng can leave a chance for the Human Alliance, it will lay the foundation of the Human Alliance.

"Well, if the Vatican Lord does not believe in the next, I can swear by the heavens!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Ye predecessors, can you let us discuss? The most time for a fragrant incense, we must give a satisfactory answer to the leaf predecessors." Van Gogh said apologetically.

"No problem!" Ye Chenfeng said very generously.

"Ya, take care of the leaf predecessors!"

Vanron rushes to a woman wearing a black embroidered floral dress, her body is graceful, her legs are long and eye-catching, her long black hair is scattered on her shoulders, and her temperament is elegant.

"Reassured father, Yaer will not slow down the leaves of the predecessors!" Cheongsam woman smiled and said softly.

"Leaf seniors, please drink tea!"

When Van Long and others left, the cheongsam woman personally poured tea on Ye Chenfeng, and pours herself into the tea room. Her chest reveals a seductive white color, which is very tempting.

"Thank you!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and there was no trace of color in his eyes. He did not even see the spring of the cheongsam woman’s chest. He slowly tasted the spirit tea, as if the tea in the cup was more attractive than the woman in front of the eyes. force.

"Ye predecessors, I feel a strong sword from your body, the predecessors are also the people who cultivate the kendo!" Yaer looked at the clear-eyed Ye Chenfeng, biting his lips.

"Yes, I am training the sword!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the exquisite face of the cheongsam woman and nodded lightly.

Although the cheongsam women are very beautiful, but Ye Chenfeng has seen too many beautiful women, single-handedly, the summer butterfly is far better than her, so Ye Chenfeng is not interested in her.

"Predecessors, I also cultivated Kendo, but Yaer is relatively dull, can the seniors point to Yale!" The cheongsam woman was slightly covered, filling the tea with Ye Chenfeng, looking at Ye Chenfeng with a eager eye. The voice said charmingly.

"If you put away your little tricks, don't confuse me with beauty, I can point you out!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the cheongsam woman.

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

The exquisite face of the cheongsam woman showed two intoxicating blushes, and immediately stood up, some embarrassed.

"Say, tell me the problem you encountered in the Kendo Road, I tried to help you answer!" Ye Chenfeng drank the Lingcha Tao.

"Thank you!"

The cheongsam woman continually came up with the problems encountered in her own kendo.

Although these problems are esoteric and incomprehensible, Ye Chenfeng’s understanding of Kendo is too deep. The detailed explanation for the cheongsam woman gives her a feeling of swaying and squatting, and seeing Ye Chenfeng’s eyes more fearful.

When the cheongsam woman was so absorbed and absorbed Ye Chenfeng's understanding of the kendo, Van Gogh and others came back and interrupted the communication between Ye Chenfeng and the cheongsam woman.

"Hey, why are you coming back so soon!" The cheongsam woman said with a small mouth, dissatisfied.

"Ya, are you asking the predecessors of Ye?"

Vanron’s strength is extraordinary. He has heard the dialogue between them and looked at Ye Chenfeng’s eyes full of gratitude.

"Yes, the predecessors of Ye’s understanding of Kendo are too powerful. Some of the problems that I have never realized can be said by the predecessors of the leaves!" The cheongsam woman nodded and said excitedly.

"Vatican Lord, I don't know how you discuss it?" Ye Chenfeng put down the teacup in his hand.

"We are willing to share the secrets of Tomb of Taixu with the predecessors of Ye, and hope that Ye predecessors will enter the tomb of Taixu, which will leave a chance for me to be a human alliance!" Van Gogh took a deep breath.

"Reassure, since I promise you, I will try my best, but the tomb of Taixu is too dangerous, I don't know if I can get a big chance!" Ye Chenfeng.

"We have decided to cooperate with Ye Gongzi regardless of success or failure!"

Although Ye Chenfeng has a life-saving grace for the Humanitarian League, Van Gogh and others are more concerned about the potential and identity of Ye Chenfeng, and decided to sell him a human condition and make a good relationship.

"I will try not to let the Vatican Lord and others regret it!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Ye predecessors, this jade slip records the location of the tomb of Taixu, but the space around the tomb of Taixu is very unstable. According to our analysis, the space of the tomb of Taixu will be slowly stabilized in a hundred years or so. Down, it was the best time to enter the inside!" Van Gogh handed a jade to the Ye Chenfeng.

"Thank you!"

Ye Chenfeng infiltrates the soul into the jade, remembers the position of the tomb of Taixu, and puts the jade into the territory of Qiankun.

"Ye predecessors, we still have a ruthless invitation?" Van Gogh said: "We want to transfer the Humanitarian League to other places. During this time we want to ask the predecessors to sit on the Human Alliance."

"No problem!" Ye Chenfeng was very happy to promise.

"Thank you for the predecessors of Ye, we will not let our predecessors sit in vain, we will give enough rewards to our predecessors!" Van Gogh was overjoyed and promised.

"Remuneration is not necessary, but I want to find someone, but also ask the Vatican owners to help me!" Ye Chenfeng told the information of Ling Yu and others.

"Reassure to the predecessors, we will find ways to help the seniors find someone, but my ability to lead the alliance is limited. If the seniors are not in a hurry, they can go to the Xingyun Pavilion in the Baixing domain. The Nebula Pavilion is the most well-informed information on the entire battlefield. Place!" said Van Gogh.

"Thank you! Then I will go to the Nebula Pavilion in the 100-star field after a while!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes lit up and nodded.

"Ye predecessors, I have been able to follow you in the recent period? I still have a lot of questions to ask you!" The cheongsam woman used the tone of pleading.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and promised.

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