Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1633: Hundred Star Domain

A year later, Van Gogh moved the Human Alliance to the deepest part of the extraterrestrial battlefield, so that the true devils and ghosts could not find them.

After the Humanitarian League was completely stabilized, Ye Chenfeng and Van Gogh left the subpoena, respectively, and bid farewell to everyone, driving a Terran warship, flying fast in the sinister battlefield, and going to the extraterrestrial battlefield. One hundred stars in one of the sinister stars.

The battlefield outside the sky is extremely wide, connected to the virtual world. Ye Chenfeng drove the warship and flew for a few months. It gradually approached the one-star field constructed by countless stars and land.

In the months leading up to the Baixing domain, Ye Chenfeng hid in the Qiankun environment to study the true spirits he had mastered in the early stage, and took on the invaluable top grades and even the true spirits. Dan, enhance his own strength.

"Well, the space has become chaotic, this should be the chaotic starburst around the Baixing domain, and the Baixing domain is finally here!"

Feeling the chaotic star tide, Ye Chenfeng woke up in cultivation, and his thoughts left the Qiankun territory, appeared on the warship, and through the thin prohibition of the warship, looked into the distant starry sky.

"A beautiful starry sky, I didn't expect such a beautiful scene in the battlefield outside the sky!"

Ye Chenfeng was deeply attracted by the beauty of the distance, awakening the summer butterfly in the cultivation and transferring her from the Qiankun environment.

"Beautiful, morning breeze, where is the front!"

The eyes of the summer butterfly show an obsessive color, clutching the arms of Ye Chenfeng, excitedly said.

"There is a hundred stars in front!"

Looking at the charming face of the summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

"Hundred Star Fields are so beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful starry sky!" The summer butterfly can't help but cuddle his head on Ye Chenfeng's arm and fascinated by the wonderful starry sky.

The ship is flying at a speed in the chaotic star, getting closer and closer to the one hundred stars.


Close to the edge of the Hundred Star field, Ye Chenfeng encountered the most dangerous comet tide. According to Van Gogh, to enter the Hundred Star field, you must cross the comet tide.

Without the power of the Taoist realm, the probability of crossing the comet tide is extremely low, even if the general Taoist, bad luck may also be killed in the tide of the comet.

"Small mosquitoes, do you want to test the power of today!"

Looking at the distant comet sea wave flying at a very fast speed, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

"Who is afraid of anyone!"

The summer butterfly who practiced in the realm of the Samsung Road Emperor was arrogant, holding the best sacred phoenix phoenix phoenix, and the top of the head was suspended with a half-day celestial white bell, standing side by side with Ye Chenfeng, welcoming Towards a meteorite that is extremely powerful and full of hundreds of millions of pounds of power.


The summer butterfly screams and screams, the body deliberately pushes to the extreme, the fierce attack of the phoenix dance knife, activates the knives in the phoenix dance knives, turns into a lifelike true phoenix, flying high and flying, constantly Smashing a few meteorites.

And Ye Chenfeng did not use any weapons, and the powerful flesh-and-blood attack alone shattered the remaining meteorites.

Ye Chenfeng and the summer butterfly stand in the bow of the battle and become more and more brave. It is like a broken bamboo that smashes the tide of the comet and forcibly tears open a safe passage.

I don’t know how long the attack has been. Just a lot of sweat on the forehead of the summer butterfly. When the physical strength is not enough, Ye Chenfeng combines the power and strength of the whole body and blasts a power map. Directly blasting up the meteorites, piercing the tides of the comets of several miles, allowing the warships to successfully pass through the tides of the comet and enter the sphere of influence of the hundred stars.

But not long after entering the 100-star field, Ye Chenfeng found two ships flying in the distance with red flags and hulls inlaid with huge gimmicks. .

"I didn't expect to be in trouble so soon!"

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes showed a hint of hot color. Through the gimmicks inlaid on the hull, he guessed that the ship should be a ghost.

For the aliens, Ye Chenfeng does not have a trace of mercy. If the ghost family does not know how to provoke him, Ye Chenfeng will never leave mercy.


When Ye Chenfeng’s warship was approaching two warships, he was suddenly attacked by a warship. A large number of energy cannons bombarded the ship of Ye Chenfeng, shaking the entire ship and trembled fiercely.

"Looking for death!"

Ye Chenfeng sent the summer butterfly to the Qiankun territory, and displayed the mysterious secret method. He split the magical mirror and met a large number of energy cannons. He flew to the two warships.

"There are no ghosts, and they dare to provoke me. You are really impatient!"

Ye Chenfeng ignored the attack of the warship, summoned a number of large-scale road maps, and quickly sealed, condensed into a great power, bred the big handprints of the heavens and the stars, filled with the power of destruction, bombarded A warship.


After the attack of the heavens and the earth by Ye Chenfeng, the defense of the battleship was immediately broken. The terrible star print smashed the hull and annihilated the ghost masters on the battleship.

And Ye Chenfeng’s mirrored avatar attack is more thorough, flying directly into the battleship, and the crazy slaughter.

Under Ye Chenfeng and the mirrored blood wash, the two warships were quickly broken. Only a few ghost masters ran away from the mirrored killings. All others were killed in Ye Chenfeng and the mirrored hands. .


Ye Chenfeng destroyed the warships and killed the ghost masters. He once searched the soul of a ghost emperor and learned that they were **** men, and the blood was from the ghosts. It was a real thing. One foot stepped into the peak of the four-star ghost realm.

Although the gap between Ye Chenfeng and **** is very big, there are too many cards on his body, especially the growing chaos, which has become his biggest killer, and he is fearless in the face of blood. .

Searching for the relics of the people, Ye Chenfeng returned to the battleship and continued to fly to the core of the Baixing domain.

But the star field is too big. After a few days of interplanetary flight, it is too far from the star land where the nebula is located. When the sky is dark, Ye Chenfeng drives the ship into a star called the purple star. Lu, prepare to rest here for a few days, stroll around the Purple Garden Star Land, and continue on the road.

"A lot of masters!"

Flying into the Ziyuan Star City, the largest city in Ziyuan Xinglu, the two saw the prosperity here far better than Tianyu. The pavilions on both sides of the street stood tall, the inn, the shops were antique, the streets were full of masters, usually in The masters of the Tao Emperor, which are rarely seen in the Tianyu area, can be seen everywhere here. Even the kingdom-level masters of the Tianyu can be seen on the streets.

Not far away, Ye Chenfeng turned a very noisy street. The two sides of the street are all the brothels that make men linger, and a woman dressed in tulle, wearing a tulle, standing in the street On the other hand, the appearances of the passers-by that are coming and going are attracting their interest.

"You guys are not good things!" Looking at the scenes on the street, the summer butterfly licked a small nose and said disdainfully: "Do you want me to give you a vacation, let you go in and relax." /

"Those those fat powders are fine, but I am interested in the summer and the beauty of the summer beauty, I do not know Xia Da beauty to appreciate the face?" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Think beautiful!"

The angle of the butterfly's mouth is slightly upturned, and it evokes a charming arc. He takes the arm of Ye Chenfeng and walks through the street with the aroma of thick powder to find a good view. The inn was built under the green hills to rest.

"Small leaves, long nights, need this girl to comfort your lonely heart?"

The summer butterfly stood outside the door of Ye Chenfeng, and waved a long hair that fell down, and the voice said softly.

"Okay, please!"

Ye Chenfeng looks at the pretty face of the summer butterfly.

"Go to hell, stinking!"

The summer butterfly instantly changed his face and gave Ye Chenfeng a big white eye, leaving a series of clear smiles and turned away.

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