Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1703: Delaying time

"Now, is it possible to reward!"

Ye Chenfeng slowly stood up and looked at the white old man who was gloomy and wanted to drip out the water. He said with a loud voice.

"Okay, start rewarding now!"

The white old man looked fiercely at Ye Chenfeng, and he wished that he would be ruined and smashed, but in the eyes of the public, he could not lie, he could only bite his teeth and swallow his stomach.

"Yes, the nobles rewarded Zhongpin Zudan will not be a waste Dan!" Ye Chenfeng said intentionally: "But the Tiantian family is big, and should not do such a shameful thing."


The old man has blown up the lungs, although the gods will not do this for the face, but the words of Ye Chenfeng still make many people think about it, greatly damaging the face of the gods.

"You don't want to be a gentleman's heart, and the rewards promised by my gods will not be bad!"

The old man took a deep breath and pressed the inner annoyance to take out a lot of treasures, which were rewarded to Ye Chenfeng, Yue Yeming, Huang Wutian and others.

If you want to get the Zhongpin Zudan and the Chaos Stone, Ye Chenfeng did not stay for a long time, and sent the summer butterfly, the spirit fish and other people to the Qiankun environment, and immediately left the battlefield.

The moment when Ye Chenfeng left the battlefield of the hundred wars, countless powerful soul forces locked him, only waiting for him to leave the Battle City and kill him.

"The candle dragon predecessor, this middle-class Zu Dan will give you, as soon as possible to enhance the strength, and then we will kill!"

Although the Chinese ancestral ancestors are invaluable, he gave the sacred ancestral ancestors to the gods, and sent him to the twenty-fold time-flow space, allowing him to refine the sacred ancestors as soon as possible.

If the magic candle dragon further enhances its strength and breaks into the realm of the Samsung Road God, then they will have a great chance to kill.


Get the Chinese product Zu Dan, the magic candle dragon immediately swallowed the belly, quickly refining, impacting the realm of Samsung.

If it is not the suppression of Taiyi, the talent of the magical candle dragon may have broken through to the ancestral homeland, and he has a thick and thin, and he has a good chance to break through to Samsung Road in a short time. The land of God.

"The devil, this chaotic stone gives you, as soon as possible to portray the ancestral pattern, and upgrade the level of the demon sword!" Ye Chenfeng gave the chaotic stone to the demon, let him portray the ancestral pattern for himself.

Although the devil is full of complaints, he still does it in a sly way, refining the chaotic stone and portraying the ancestral lines.

Whether the magic candle dragon breaks through the realm, it still takes time for the devil to portray the ancestral pattern, and the hundred war city is the safest place. Ye Chenfeng did not rush to leave the hundred war city, but came to the hundred war city. The restaurant looks at the wine restaurant and orders a table of fine wines and delicacies.

And Ye Chenfeng’s discretion in the Wangtian Liquor was first spread into the ears of the people, causing quite a stir.

"That Ye Chenfeng is discretionary in Wangtian Wine Restaurant? Is he waiting for the response?"

Beginning of this news, the head of the General War of the 100th World War I, the gods and seven elders brows tightly screwed together.

"Seven elders, we want to seal the sacred wine restaurant, and shot him!" One heart wants to kill the white old man who hates Ye Chenfeng.

"He dares to be alone in discretion, and certainly guesses that we can't ignore God's genius face to face him, but we can't do it, it doesn't mean that other people can't do it. I will contact the Mozu, the ghost family, I think they are very happy to kill this morning wind, and it is not too late for us to shoot again." Shenzhou seven elders said gloomyly.

"Avatar, you devour a space wormhole, how long it takes to connect to the outside of the battlefield!" When Ye Chenfeng had a discretion, the idea communicated with the worm.

"It takes about ten days or so."

Breakthrough into the realm of the ancestors, the worms have the ability to devour space wormholes, and the voice.

"Okay, swallow up space wormholes don't need a lot, as soon as possible!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, summoned the worm, and covered it with his own body, letting it swallow the space and forcibly piercing a space wormhole.

When Ye Chenfeng covered the worms, a few terrible breaths appeared outside the Wangtian Liquor. I felt these breaths, and Ye Chenfeng didn’t look the same, still drinking calmly.

"You are so happy, is there such a place to drink here at this time?"

A cold voice passed into Ye Chenfeng’s ear. At the beginning, he lost to Ye Chenfeng’s magic dust, black mad knife, and Black Wind Valley appeared at the top of the Wangtian Wine Court. With the morning breeze.

When Devil and others appeared, the Mozu and the Ghosts could hide behind and wait for the opportunity to kill Ye Chenfeng.

"Why, can't help but start?" Ye Chenfeng drank the wine in the cup: "But I advise you not to be shot by the Tianzu, so as not to regret it."

"Ye Chenfeng, you don't want to bluff here!" Devil sneered: "You feel like you can live away from the Battle City."

"Haha, I dare to kill Tianqingyun in public, naturally not afraid of the revenge of the Tianzu!" Ye Chenfeng laughed and said madly: "You guess, I am not in a hurry to leave the Battle City, I am waiting." What?”


Looking at the calm and calm Ye Chenfeng, the devil and other people frowned. In their view, if Ye Chenfeng did not have absolute dependence, he would never be so calm.

And Ye Chenfeng exposed too many secrets in the finals of the 100th World War, let them guess that Ye Chenfeng should come from the virtual world, and his identity is very unusual.

Although the Mozu is in the virtual world, it is also an absolute hegemonic power. However, the overall strength of the Mozu masters who come to the Battle City is not strong. If they come to meet Ye Chenfeng’s masters, they will Give them a devastating disaster.

Think of this, Devil and others have retired, do not want to be the first bird, so as not to be in danger.

"Come on, come and drink a few glasses of wine, I think you should really want to know, I am from the family of the virtual gods, we drink and drink, the answer will be revealed soon, then I will let the people pay blood The price!" Ye Chenfeng poured a glass of wine from his own self, killing the way.

"Let's go!"

Meng Yichen and others communicated a few words, did not continue to wait for a long time, turned and left, went out to obey.

When you look at the back of the devil and others, Ye Chenfeng continues to be discreet and wait patiently.

"Sure enough, this leaf morning wind comes from the virtual world, and someone comes to the Battle City to meet him!"

When I heard the dialogue between Ye Chenfeng and Mo Yichen, the elders of God Tianzu felt a bit tricky. If the masters who came to meet Ye Chenfeng were too strong, they could not kill Ye Chenfeng. It may also be a murder.

"Seven elders, what should we do now, the demon, the ghosts are scrupulous, want to stand by!" God Tianzu can look at the gloomy seven presbyterians.

"I will contact the patriarch and ask the patriarch to decide!" The seven elders meditated: "You have given me a good look at him. What happened to tell me the first time. Maybe this kid is bluffing."

When the masters of the various ethnic groups blocked the waters of Wangtianjiu, Ye Chenfeng was still drinking and drinking, and tasted a table of food cooked with precious spirits.

The worms, under his cover, have swallowed a wormhole that is thick and has a length of several kilometers. He is trying to connect this space wormhole to the outside of the Battle City.

Soon, one day passed.

When the imperial masters were impatient, Yue Yeming came to the Wangtian Liquor accompanied by two veteran old men.

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