Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1704: Unexpected harvest

"Ye Ming, how come you?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Yue Yeming, Ye Chenfeng was surprised, and he was moved and whispered.

"Ye brother, the outside has been blocked by the people, you will not be killed now, if you believe me, you go with me, I feathered the palace to protect you safe!" Yue Yeming said.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have the means to leave here safely!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said confidently.

"Really? Is it true that Ye brothers are waiting for someone to meet!"

I don't know why, Yue Yeming always feels that Ye Chenfeng is bluffing, and he is not from the virtual world.

"Well, when my family master arrives, I will see who can dare to stop me!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said with a domineering appearance.

"In this case, then I am relieved, Ye brother, you friend, I have settled, and later return to the virtual world, you must go to the feather palace to find me!"

Looking at the self-confidence of Ye Chenfeng’s self-confidence and disguise, Yue Yeming completely let go of his heart and told Yue Yeming the location of the Feather Palace, accompanied by two veteran old men.

Yue Yeming had just left, and Ye Chenfeng’s strange disappeared.

And when he disappeared, he immediately alerted the families who were guarding them. When the masters of the tribes came in to check the truth, Ye Chenfeng appeared strangely.

"Ye Chenfeng, has your family master yet to come?"

There is a cold look at Ye Chenfeng, and some impatiently said.

"How? Don't worry?" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "If you don't worry, you will do it all, despite your hands."

"Okay, then I will wait to see, you are from that side!"

Magic and other people bite their teeth and cut their teeth. Because of some scruples, they never dared to start and waited.

But they don't know that Ye Chenfeng in front of him is just a mirror image of Ye Chenfeng's illusion. The real Ye Chenfeng has entered the Qiankun environment, following the worms in the space wormhole of the finger thickness.

The time passed, and it took another three days.

The masters of the tribes saw that the virtual gods who came to meet Ye Chenfeng had not appeared, and they smelled an unusual atmosphere.

"Seven elders, this Ye Chenfeng should not really be a bluff!" The white-haired old man said with a gloomy face.

"I let the people of the Tianzu people take a shot and test this leaf morning wind to explore his bottom!" The seven elders frowned and said, they told the Tiantian people to let them test the Ye Chenfeng. .

Although the masters of the Tianzu know, the risk and cost of the first shot, but the Tianzu is a branch of the gods, and they dare not violate the orders of the gods and can only be killed.

"Ye Chenfeng, what about your family? Why haven't you come, are they already giving up on you!"

A tall figure, wearing a crown, wearing a white mob, wearing a pair of golden boots, the strength of a man who is the best in the world, with a group of great talents into the Wangtian wine In the cabinet, Senran said.

And this man is not someone else, it is the Lord of the North, the spirit fish their enemies, the Lord of Heavenly Scorpio.

"The people of my family are coming soon. If you don't want to be killed, please don't let me go out, or I promise to destroy the first one!"

Ye Chenfeng looked sharply at the Lord of the Scorpio, and said he was overbearing.

"No, this leaf morning wind should be a bluff!" The seven-eyed old-eyed elder saw Ye Chenfeng's delay and continued to delay the time. The voice ordered: "Scorpio, don't be scared by him." , hands-on."


When I heard the command of the seven elders, the Lord of Scorpio showed a helpless smile, summoned a long gun with the grade of the next heavenly device, and attacked Ye Chenfeng.


A shot stabbed, Ye Chenfeng did not have a hard regret, but quickly ducked, and evaded his shot.

"Mom, we are all played, this Ye Chenfeng has a problem!"

Thinking of Ye Chenfeng's Azure Cloud with the fusion of ancestral symbols can kill, never sneak out of the attack of the Scorpio Lord, the seven elders are basically affirmed, there is a problem with Ye Chenfeng in front of him, directly killing in, illusion A terrible cover of the sky, swallowing the power of the terrible heaven, a palm print to the mirror image of Ye Chenfeng.

The mirror avatar has all the strengths of Ye Chenfeng, but there is no counterfeit card of Ye Chenfeng, which can't resist the attack of the four elders of the four stars.


The big handprints are falling, and the morning wind is broken like broken glass.

"Mom, this leaf morning wind is really fake!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng, which gradually turned into nothingness, the lungs of the seven elders and others were quickly blown up, and roared in the sky.

"Give me a search, this Ye Chenfeng should still be in the Battle City, that is to dig three feet, but also to find him out!"

The seven elders could not accept, and the fact that Ye Chenfeng slipped under the eyelids summoned the gods and masters, and searched for the whereabouts of Ye Chenfeng in the battlefield.

But the Battle City is too big, even if there are all the help of the various families, it is impossible to find all corners of the Battle City in a short time.

And Ye Chenfeng used the various ethnic groups to find their own time in the Battle City, and followed the worms to devour the space wormholes and came outside the Battlefield.

"Master, we left the Battle City!"

It took more than ten days to swallow up the space wormhole that left the Battle City, and the worms became extremely weak and rumored.

"Working hard!"

Ye Chenfeng controls the illusion of the illusion, transforms the body shape, quietly leaves the Qiankun environment, and flies to the distant starry sky at a very fast speed.

Because the battlefield is too vast, everyone’s attention is in the battlefield, so Ye Chenfeng’s departure has not been discovered by anyone.

After tens of days of continuous flight, Ye Chenfeng gradually moved away from the battlefields of the wind, the cranes and the grass, hiding in a slowly flowing meteorite.

"I don't know what is in this relic of the sky!"

It feels safe, Ye Chenfeng took out the relics of Azure Cloud, and controlled the brain to break into his ring.

"This is, Holy Crystal!"

Tianjing is the currency of Tianyu, and the currency of the virtual world is the more noble crystal.

Because Tianqing Yun is the most outstanding genius disciple of the Shentian people in the past 100 years, with a large number of sacred crystals, among which there are more than one hundred sacred crystals, and the middle sacred crystals are all versatile. Wan, this wealth is enough for Ye Chenfeng to squander the virtual world.

In addition to these precious sacred crystals, Ye Chenfeng also received a large number of Tongtian Shengdan, Tiandi spiritual materials and a large number of ancestral beasts and blood.

"Well, what is this?"

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng found a black box with a number of banned in the ring of Tianqingyun. When he took a lot of effort and broke the box, he found a longan in the box. The size, with a mysterious dandy pattern, exudes the medicinal herbs.

"Zhu Dan, this is the next product Zu Dan!"

Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain to distinguish this medicinal medicine, and unexpectedly discovered that this medicinal herb turned out to be an immeasurable value, and could not be found in Tianyu.

"Azure Cloud, thank you very much, even gave me such a big gift, I laughed!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled and re-sealed the black box.

A lower-grade Zu Dan, plus the Zhongpin Tongtian sacred eight murderous warfare, the Zhongpin Tongtian Shengbaotian Wheel, and a large number of Shengjing, Tongtian Shengdan, Ye Chenfeng killing the harvest of Azure Cloud too big.

He is going to practice on this rock for a while, and wait for the magic candle to break through to the realm of Samsung.

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