Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1718: Death Tree

Time flies, and soon a month has passed.

In this month, Ye Chenfeng lives with the brothers and sisters of Qiu Ling every day, and senses their changes through the brain.

Although in the middle of this month, the dead body in their bodies did not work again, but Ye Chenfeng clearly felt that they grew up in the body.

Inspired by the brain, there is no valuable clue for a month. Ye Chenfeng began to visit Qingshan Village, and carefully studied the dead ancient wood and eight pieces of rock in the village.

"Well, no, this ancient wood is a bit problem!"

Ye Chenfeng was sitting under the dead ancient wood for ten days and ten nights. He was not able to detect the suspicion by phasing the brain and brain again and again. Suddenly, one day, the sky was covered with clouds, and the downpour was heavy. The brain is faintly aware that this ancient wood is slowly consuming the moisture in the air.

If this ancient wood has already died, it will never absorb moisture, and it actively absorbs moisture, indicating that it has not died.

"I was confused, this ancient wood is not dead wood!"

Think of this, Ye Chenfeng summoned the chaotic **** wood, let the chaotic **** wood devour this ancient wood, and identify this ancient wood is life or death.


The chaotic **** wood is suspended in midair and constantly grows bigger. The swaying five-color canopy maps the chaotic five elements of light, which dissipates the dark clouds, and the five colors of the entire sky are rendered, and the sharp five-color roots must be extended, such as Li Jian. The general attack is to the dead ancient wood.

With the growth of Chaos Shenmu, its five-color roots must be able to penetrate through the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs, but the thorns on the dead ancient wood failed to break through its hard bark, which made Ye Chenfeng quite surprised. .

"Flocking the sword, breaking!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, summoned the magic sword, and slammed the dead ancient wood.

When the sharp and sharp swordsman slashed on the dead ancient wood, a powerful anti-seismic force formed in the sword of the demon sword, passed through the sword and passed into the arm of Ye Chenfeng, shocking him. There was a hint of numbness in the arm.

"What tree is this, the tree is so hard!"

Ye Chenfeng’s brows, I did not expect that the magic sword tip could not break the bark of the dead ancient wood.

"Magic, wake me up!"

Ye Chenfeng feels that this dead ancient wood is not simple in front of him, forcibly awakening the magic spirit in the sword.

"What do you wake me up?"

A lazy voice rang in the sword.

"Magic, do you know the origin of this ancient wood in front of you?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"Let me see!"

The devil is reluctant to float out of the magic sword, and comes to this seemingly dead ancient wood, around this ancient wood round and round.

"This, is this the death ghost tree of one of the top ten ancient trees, and it is still the death ghost tree of Dacheng!"

The magic has been flexible for countless years, and his knowledge has been extensive. Under his identification, he recognized the seemingly dead ancient woods and revealed a strong shock.

"Death Tree... You say it is a Death Tree!"

Although Ye Chenfeng has never seen the dead ghost tree, he has heard its name, death ghost tree, one of the top ten ancient trees in the universe, containing a powerful force of death, a nemesis of all living beings, where it grows. The grass is not born, and there is no survival of the soul.

"Maybe the death curse of the villagers in this village originated from this dead ghost tree!" Ye Chenfeng faintly found the truth of the death curse.

But after thinking about it, Ye Chenfeng has a problem again. The dead ghost tree destroys all life. There is no life at all. How can the villagers of Qingshan Village survive?

Thinking of this, Ye Chenfeng’s feeling is that the small mountain village that he accidentally passed through hides a big secret.

"The devil, the strongest attack on the magic sword, I have to break the bark of this dead ghost tree!"

Can you unravel the secrets of the small village? The dead ghost tree in front of you is the key. Ye Chenfeng takes a deep breath, burns the blood of Hongmeng, integrates the three treasures, and raises his own strength to the limit. The attack turned to this dead ghost tree.


The sword of the demon sword is on the tree of death ghosts. The power of more than three hundred ancestors is completely stimulated. It is combined with powerful morality and strength. The terrible swordsman forcibly breaks the hard bark of the dead ghost tree. .

Next, the five-color roots extended by Chaos Shenmu must be launched, broke into the severely damaged bark, and successfully entered the dead ghost tree, madly devour the spirituality of the dead ghost tree.


Destroyed by Chaos Shenmu, this dead tree that seems to have died has been revived. The horrible devil crying in the tree, a lot of death black gas rushes out of the ghost tree, as if the ghost hand of the claws , attacking the chaotic **** wood.

The death ghost tree has long been a great success, and the power contained is unimaginable, but Chaos is the most powerful **** in the universe, and it is difficult for the dead ghost tree to destroy it.

Chaos God shook the chaotic five elements of light, constantly weakening the attack of the dead ghost tree, madly swallowing the spiritual power contained in the ghost tree.

"Chaotic Shenmu, how can there be a chaotic **** wood here!"

The spiritual power contained in it is continually lost, and a sly face appears in the tree of death ghosts, mouth spit and angry roar.

"A sword is godless!"

The face of the dead ghost tree emerged, and Ye Chenfeng continued to push a powerful idea. A sword stabbed up and stabbed the ghost face. The terrible Jianwei constantly destroyed the ghost face and wanted to crack him.

"Humble humans, let me die!"

After being attacked, he completely angered the grimace. It was horrified, roaring in the sky, rolling in the ghosts and squirting out in his mouth, like a long river running through, smashing the attack of Ye Chenfeng, and he was born with him. The bombardment flew out.

"Two Great Spirits, Burning!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and pressed the breath of the body to summon two true spirits, burning to the dead tree, weakening its power.

"Humble humans, I want to destroy you!"

Grimace suddenly flew out of the dead ghost tree, turned into a dark and ink-like ghost, carrying a terrifying attack to Ye Chenfeng, wanting to kill him.

"Rewind, that is the spirit of the tree of death ghost trees, not what you can deal with!"

Ghosts hit, the voice of the demon immediately sounded in the sea of ​​Ye Chen Feng, and shouted loudly.

"Space is a must!"

Ye Chenfeng's face changed slightly, mobilizing the power of powerful space, forming a hundred space ban in front of him, resisting ghost attacks, and quickly withdrawing.


A ghost attack, the space formed by Ye Chenfeng is constantly broken, and the terrible death atmosphere swept over Ye Chenfeng, trying to kill him.

But the morning wind moved very fast, flashing a few kilometers between the blinks, and flashed away the ghost attack.

At this time, I heard the fierce fighting, and the villagers in Qingshan Village rushed over to see what happened.

"Don't come over, leave here, otherwise you will be dead!"

Looking at the Qingshan villagers who came running, Ye Chenfeng’s face changed slightly and shouted at them.

However, there are still a few people who venture into the ghost attack range, including Qiu Zifan.

"Humble humans, you really irritated me, I want everyone to die here!"

Ghosts and fierce roars, the power of death in the body is getting stronger and stronger, and instantly shrouded Yuqifan and others, criticizing their lives.

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