Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1719: The legend of the dead bird

"A sword is godless!"

Qiu Zifan and others are in danger. Ye Chenfeng raises his attack power to the limit. A sword stabbs into the darkness of the death storm, scratching the power of death, wanting to rescue Qiu Zifan and others. .

The spirit of the heart of the tree is terrible. Under the attack of the force of death released by him, Ye Chenfeng’s offensive has been greatly affected. It is impossible to welcome Qiu Zifan and others in the first place.

Looking at Qiu Zifan and others, they were killed by the spirit of the heart of the tree. Suddenly, in the eight corners of Qingshan Village, the singular stone rises up and rises into a sky, and it becomes a winged exhibition in Qingshan Village. Ten meters, the big bird that covers the sky, the sky is long, tearing the death storm, and saving Qiu Zifan and others.

"No bird, I know where it is!"

Looking at the eight big birds that are condensed and stoned, an ancient memory emerges from the sea of ​​magic souls.

"Where is this?" Ye Chenfeng said.

"It's too dangerous here, let's leave here and say it." The devil urged.


Ye Chenfeng’s amazing attack, tearing this devastating storm, and moving away from the dead ghost tree, came to a relatively safe place.

"Gongzi, what happened to my Qingshan Village, how is my brother!"

At this time, Qiu Ling ran over and asked with a nervous face.

"You can rest assured that your brother is fine, but you have hidden secrets in Castle Peak Village, and the death curse in your body is derived from this secret!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath: "Qiu Ling If you believe in me, take the villagers to leave Qingshan Village and go to the mountains to hide. I will try my best to break the death curse in your body."

"Okay, then everything is for the son!"

Qiu Ling bit his lip lightly, and immediately told the Qingshan villagers that they had left Qingshan Village with them, hiding in the mountains and paying attention to the changes in Qingshan Village.

"The devil, tell me all that you know!" After the departure of Qiu Ling and others, Ye Chenfeng asked with a heart.

"If I didn't guess wrong, here may be the place where the dead bird died, and the dead ghost tree is the treasure left by the Golden Wing Peng King, destroying the immortal bird!"

"Don't die? Jinshen Pengwang?" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly wrinkled: "Devil, you elaborate."

"In the ancient times, when the demon gods of the virtual gods were just born, they had born four great demon ancestors, namely the phoenix demon ancestor, the **** demon ancestor, the Jinpeng demon ancestor and the undead ancestor, and the phoenix demon ancestors had the strongest strength. Naturally, it becomes a demon, and leads a party. The demon ancestors represent the beast family and become the second demon king. The last demon of the demon family will be created between the Jinpeng Yaozu and the undead ancestors."

"In order to compete for the position of the demon, the two great ancestors struggled in the virtual world. Everyone was optimistic about the undead ancestors, optimistic that he became the third demon, but somehow, the undead ancestors suddenly lost momentum. , was chased by the Jinpeng Yaozu."

After that, there will be no information about the undead ancestors, and the Jinpeng ancestors became the third demon of the Yaozu!"

"The devil, you are so sure, here is the place where the undead ancestors died?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, I am basically sure that my guess is not wrong." Devil said: "The dead ghost tree is the top ten ancient wood, with unimaginable power, and the immortal ghost can counter it, lay the back hand The strength of human beings is absolutely terrifying. Also, the death ghost tree is very strange here. It seems that Jinpeng demon ancestors will kill the undead ancestors, and only the dead ghost trees can kill in the endless years. Undead ancestors."

"The devil, what do you think is the inheritance of the undead ancestors?" Ye Chenfeng did not expect the hidden secrets here to be so amazing, and the brows wrinkled into contemplation.

Although the place where the undead ancestors were buried is absolutely hidden, but he knows that it is too difficult to get the inheritance of the undead ancestors, and a little discomfort may be killed.

"In the ancient times, the undead ancestors disappeared. Many people searched the world for him. They wanted to get his undead, but no one got it. If it is the place where the undead ancestors lived, then he is very likely to Do not die to stay here!" Devil Road.

"Don't die? Can you learn not to die?" Ye Chenfeng asked with interest.

"No, the gods will die, how can the magical powers make people eternal!" Devil said: "The biggest role of undead is to recover. Whether you suffer multiple injuries, even if you only have one breath, you can let the undead power You recovered in an instant, this is also the biggest reliance of the undead ancestors who pressed the Jinpeng ancestors."

"There is such a supernatural power in the universe!" Ye Chenfeng could not help but **** a cold breath.

Learn to be like this, it means more than one life, and you can definitely turn the tide at a critical time.

"How is the heart moving?" Demon Road: "The heart is also normal, don't say you, even if the virtual gods are not dying, this is the magical power, but the greater the chance, the greater the risk, think of your strength. To get the inheritance of the dead bird, you must get its approval."

"Magic, how do you get approval for it?"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s strength is strong enough now, he is still weak in front of his ancestors.

"I think that the dead ghost tree is the key!" The devil continued: "If the undead ancestor is really dead, it must be related to the dead ghost tree, and if you can destroy the dead ghost tree to avenge him, it is very likely to get The recognition of the undead ancestors."

"And if you destroy the dead ghost tree, the undead ancestors don't approve of you, then you still don't want to pay attention to the undead ancestors, otherwise you will be dead!"

"Okay, then wait for the chaos to kill the dead ghost tree!"

Dacheng’s death ghost tree is terrible, but Ye Chenfeng believes that Chaos Shenmu is enough to kill it and wait patiently.

When waiting, the shadow of the dead bird and the spirit of the tree heart also fought to the stage of white heat, the terrible power swept the entire sky, shaking the sky and criss-crossing.

However, Castle Peak Village was under the pressure of eight blameless stone towns, but it was not affected, but there were several houses that were closer to the dead ghost trees.

"Chaos God, I don't want to destroy you, stop!"

The death ghost tree uses a variety of methods, can not destroy the chaotic **** wood, can not cut off the five-color roots must swallow it, feel the spiritual source is constantly lost, which makes it angry, constantly roaring the world.

In this regard, Chaos Shenmu still ignores it, continues to devour the dead ghost tree, bred the power of chaos, constantly growing and metamorphosing.

Because of the shadow of the dead bird and the spirit of the tree, the fierce battle between the chaotic **** wood and the dead ghost tree caused too much movement, and alerted many demon forces near Qingshan Village, so that they all came over. .

A moment, the quiet Qingshan Village became confused, and the rare demon that usually appeared in Qingshan Village became more complicated and tense.

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