Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1720: Chaotic God Wood Change

"Hey, kid, tell me, what happened here?"

A burly body, full of explosive muscles, with a long golden hair, strong demon in the body, the big man of the realm of Samsung demon is now standing on a tall meteorite on the edge of the village, and screams loudly. .

For the roar of this big demon, Ye Chenfeng turned a deaf ear and stood on the rock to continue to pay attention to the method in Qingshan Village.

After a few days of engulfing, he feels that Chaos Shenmu is about to complete the transformation, and when the chaos is completed, it will be the death of the dead ghost tree.

"Mom, you can't make a deaf ear, I am asking you, and then pretending to be dumb, I shred you!" The big demon is now Ye Chenfeng simply ignores himself, and is furious and warns.

"Are you talking to me?"

Ye Chenfeng slowly turned around, and the eyes of the two scorpions shot a sharp light like a knife, stabbing the eyes of the big demon, giving him a feeling of being worn by a thousand light swords. His face was pale. One point, a sweat on the forehead.

"Let me roll before I fire, otherwise I will twist your head!"

Ye Chenfeng’s indifferent warning, turned back and waited tightly.


When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s warning, the sturdy big man’s throat couldn’t help but roll, and there was a sense of guilt in his heart.

However, although he left, he was going to confuse other demon people to come to the trouble of Ye Chenfeng. Soon, there were more than a dozen great demons around Ye Chenfeng, surrounded him. .

"Kid, I heard that you know what is happening in the village. If you don't want to die, tell me, otherwise..."

A big leopard dressed in leopard skin, looking at Ye Chenfeng, cold warning, but his words have not been finished, a sharp sword mans shot Ye Chenfeng body With a few times the light, he penetrated his throat.


His head was shattered by this sword light, turning into a **** fog, and the soul was smashed and dissipated between heaven and earth.


When the man in the leopard skin fell in the pool of blood, he completely angered more than a dozen powerful demons. They burned powerful blood and changed into the strongest fighting form. Ye Chenfeng, wants to work together to make him simmer, forcing the situation inside me.

"Looking for death!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and a sword with a handle stalked and swept out of his body, and turned into a Qiankun sword array on his head.

The eternal Tiangong was looted, and Ye Chenfeng gathered five hundred of the best spirits of the Holy Spirit, greatly enhancing the power of the Qiankun sword array.

Under his attack on the Qiankun sword array, more than a dozen big demons near him were killed, blood, and broken limbs scattered all over the place.


Ye Chenfeng opened his mouth and spit out the true spirit of the Holy Fire. He merged the bodies of these big demons and stood on the rock to continue waiting.

Seeing Ye Chenfeng's hot and sultry means, completely shocked the other big demon who came, so that they did not dare to approach Ye Chenfeng, and some people passed the beads to spread the things here.

"Kids, this is a bit out of line with your personality. You didn't even kill them, and let them spread the news!" The devil asked with some surprise.

"The immortal inheritance is very important to me. If the dead bird does not recognize me, I can only use other methods!" Ye Chenfeng responded with a faint voice.

"You want to borrow the hands of the Yaozu, get the inheritance of the dead birds, and then grab them from their hands?" The magic suddenly understood the meaning of Ye Chenfeng.

"This is the worst hindrance. If I can't enter the inheritance of the dead bird, I can only use the external force!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"You kid is really sinister, but I like it." The devil smiled gloomyly.

After another seven days, suddenly, there was a huge shadow in the sky. One wing stretched over a hundred meters, and a crown was suspended in the top of the head. The double scorpion was like electricity. The golden eagle with the claws sharply caught the mountain appeared in the void. .

"The big demon of the six-star demon kingdom!"

Feeling the strength of the Golden Eagle, Ye Chenfeng still has no change in expression on his face, and continues to sense the change of Chaos.

"The Golden Eagle King is coming, the kid is dead!"

"Yes, I don't know where the wild boy is, dare to kill the golden eagle's men, really impatient!"

Looking at the huge golden eagle flying in the sky, many of the demon people hiding in the distance can reveal the color of surprise, and the more cold the eyes look at Ye Chenfeng.

"That, what is that?"

The Golden Eagle King looked through the chaotic space, watching the fiercely killed undead, the spirit of the tree, and the two repelling gods, and the greedy color immediately appeared in the round eyes.

But the destructive power caused by the fierce battle between the dead bird and the heart of the tree is too horrible, letting it be scrupulous, flying to the entrance of the village and finding Ye Chenfeng.

"Human family?" The Golden Eagle King turned out to be human, and looked at Ye Chenfeng far away. Now he has no trace of demon, and the killing in his eyes is even stronger: "You are courageous, dare to mix into my demon." Family, killing my demon big demon, I see you are really impatient."

"But the demon king can give you a chance to live and tell me what happened inside?"

"The big demon in the six-star demon realm, is your demon no one?"

Although the six-star demon master is already a big man in the demon domain, but in Ye Chenfeng's eyes, it is not enough. He looks at the golden eagle king who walks step by step, disdainfully said.

"Looking for death!"

Ye Chenfeng's contempt completely angered the Golden Eagle King. It screamed in anger and summoned a rifle of the highest level of the true spirit, turned into a golden light, and the power of the astonishing thorns to Ye Chenfeng.

"Is it really want to hurt me?"

The body is cultivated into the realm of great perfection. Ye Chenfeng’s body is comparable to the half-passing sacred device. The best real spirit can not hurt him.

He stepped out in a step, and instantly appeared on the ground, waving his flesh and blood fists to meet the golden gun that the Golden Eagle King stabbed.


When Ye Chenfeng’s fist touched the sharp golden gun tip, the force of tens of billions of pounds exploded. The terrible force directly bent the long gun in the hands of the Golden Eagle King, shaking his arm and shaking his skin. .


The Golden Eagle King did not think that the power of Ye Chenfeng was so terrible, his face changed, and he decided to change his mind.

But this time, a red sky flies out of the leaves of the morning sea, the holy sword spirit is like a red sky waterfall falling from the sky, a sword smashed to the head of Golden Eagle.

"St. Spirit Soul!"

Looking at the holy sword spirit from the day, the Golden Eagle King three souls scared the two souls, holding the best real spirit holy gun to defend.

But the power of the holy sword spirit is too horrible, the best real spirit holy gun can not resist, and the sword of the holy sword is opened, and the power is not reduced to the golden eagle king.


The Golden Eagle King had a desperate voice, and the whole body was opened by the holy sword spirit, turning into a **** fog and killing on the spot.

Ye Chenfeng summoned the holy sword spirit, and when the Golden Eagle King was killed, Chaos Shenmu finally completed the qualitative change, the tree heart became great, and the whole tree became a multicolored color. The power also crossed the Tongtian Shengbao and had the ancestors. The power of the device.

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