Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1755: Amazing Big Bang

"Sure enough, the Mozu people blocked the space around the tomb of Taixu, but is this useful?"

Ye Chenfeng hides the breath and quietly approaches the tomb of Taixu. He feels that the tomb of Taixu is full of a strong prohibition, blocking the star field around the tomb of Taixu.

Although the means of the three great ancestors are amazing, the starry ban under the cloth is extremely powerful, but it cannot stop Ye Chenfeng.

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and raised the speed of the undead wings to the limit. He made a shadow in the sky, and the speed of the sky was banned.


The sound of the road broke.

Ye Chenfeng borrowed the attack power of the unbroken double wings and directly penetrated the heavy starry sky. He broke into the dark fog and covered the space, and the space was disordered, hiding the outer space of the tomb of Taixu.

When he broke into the outer space of the tomb of Taixu, the three great ancestors such as Konjac Mountain felt it in the first time.

"Is that kid not to be killed? At this time, the tomb of the emptiness!"

The brows of Konjac Mountain are tightly screwed together. As a Samsung ancestor, he tried to cross the turbulent space around the tomb of Taixu and entered the tomb of Taixu, but eventually failed, so In his opinion, Ye Chenfeng’s move is no different from finding death.

"Three elders, I feel that the human race kid is not simple, he suddenly broke into the outer space of the tomb of Taixu, I am afraid there is a reliance!" The four elders screamed and frowned.

"Yes, the Terran kid is suspected of having passed down the undead ancestors. Without absolute certainty, he should not be insured. I think we are still adventurously killing!" Six elders nodded and nodded. Attached road.

"Okay, then we will enter the outer tomb of Taixu, use the complicated space environment inside to kill him!" The magical mountain pondered and decided, along with the four elders, the six elders Breaking into the outer space of the tomb of Taixu, chasing Ye Chenfeng.

Into the outer space of the tomb of Taixu, where the space is extremely unstable, Ye Chenfeng immediately took out the map of the tomb of Taixu from Yi Tianjun, and identified the map by comparing the surrounding environment and terrain. True or false.

"This map should be true!"

Under the sensation of the brain, I found that the terrain marked by the map in hand is almost the same as the surrounding environment. The inner heart is dark and hi, with this map, his chances of unlocking the secret of the Tomb of Taixu will be greatly enhanced.

According to the map, Ye Chenfeng quickly fanned his wings and crossed the heavy black fog, flashing the danger marked on the map, and quickly approaching the tomb of Taixu.


Ye Chenfeng flew in the heavy fog for more than an hour, and a fierce roar rang.

One body is only black, with a wingspan of more than three meters. There is a sharp one-horned horn on the forehead. The sharp-winged bat flies out from the violently tumbling black fog, and the extremely fast attack is directed at Ye Chenfeng.

"St. Spirit Soul, Destroy!"

Looking at the speed of flying, releasing the black bat attacked by powerful sound waves, Ye Chenfeng summoned the holy sword spirit of the highest level of the heavenly sacred weapon, intertwined with a red sword shadow, strangling a Only a close black bat.

The black bats outside the tomb of Taixu are of good strength, almost reaching the level of the ancestors, flying faster than lightning, but the holy swordsman attacks faster, constantly smashing the body of the black bat, will They are twisted into pieces.

Under the time of the semi-column, nearly 100 black bats besieged by the morning breeze were strangled by the holy swordsman. A large amount of blood was filled in the dark fog, attracting a lot of monsters and besieging the morning wind.

Continuously attacked by the monsters, Ye Chenfeng lost patience and poured powerful ideas into the unbroken wings, inspiring the attacking power of the undead wings, and evolved into a sword-like feather like a sword. Through the intercepted monsters, continue to fly in the direction of the tomb of Taixu.


Ye Chenfeng borrowed his wings and killed many unknown monsters. When he flew for several hours, his keen sense suddenly felt dangerous in the space ahead, and he did not die.

The moment he was dodging, the cracks in the space of an extended number appeared, releasing the formidable power of destruction and destroying the entire space.

"Call, good insurance!"

Although Ye Chenfeng has an artifact that does not die, he will also be hit hard if he is swallowed by space cracks.

When he fled the sensation of the brain, he quickly realized the danger and made him have to dodge again.

In a fragrant time, Ye Chenfeng made dozens of dodgings in succession, dodging dozens of terrible space cracks, but in the dodge, his flight speed continued to decrease greatly.

When Ye Chenfeng forcibly marched in the chaotic space of crisis, the speeding brain suddenly felt the danger approaching him.

"I didn't expect them to really catch up!"

Feeling the atmosphere of Konjac Mountain and others, Ye Chenfeng’s mouth was slightly upturned, and a cold smile appeared. He glanced at the map and locked an extremely dangerous place marked by the map.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng casts a mirror image, splits the mirror, and flies to the place at a very fast speed.

And his body is hiding in the Qiankun environment, and it is well hidden.


Ye Chenfeng mirrored his body and forced himself through the fragile space. When he was close to the dangerous land, Konjac Mountain relied on absolute strength, narrowed the distance between the mirror and the avatar, and mobilized the powerful force of the Tao.

Under the release of the Taoist Mountain, the fragile space is constantly broken, revealing a crack that contains the power of destruction, swallowing it to the mirror.

In a chaotic space, the mirror is flying fast, not afraid of death, and slowly approaching the dangerous place hidden in the fragile space.

"Humanity juniors, today you can't fly!"

The 珏 珏 瞳 一 , , , , 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏

Following the konjac, the magic spin also sent a devastating blow at this moment, the terrible power collapsed the space in the square circle, and the chaotic space that was shattered.


Unable to withstand the Zuwei attack released by the three konjac mountains, Ye Chenfeng’s mirrored rupture broke the road and cracked into space, and the flight speed was greatly affected.


Looking at the cracks on the surface of Ye Chenfeng’s body, the three people in the magical experience with extreme combat experience felt a bit wrong.

As they hesitated, the bruised mirrors smashed into a dangerous place not far away.


Under the full-scale attack of the mirror, the dangerous land broke down. One of the energy that made the three people of the Konjac Mountain feel the horror erupted, and instantly annihilated the three people.

"Not good, flash!"

The three faces of Konjac Mountain changed greatly, and they tried to dodge.

But this power is too horrible. It instantly destroys the space of hundreds of miles, destroying the body of the three people, forcing them to continually play a life-saving card and defend their defense.

I don’t know how long it has been. The three people in the konjac mountain rely on their powerful strength to tear the power of destruction and escape from the ascension.

But they have escaped, but their life-saving cards are almost exhausted, and they are traumatized to varying degrees.

Among them, the konjac arms were smashed, and the whole body meridians broke more than half, while the six elders had more serious injuries, and the flesh was almost shattered. Only half of the life was left, and it was brought out by the **** vague konjac mountain. , returned a life.

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