Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1756: Tomb of Tomb of the Dead

"Three great ancestors, I hope you are satisfied with this gift!"

After hearing the sound of the explosion in the distance, Ye Chenfeng showed a cold smile, fanning the undead wings, and continued to fly toward the tomb of Taixu.

According to the map, Ye Chenfeng crossed the turbulent space and continued to kill the dangers of the tomb outside Taixu. It took three days and three nights and finally came outside the tomb of Taixu.

"This is the tomb of Taixu!"

Looking at the illusory reality, flowing with the faint shadow of powerful streamer, Ye Chenfeng could not help but reveal a hint of dignified color. He felt that the stream of the tomb that was overshadowed was terrible enough to threaten himself.

"Where is the entrance to this tomb?"

Looking at the erratic, like a wild animal, giving a dangerous feeling to the tomb of the virtual, Ye Chenfeng did not dare to approach easily, control the deliberate devotion, the amplitude of the soul, penetrate into the heavy ban In the middle, look for the entrance to the tomb of Taixu.

The brains and brains were deduced for more than one hour. Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened his eyes. The four holy road maps sprayed out his body. He gathered on his head and turned into a powerful sky. The big hand, with the terrible power of destruction, was printed on the tomb of Taixu, and wanted to blast the entrance to the tomb of Taixu.


After the big heavenly road map evolution, the big-handed attack, the prohibition around the tomb of Taixu suddenly fluctuated sharply, and countless black streamers seemed to be a very fast meteor shower, blasting to the leaves Morning wind.

"Do not die, wings, loose!"

Feeling the horrible black stream, Ye Chenfeng immediately burned the blood of Hongmeng, raised the amplitude of the undead wings to the limit, desperately fled to the distance, and evaded the attack of the black meteor shower.

The moment he was completely dodging, the position he was in was just smashed by a black meteor shower with a huge black hole, and the terrible power destroyed everything.

"Fantasy brain deduction failed!"

Ye Chenfeng’s brows were slightly wrinkled. I didn’t expect that the brain was actually pushing the wrong entrance of the tomb of Taixu. He waited for the tomb of Taixu to gradually calm down, and then carefully approached the past, controlling the mind to continue. Deduction.

"Well, no, there is nothing wrong with the position of the brain!"

Ye Chenfeng repeatedly played a day or so, as if after confirmation, he felt that there was nothing wrong with the position of the brain, and the location of his own attack was the entrance to the tomb of Taixu.

"It seems that I should not have enough attack power to penetrate the entrance to the tomb of Taixu!"

Ye Chenfeng pondered for a moment, summoning the magic candle dragon, the peacock king and other helpers, ready to gather the power of everyone, tearing the entrance to the tomb of Taixu.

"The Way to the Imperial!"

Ye Chenfeng summoned the birth of the dead disk, played the way of the royal device, activated the ancestral pattern in the life and death disk, instantly raised the power of the life and death disk to the limit, venting the power of life and death, controlling the life and death attack To the entrance to the tomb of Taixu.

The moment of the attack of the dead and the dead, the chaotic **** Mu, the holy sword spirit also attacked the entrance to the tomb of Taixu at the same time.

And the gods of the candle dragon, the peacock king and others have also exerted the strongest attack, bombarding the entrance to the tomb of Taixu.


At the same time, the strongest attack by Ye Chenfeng and others, the ban of the tomb of Taixu trembled fiercely, and the black streamer flowing around the tomb of Taixu ruptured continuously, cracking a dark space. crack.

"Let's go!"

The space crack appeared, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the magic candle dragon and other people back to the Qiankun, and turned into a streamer, which was very risky and rushed into the space crack.


At the moment when Ye Chenfeng rushed into the crack of the space, he felt the power of the space he imagined coming from all directions, squeezing him to him and trying to squeeze him into pieces.

"Do not die, double defense, full defense!"

With the suffocating space pressure, Ye Chenfeng controls the inexhaustible force to continuously blend into the unbroken wings, enhance the power of the undead wings, protect the body and desperately end to the space crack. Fly away.

But the space pressure in the space crack is too great, even if there is an undead winged body, he still can't stand it, the bones of the whole body have a road crack, and a lot of blood has penetrated the skin.

"The power of space, weakness!"

Looking at the fact that Ye Chenfeng was squeezed and deformed, the flight degree was slow and slow. He pushed the brain to the brain and applied space rules. The space rule weakened the pressure on his space.

After about three hours, Ye Chenfeng, who had been struggling, finally crossed the crack of space and fell into the tomb of Taixu, shrouded in thick black fog.

"Huh, finally came in!"

It’s blood, and the squeezing and deformed Ye Chenfeng breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the ground filled with death, and gasping for breath.

Recalling the scene just now, Ye Chenfeng still has a lingering fear. If he does not have an undead winged body, he does not understand the five-fold realm of space rules. He may have died in a terrible space crack.

Ye Chenfeng lay on the ground, controlling the soul of the soul to recover for several hours, healed the body injury, slowly stood up and looked around the space.

Dead, he is now filled with dark smoke in the tomb of Taixu, filled with deep air, constantly through his pores, into his body, eroding his internal organs.

But under the guardian of Chaos Shenmu, the dead air in the tomb of Taixu had no effect on him. He took out the topographic map, determined the position, and followed the map to fly to the depths of the Tomb of Taixu.

"Before the organic edge!"

According to the map, Ye Chenfeng is not far from the front, but the location is not dangerous.

Although Ye Chenfeng is still unclear, Samsung is dangerously difficult, but the strongest difficulty marked on the map is only five stars. It is obvious that the danger of Samsung is not the same.


Ye Chenfeng flew for a while, and a shrill cry of ghosts suddenly sounded. The extremely deductive brain was not far from the front and felt the danger approaching him.

"Bloody, come out!"

Blood scorpion is a ghost-like person. He has the means of refining the ghosts and gods. He moves his mind and summons bloody, letting him deal with the ghosts in the tomb of Taixu, and grow himself by the power of ghosts and gods.

Breakthrough to a star and ghost, the **** strength becomes extremely terrible. Faced with hundreds of ghosts who have no legs, float in midair, face and murderous spirits, he is not afraid, constantly showing ghosts. Powerful inheritance, holding the heavenly device, killing the ghosts who besieged him, refining the power of ghosts.

Under the full **** attack, a large number of ghosts are dying out, and the pure powers they have formed are all swallowed up by blood and strengthen their own strength.

Soon, under the **** road, Ye Chenfeng came to the tomb of Taixu, a tall tombstone standing on the cemetery with a wide area and a chilling atmosphere. The land of Samsung.

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