Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1757: God Heaven Crown

"The gods and gods, died in the calendar of 1,763,300 years, the realm of Taozu..."

Looking at the words on the tall tombstone, Ye Chenfeng showed a hint of unexpected color. He did not expect that the burial in this tomb was actually a **** of the Taoist realm.

"The candle dragon predecessor, I have appeared in the tomb of Taixu in the tomb of your demon family!" Ye Chenfeng moved his mind and summoned the demon candle dragon.

"The ancestors of Vientiane, he was buried in the tomb of Taixu!"

Looking at the words on the tombstone, the demon candlelight reveals a surprise color.

Although the magic candle dragon has lived countless years, compared with the Vientiane who died before 17.6 million years ago, he can only be regarded as a descendant, and Vientiane is famous in the gods and demons. One of the masters of the ancestral environment.

If it is not for Vientiane to suddenly disappear after breaking into the ancestral lands, he is very likely to become the mainstay of the demon family, greatly enhancing the overall strength of the demon family.

When the year disappeared with Vientiane, there was also the goddess of the gods and demons.

"Predecessors, we jointly broke the tomb to see if the Tibetan territory is the body of the gods and gods!" Looking at the enchanted magic candle dragon, Ye Chenfeng proposed.


God magic candle dragon took a deep breath, returned to God, holding the best invincible sword, and with the morning air bombarded to the tomb of the gods and gods.


Affected by Ye Chenfeng and the **** magic candle dragon, the tall tombstone trembled abruptly, suddenly broke away from the ground, with tens of billions of kilograms of power and forbidden light, suppressed to Ye Chenfeng and the magic candle Dragon.

"Life and death, broken!"

The tombstones of several dozen feet were suppressed, and Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the life and death disk to greet him, exploding the power of destruction and smashing the tombstone.

At the moment when the tombstone was broken by the life and death disk, the magical candle dragon held the invincible sword and smashed into the huge tomb group. The tomb group was banned and the tomb was made with special materials. gap.

The grave was ruptured, and a powerful death scent vented out of the tomb, darkening the entire space.

The next moment, a huge hand explored the gap in the tomb and slowly revealed a huge face.

"Vientiane ancestor, really the ancestors of Vientiane!"

Looking out of the body, with a giant face of a **** crown, the magic candle dragon recognizes it at a glance. He is the ancestor of the Vientiane that has disappeared countless years. His appearance is exactly the same as that of the ancient books of the gods.

But the miracle of the gods at this time has already become a cockroach that only knows how to kill, and from the breath of his body, his strength is equivalent to the ultimate ambiguity of the one-star ancestor, bringing Ye Chenfeng and others to There is no small threat.

"Samsung's chance is the ultimate ambition of a star, and the four-star chance and the five-star chance are not even more terrible!" Ye Chenfeng had a vague understanding of the dangers in the tomb of Taixu.

"Break the ancestors to sleep, die!"

The gods and sorrows opened their **** red eyes, and they shot two **** lights, full of killing atmosphere.

"Abominable, what power is eroding the ancestors, and turning him into a cockroach!"

Looking at the murderous gods and gods, the face of the demon candle dragon becomes very ugly. He feels that the tomb of the emptiness is not simple, and absolutely hides the mystery of the sky.

"Be careful!"

When the gods of the candle are hesitating, the big hands of the gods and the green hairs suddenly sneak out, and they have evolved a powerful dead air and caught the gods.

Seeing the magic candle dragon is dangerous, Ye Chenfeng summoned the original road tires, and controlled the original road tires in front of the gods and monsters, and smashed a powerful magical fist, such as a meteor. The attack that resists the magic of God.


Two powerful forces collided together and suddenly produced a powerful blasting force that shook the entire space and trembled.

"Life and death disk, give me broken!"

When the gods and the Vientiane and the original road tires are fiercely attacking, Ye Chenfeng has evolved into four great holy road maps, which turned into endless morality and melted into the life and death disk, stimulating the strongest power of life and death. Killed to the gods and gods.

The life and death disk released the force of life and death, and a rusted spear appeared in the hands of the gods and magical, stabbed hard and stabbed on the life and death plate.

In a hurry, over 700 billion kilograms of power exploded, madly attacking the life and death disk, hard to resist the attack of the life and death disk.

"Chaotic God Wood, Holy Spirit Soul, Attack!"

When the life and death disk was resisted by the gods and monsters, Ye Chenfeng used two killings in succession to attack the gods and destroy the attack.

When Ye Chenfeng tried his best to attack, the magical candle dragon held the invincible sword and smashed it.

The knives of all the exterminations are constantly falling, fiercely attacking the gods and gods, wanting to break his body and hit him.


Suddenly, the demon crown worn on the head of the gods and heroes maps the endless defensive light, resisting the continuous slashing of the gods and the chaotic gods, the attack of the holy sword.

"A strong defense!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the demon and the defensive power of the gods and gods were so terrible, the attack of Chaos Shenmu could resist, revealing the unexpected color.

The gods and gods crowns solved the attack of Ye Chenfeng and the **** magic candle dragon, and the magical magic and the **** magic crown merged together.

At the moment when they were united, the power of the gods and gods climbed up, and instantly crossed the star of the Taoist ancestors, reaching the realm of the two-star ancestors.

"The Way to the Imperial!"

The moment when the power of the gods and monsters increased, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to play the way of the imperial device, which aroused more than 10,000 ancestral patterns in the life and death, and the most powerful attack hit the gods and gods.

Under the strongest attack of the life and death disk, the large space is shattered, and the defense of the Devil's Crown is broken. The unmatched life and death are bombarded on the body of the demon, breaking his, and will be him. The bombardment flew out.

The gods and monsters were smashed by the birth and death. The original road tires, the magical candle dragon also moved the strongest attack, bombarding the broken body of the gods and monsters, aggravating his physical injuries and weakening his combat power.

"Hey, you give me to die!"

The injury has been aggravated, completely angering the gods and gods. He ignores the physical injury and merges with the fierce attack of the demon crown.

But the four great masters mastered by Ye Chenfeng are extremely powerful, and they are constantly attacking with the gods and gods by the power of the ancestors.

"Chaos God, suppression!"

With the aggravation of the gods and gods, Chaos Shenmu flew to the top of the gods under the control of Ye Chenfeng’s mind, suddenly extending a powerful five-color root must, entangled the gods and crowns, and suppressed The power of the demon crown.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng, the original road tire, the magic candle dragon continued to attack him fiercely, fully suppressing his offensive, adding to his physical injury.

The confrontation between the four is getting more and more fierce. The terrible attack constantly destroys the entire space and destroys the desolation of the earth.

In the morning of Ye Chenfeng's control of the four great ancestors, with the original birthplace, the magical candle dragon attacked all the way, the magical magic began to break, and the offensive was completely suppressed.

"Chaotic Shenmu, life and death disk, double suppression!"

When the gods and monsters were attacked by a heavy attack, Ye Chenfeng controlled the Chaos Shenmu and the life and death disk to suppress it, directly suppressing him in a body full of strong death.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng appeared next to the head of the size of the gods and magical discs. He tried to search for the soul by using his mind and wanted to know the secret of the tomb of Taixu through him.

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