Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1758: The secret of the tomb of Taixu

"Well, this power... This magical image has not yet completely become awkward!"

The power of the brain is eroding into the sea of ​​the gods and spirits. It is found that his soul is very chaotic, and it is very difficult to search for souls.

However, when Ye Chenfeng tried it again and again, he unexpectedly felt that the gods and gods still tried to keep a clear sigh, but the power of death that invaded his soul sea was too strong, and he was eating a little bit of it. wide awake.

With this discovery, Ye Chenfeng was so happy that he decided to try to wake up the miracle of the gods, and he might know the secret of the tomb of Taixu from his mouth.

"Chaotic God Wood, swallowing magic!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts move, control the chaotic **** wood to extend tens of thousands of five-color roots, break into the sea of ​​the gods and magical spirits, forcibly devour the magic of his soul, and awaken the deep knowledge of Vientiane.

"Deep the mind, keep the soul!"

Chaos Shenmu swallowed the magical spirit of the gods and spirits in the sea, and was met with fierce resistance. Ye Chenfeng feared that this resistance was too strong, tore the soul of the gods, and control the minds of the gods. His soul and the last point are sober.

About five days or so, under the continuous efforts of Ye Chenfeng, the magical power in the sea of ​​the gods and gods continued to weaken, and Ye Chenfeng gradually awakened the gods who lost their self-consciousness and became a walking dead.

"God and magic, wake up!"

Ye Chenfeng screamed and forcibly awakened the last trace of Qingming in the sea of ​​the gods and gods.

"Who is who wakes me up!"

The gods and gentlemen opened their eyes slowly, sat up, looked at Ye Chenfeng and the gods of the candle, and made a thick voice, shaking the whole space constantly shaking.

"Vientiane ancestor, you woke up!"

The demon candle dragon has widened his eyes and revealed an incredible color. I did not expect that Ye Chenfeng would wake up the sorrowful gods and gods.

"You are a god!"

Feeling the blood in the body of the demon candle dragon, the eyes of the demon and the gray eyes reveal a fascinating look and whisper.

"Well, I am a demon, born in the calendar more than 90 million years ago." The magic candle dragon said slowly as he held his inner excitement.

"Well, I didn't expect to see my people of the same family when my life was still alive. It was not thin to treat me!" The magical and magical eyes revealed a rare smile.

"Predecessors, how did you get here, and how did you become awkward, can you tell us the true secret of this tomb?" Ye Chenfeng answered the words and wanted to marry the demon When Vientiane is still awake, ask the secret of Tomb of Tomb.

"Tomorrow of Tomb... This is actually a trap, a trap!" The gods and sorrows meditated, and the stone broke.

"Trap, trap..." Ye Chenfeng reveals the color of the accident: "Predecessors, can you give us a detailed answer."

"Well, look at you who have awakened me. He is also a member of my demon family. I will tell you what happened to me in the past. I hope that you can leave here alive!" The gods and gods took a deep breath. Fall into deep memories.

"I broke through to the realm of the ancestors, and I accidentally learned the existence of the tomb of Taixu. I came here with my goddess, the goddess of the gods, and wanted to get the big chance in the tomb of Taixu. Further enhance the strength, but who once thought that the tomb of Taixu is actually a big conspiracy, a big trap, I struggled hard to get here, and when I was looking for a big chance, I was controlled by a person who claimed to be a **** of death! Vientiane Road.

"Death...who is that?" Ye Chenfeng said with amazement.

"Death claimed to be the apostle of the Protoss. He established the tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb. He wanted to attract a large number of masters to come and control them. With a lot of masters, he cultivated a kind of death magic, and the **** of death. The strength is extremely horrible. I used the strength of my power to win the crown of the gods. He was hit hard by him only in a few rounds. He was controlled by him."

"The predecessors, as far as you know, how many people were controlled by him in ancient times?" Ye Chenfeng did not think that there was such an evil existence in the tomb of Taixu, and there was a slight uneasiness in the depths of his heart.

"A lot and a lot!" The gods and gods continued: "Many people were directly sucked into people, and the reason why I was not sucked by him was awkward because he was ready to **** me, suddenly A big enemy came in and he was hit hard."

"Great enemy!" Ye Chenfeng brows a glimpse: "Predecessors, who do you know the enemy of the **** of death?"

"The enemy of death is the sacredness of God. It is the power of the Protoss to step into the virtual world. In that battle, they fought and fell apart, and eventually they lost both! But after the war, the deadly death will us. Refining has become a cockroach, and he has fallen into a deep sleep, and has not appeared yet!"

"That said, death may not die!" Ye Chenfeng said with a dignified face.

"Death is the power of the six-star gods. It is not so easy to die. I think he should sleep in the depths of the tomb of Taixu and recover his own injuries!"

"For the predecessors, you know, what is the big chance in the tomb of Taixu?"

There was a death in the tomb of Taixu, and Ye Chenfeng’s heart was resigned, and asked.

"I don't know the real chance in the tomb of Taixu, but what is certain is that there are more artifacts in the tomb of Taixu, and there is more than one. And there should be a lot of energy that the **** of death did not refine in the past. As for Other opportunities, I am not clear!" God of the Vientiane.

"Ancestral, energy!"

Ye Chenfeng’s brows are tightly screwed together, thinking about whether to take risks.

"Come, come over!" When Ye Chenfeng fell into meditation, the magical singer called the candle dragon: "The younger generation, after I die, I hope that you can bring my bones back to the demon family, will me Where is the burial, let me return to my hometown."

"Well, I will bring the ancestors' bones back to my ancestral homeland and bury them there!" The magic candle dragon feels that the fire of life in the body of God is about to go out, knowing that he is not much time, point Nodded and promised.

"Thank you!" The gods and gods nodded and said with gratitude: "Before dying, let me send you a big chance."

Speaking, the gods and gods gave the gods and gods crowns to the gods, and they used the secret method to forcibly consolidate the blood and energy of the body, and poured them directly into his body, raising him. The strength directly allowed him to step into the semi-ancestry.

"Senior, I have integrated the essence of my body into your body, as long as you refine, enough to make you cross the last step, break through to the realm of the ancestors!"

The hair turned pale, the mountain-like body became withered, and the **** of life was about to extinguish.

"Thank you for your ancestors!"

God Magic Candle Dragon knows the difficulty of the level of the **** level across the ancestral realm, and knows the preciousness of this opportunity. It can be said that the magical act of the gods is to use life to fulfill himself. His legs are slamming and rushing to life. The devastating gods and monsters smashed three heads.

"You listen to me a persuasion. With your strength, it is not enough to find out the secrets of the tomb of Taixu. You should leave as soon as possible!" said, the life of the gods and gods disappeared, he quietly Sitting quietly on the ground, staying for a while, and dying.

ps: The appearance of the spirit fish growing up on Saturday, the friend who wants to see plus the WeChat public number: ylty83, and everyone to help the public number below the advertisement, thank you!

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