Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1764: 神道虚

"This is the dragon of the top ten ancient woods!"

Forcibly crossing the entrance of the space, Ye Chenfeng came to an independent space with extremely strong aura. In the center of this space, there is a plant that grows like a dragon, with a thick trunk, a crown, and a strong dragon. Ancient wood.

This ancient wood is the **** of the top ten ancient woods in the universe, second only to the existence of the three gods.

Under the Shenlongmu, hovering in a man wearing a dark gold robes, covered in a robes, without a trace of breath, as if he had already died.

I don't know why, when Ye Chenfeng looked at the man under the dragon wood from afar, he felt a strong danger from his dead body, as if he didn't die, he might take his life at any time.

After waiting for a while, Ye Chenfeng found that the ancient man did not follow, hesitated and repeatedly, holding the magic sword, suspended in the top of the chaos, and slowly approached him with the original tire.

"Zumai, the ancestral atmosphere!"

Before the man under the tree, Ye Chenfeng showed the color of the accident, and the speeding brain of the gods felt the ancestral veins under the dragon wood.

And this ancestral pulse is extremely powerful, far more than the Qingtian, the ancestral ancestors of the Tianzu, if the original birthplace can be swallowed, it can definitely cross the horizon of the two-star ancestors.

Shenlongmu, Zumai is very attractive to Ye Chenfeng, but Ye Chenfeng does not act rashly.

At this point, his attention is on the man under the tree, wanting to know if he is dead or alive.

"Hung Meng's blood, Chaos Shenmu, interesting, I did not expect that I have waited for countless years, even waiting for a enchanting!"

Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain to penetrate into the man's body. Suddenly, a thick voice rang in the sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng. This sound was strong and the soul of Ye Chenfeng shook.

"You, you are not dead!"

Ye Chenfeng’s face changed slightly, and he couldn’t help but step back three steps, showing a vigilant color.

"You don't want to be nervous, if I want to kill you, you are already dead!" The man's voice continued to sound in the sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng.

"Predecessors are sacred?"

Ye Chenfeng stared at the man and suddenly had a thought in his mind.

"I didn't expect you to know me. It seems that you have a relationship with my Protoss!" Shen Dao suddenly opened his closed eyes, and two dazzling lights slammed into Ye Chenfeng's body, peeping Everything about his body.

"The mother of the younger generation is also a protoss!" Ye Chenfeng flashed a few thoughts in his mind and said.

"Yes? Who is your mother?" Shendao asked in a low voice.

"My mother called Shen Yaotian, who used to be the saint of the Protoss!" Ye Chenfeng said truthfully.

"Yao Tian, ​​you said that you are the son of Yao Tian and Ye Wuji!" Shen Dao said with an unexpected surprise.

"Predecessors know my parents?"

Although Shen Yaotian is a protoss saint, her age and generation are far from the sacredness of God. It is reasonable to say that God should not know her.

"Yes, when I broke into this tomb of Taixu, killing my gods and abandoning the **** of death, I left a avatar in the Protoss, so what happened after the Protoss, I know very well, including the Protoss being destroyed! "The Shinto nodded and nodded: "The junior, the blood of Hongmeng and the chaotic **** wood in your body, is what your parents got from the ancient road of the sky."

"Yes, these two treasures are indeed obtained by my parents in the ancient road of the sky, and sent to me!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"It seems that Ye Wuji and Yaotian are very valued to you!" Shinto said: "Junior, do you want to get the biggest chance in this tomb?"

"Predecessors, I don't know what is the biggest chance of this tomb of too virtual?" Ye Chenfeng asked curiously.

"It is a drop of ancient blood and the source of life and death!" Shinto said: "If you can get the ancient blood, I think the blood of Hongmeng in your body will be more essential, and if you can get the source of life and death, you You should be able to peep into the true meaning of life and death, and play the strongest power of life and death."

"But both of these things should have been sealed by Death!"

"Death, he is not dead?" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly wrinkled.

"I lost both of his lives and did not kill him, and he has not appeared in so many years, he should have been healing!" Shinto nodded.

"The predecessors are willing to help me?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

If Shinto does not help him, even if he knows the existence of ancient blood and the source of life and death, he can't take it away from the hands of death.

"I can help you, but you need to promise me two things!" Shinto said.

"Predecessors please say?" Ye Chenfeng.

"Revenge for my Protoss, destroy the inheritance of the Tianzu, and build my protoss inheritance!" Shendao said.

"If I promise, my seniors believe that I can do it?" Ye Chenfeng asked.

"If you are an ordinary person, I definitely don't believe it, but you are a child of Ye Wuji and Yaotian, and you are pregnant with chaos and wood. If you can bring these two treasures to the extreme, you will be able to stand in this world. Oh, so I believe you have this ability!" Shinto said.

"Since the seniors believed in me, then I promised the predecessors these two things!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said categorically: "No matter what the final outcome is, I will try to finish it."

"Well, you are now swearing by the heavens. After that, I will give you the gods, the ancestral veins, and the ancestral energy that I have suppressed for countless years!" Shinto said.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and made a vow in the public.

"Well, the rise of the Protoss is up to you, now these three treasures are yours!"

Speaking, under the sacredness of the gods, there is an egg that is the size of an egg and contains pure energy. Although the size of this bead is not large, the energy contained in it is the only thing that Ye Chenfeng has in his life.

"Predecessors, is this the death of the ancestors who extracted the energy of the ancestors, refining the ancestral spirit beads?"

Ye Chenfeng gaze at the egg-sized light beads, and feels the vast energy contained in this light bead. He has no doubt that even if he breaks through the need for huge accumulation, refining this light bead will easily break through. realm.

"Yes, this is the ancestral spirit of the traitor refining, if you can fully refine, enough for you to break through the realm!" Shinto nodded and said: "Okay, here, no one will Excuse me, you can practice it with peace of mind."

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and controlled Chaos Shenmu to devour Dacheng's Dragon Blood, summoning two original birthplaces to devour the ancestral veins, and he swallowed a precious, precious spirit with powerful ancestral power. Shocking the four-star gods.

I don't know how long it has passed. A strong breath has permeated in Ye Chenfeng's body and went straight into the sky.

Ye Chenfeng, who is fully refining and cultivating the ancestral spirit beads, the golden power in the body is completely overflowing, and the water has broken through the realm and reached the four-star road.

And the original birthplace of the spirit fish, swallowed a large number of ancestral veins, reached the peak of the five-star road, Ye Chenfeng's original birthplace broke through to the two-star ancestor.

The Chaos Shenmu swallowed up the entire plant of the Shenlongmu, which has undergone another transformation. The power of chaos is more powerful, and its power has surpassed the life and death disk, almost reaching the level of the best artifacts.

The original road tires, Chaos Shenmu both enhance the strength and power, Ye Chenfeng is still immersed in the process of refining the ancestral spirit beads.

After a few years, Ye Chenfeng finally refining the power contained in this ancestral spirit, and with the power of a strong ancestor, he broke through to the five-star god.

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