Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1788: Private Fair

The night is quiet, only the insects are screaming.


Refining to the middle of the night, the ancient clock was shattered by the leaf of the morning wind, and a large number of souls were floating in the air like a wildfire.

"Deeping your mind, swallowing!"

Looking at the thousands of ancient lines floating in front of the eyes, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the brain, floating in the air, releasing a powerful power of engulfing, swallowing a piece of ancient soul.

Throwing thousands of soul-grass, the brain immediately splits a large number of brain cells, accelerating its evolution.

However, as the brain is getting stronger and stronger, it needs more and more energy to evolve the split brain. The grain of the soul portrayed on the surface of the ancient clock is not enough for him to evolve.

Recovering the fast-moving brains into the soul sea, Ye Chenfeng took a best-selling sacred Dan, began to subdue, slowly improved his strength, and tried to attack the six-star god.

On his third day of submersible, wearing a black tight skirt, exposed with slender legs and a huge gem on his neck, Wei Xinyue, who was in a beautiful state, came to rent him. Outside the ancient courtyard.

"How is your grandfather!"

Feeling the arrival of Wei Xinyue, Ye Chenfeng woke up in the cultivation, closed the prohibition in the hospital, welcomed her in, and asked softly.

"Thank you for the release of Ye Gongzi, my grandfather is no longer a problem!" Wei Xinyue looked at Ye Chenfeng with his big eyes and said with gratitude: "Ye Gongzi, I wonder if you have time tonight? My grandfather I want to ask you to go to the house and thank you personally for your help."

"My grandfather's mind I accepted, but I still have to practice, I will not go!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and euphemistically refused.

"This, that's okay!" Wei Xinyue wanted to continue to persuade, but looking at Ye Chenfeng's persevering gaze, she knew that she could only provoke Ye Chenfeng's dislike: "Ye Gongzi, a few days, I Weijia Ready to hold a private trade fair, I wonder if you are interested in attending?"

"Private Fair!" Ye Chenfeng’s eyes lit up and he had a bit of interest: "Well, tell me the time and place of the fair, I will go see it later."

"This is an invitation!" Wei Xinyue handed a delicate invitation to Ye Chenfeng: "We are at the fair, waiting for the son to drive."

After finishing, she did not stay in the old courtyard for a long time, turned and left.

"Private trade fair, hope to gain something!" Ye Chenfeng collected the invitation into the Qiankun environment, returned to the room, continued to refine the best products, and improved his strength.

Time flies quickly, and soon five days have passed.

In the evening, Ye Chenfeng left the ancient courtyard and went to the venue of the Weijia Private Fair in accordance with the road map on the invitation.

"This Wei family will choose a place!"

Looking at the construction of the lake, the luxurious and beautiful, and the trading venue with a lot of lights, Ye Chenfeng took out the invitation and handed it to the Wei family guard who guarded the only wooden bridge leading to the lake building. Walked into the trading venue where the sound of the sound of the piano was flying.

Because Ye Chenfeng came early, there are not many people in the brightly lit meeting place, and Ye Chenfeng has no acquaintances in the ancient city. He took a glass from a beautiful maid and tasted the century-old pure wine. The lake view outside the window, waiting for a private auction to begin.

"You, how are you here, how did you get in!"

When Ye Chenfeng waited quietly, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

A few days ago, I was just taught by Ye Chenfeng. Miss Bei Jia, who was swollen and swollen, found him and shouted loudly.

"You are really a ghost!"

Ye Chenfeng slowly turned around and looked at the charming woman who was stunned and gnashing her teeth, faintly said.

"Miss Bell, what happened!"

After hearing the roar of the charming woman, several Wei family guards rushed over and asked politely.

"Give me this guy out!"

Although the charming woman is somewhat afraid of Ye Chenfeng from her heart, but think of the humiliation he brought to himself, and think of his relationship with the Wei family, she is going to use the knife to kill people and use the power of the Wei family to deal with Ye Chenfeng.


Because Ye Chenfeng only had one side in Wei Jialu, there were not many people who saw him, but Ye Chenfeng could enter here, which shows that his identity is not simple, which makes the Wei family guards difficult.

"The origin of this person is unknown, I suspect that he is sneaking in!" The charming woman said without hesitation.

"It seems that the warning given to you last time is not enough!"

Looking at the charming woman who constantly provokes her, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes shot in the cold, and the voice said coldly.

"You, what do you want to do! I warn you, this is not where you are wild!"

Touching the sharp eyes of Ye Chenfeng, the charming woman trembled inexplicably, shouting loudly on her scalp.

And her yelling and attracting many people, including a Wei family director in charge of the private trade fair.

"Miss Bell, what's wrong with you!"

When wearing a white martial arts uniform, the eyes are slightly grayish, and there is a man with a distinct scar on the left corner of his eye. Looking at the charming woman who is eclipsed by the flower, asks politely.

"Gold supervisor, you are here. This person is a very wicked person. I suspect that he sneaked in and tried to misbehave. Please also drive him out to protect the safety of all of us!"

The charming woman looked at the Wei family supervisor, and the restless heart settled a little, pointing to Ye Chenfeng and shouting loudly.

"Miss Bell, don't worry, I will check his invitation now. If he has a problem, we will naturally give you an explanation!"

Think of the relationship between the charming woman and the Wei family, the gold supervisor did not dare to offend, politely said.

"Hello, don't you know that you have an invitation issued by Wei Jia?" Looking at Ye Chenfeng's strange face, Kim executive whispered.

"Without invitations, do you think I can come in?" Ye Chenfeng said coldly and not hot.

"Then can you take out the invitation and let me check it out!"

When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s cold tone, Jin’s supervisor’s brow was slightly wrinkled and whispered.

"If I don't want to take it out, do you want to drive me away!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes flashed in the cold, and he was very dissatisfied with Wei's treatment.

"Gold supervisor, you see it, he has no invitations at all! I suspect he is a thief, secretly sneaking in to steal things!"

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng is not willing to take out the invitation, the charming woman is overjoyed and hot on the railway.

"The thief!"

When I heard the shouting of the charming woman, the entire auction venue was caught in the noisy, and many people were attracted. A pair of double-questioned eyes cast a shot on Ye Chenfeng.

"If you can't get an invitation, we only have to take you down!" Kim said in an ugly face.

"Hey, let's just rely on you?" Ye Chenfeng snorted and looked at the gold director who only had the main realm of the two-star road, dismissively said.

"Bold, you dare to despise my Wei family, I see you are impatient!"

Gold supervisor did not expect Ye Chenfeng to be so mad, publicly despised himself, suddenly angry, ready to kill Ye Chenfeng.

"What happened!"

There was a slight tension in the atmosphere, and when the scene was chaotic, a cold voice sounded.

A man dressed in a gorgeous robe and full of temperament, accompanied by two followers, slowly came over.

Looking at the man, the charming woman was overjoyed and immediately ran over, pulling up his arm very intimately and casting a provocative look at Ye Chenfeng.

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