Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1789: Interrupting your legs

"Hengyi, you are here, this person is a thief. I am not only repenting when I reveal my identity, but also threaten me, you must be the master!"

The charming woman clung to Wei Hengyi’s arm and squeezed her soft jade peak, crying out loud.

"What, and so on!"

Wei Hengyi is the son of Wei Peng's two master Wei Penghong. His position in the Wei family is not lower than that of Wei Xinyue. He is a full-fledged deaf. When he learns that his woman has been bullied, he is furious and looks at Ye Chenfeng. The eyes became cold.

"Hello big dog, I dare to come to my Wei family private auction, I think you are impatient!" Wei Hengyi reveals the soft waist of a charming woman, glaring at Ye Chenfeng. He said: "What are you doing, don't interrupt his dog legs."

"You are sure to deal with me!"

Although Ye Chenfeng needs to use the Wei family, it does not mean that he will endure the Wei family, watching Wei Hengyi, who is so angry, Ye Chenfeng said coldly.

"Why, you dare to be against me, you know who I am!"

Touching the cold eyes of Ye Chenfeng, Wei Hengyi is even more annoyed, said Senran.

"How do we make a bet, gamble me to interrupt your legs, and your Wei family will not retaliate against me!"

Looking at the Wei family master who is slowly approaching, Ye Chenfeng smiled and said the voice gently.

"Mom, you are looking for death!" As Wei's second master, Wei Hengyi was once threatened in public, and a raging fire burned in his chest. He shouted loudly: "What are you doing, give me a fight?" Break his dogleg, I will smash him and feed the fish."


Wei Hengyi’s voice just fell, and a broken bone of human bones sounded.

Afterwards, the quiet auction hall screamed with horror.

But this mourning is not from Ye Chenfeng, but from the high-spirited Wei Hengyi.

The terrible momentum that he released by Ye Chenfeng directly broke his legs and squatted on the ground like a dog.

We looked at Wei Hengyi, who was holding his legs and rolling on the ground, making a painful roar. All the people present were stupid.

"This, he really dares to interrupt Wei Gongzi's legs!"

"God, what kind of person is he, dare to provoke the Wei family in public, is he not afraid of Wei family revenge?"

Looking at the scene in front of you, everyone in the room was all stupid, looking at Ye Chenfeng like a monster. I really wanted to know why he was so courageous. He even interrupted Wei Hengyi’s legs in public and challenged him. Wei family, one of the four major families of Wan Gucheng.

When everyone was shocked by the scene, Ye Chenfeng’s hands were like electricity. For example, the pliers stuck the neck of the charming woman who was eclipsed, and mentioned her in midair like a chicken.

"I warned you, don't provoke me again, but you don't listen, how do you tell me how to discipline you?"

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes in the eyes shot a strong stern color, and stabbed into the charming woman’s eyes, killing the stunned.

"Bold, let Miss Bei!"

The Wei family masters who have come back to God are angry, and they have tried to take Ye Chenfeng.


An angry roar spurted out in Ye Chenfeng’s mouth, and the sound of the sound shook the entire trading floor.

The charming woman who bears the brunt of the shock is even more shocked by seven holes, and the soul is shaking and suffering.


Under the strong momentum of Ye Chenfeng’s release, a close-knit Wei’s bodyguard was shocked and flew out, knocking over a table, a chair, and dressing up. The very elegant hall was destroyed in an instant. once.

"No, don't kill me, beg you not to kill me, I won't dare to provoke you anymore!"

Feeling that Ye Chenfeng’s eyes are getting more and more intense, the charming woman is really scared. She has a feeling that Ye Chenfeng really dares to break her neck.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

When everyone went to be shocked by the terrible strength of Ye Chenfeng, when the atmosphere became depressed, an angry roar sounded.

Wearing a gorgeous robe, the appearance is similar to that of Wei Hengyi. In the hand, two middle-aged men with valuable **** are held in the hand, and several Wei masters appear.

"Uncle Wei, save me!"

When looking at the Wei family's two masters, Wei Penghong appeared in the five-star Taoist realm. He was caught in the air by Ye Chenfeng, and mentioned the mid-air, the painful and struggling charming woman immediately sought help.

"Hey, my leg was interrupted by this little beast, you must give me revenge!" Wei Heng, who was smashing his broken legs and constantly rolling on the ground, cried aloud.

"Who are you, why come to my Weijia private trade fair?" Wei Penghong revealed a strong color in his eyes, and ordered: "I still have Xuemei not fast."

"People don't provoke me, I don't provoke people, it's all they take it for themselves!"

Because Ye Chenfeng still needs to borrow the space wormhole of the Wei family, take a deep breath and hold back the killing in his heart. The right hand is slightly forceful, and directly throws the charming woman who is screaming and screaming out. Broken the hard wall and fell directly into the cold lake.

"You are so daring, dare to commit crimes in front of me, it seems that you did not put my Wei family in your eyes!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng throwing a feminine woman into the lake, Wei Penghong’s eyes and muscles jumped abruptly, his face became gloomy, and he said.

"Don't leave the Wei family out of nothing, you probably can't represent the Wei family!"

Ye Chenfeng ignored Wei Penghong’s angry eyes, carrying his hands and his face said indifferently.

"Good, it is not easy to practice your cultivation. I wanted to leave you a life. It seems unnecessary now!"

Ye Chenfeng’s words unraveled the scars in Wei Penghong’s heart and aroused the anger in his heart. He crushed the jade ball in his hand, his hands were like electricity, and with a terrible thunder, he attacked Ye Chenfeng. .

For a time, the entire trading venue sounded a deafening thunder, and the terrible sound made people feel uneasy.

In the face of both hands, the power of the attack, Ye Chenfeng did not dodge, he quickly took a step, the power of the outbreak of the foot shook the entire trading floor and shook.

A fist blasted out, and there was a dense sound of sound in the air. More than two billion jins of force smashed the terrible thunder and smashed it into the double that Wei Penghong wore.

A force beyond the imagination of Wei Penghong was poured into his arms, shaking his arms and shaking, and the whole person flew out.


Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s flying and flying Fei Penghong, all the people present were stupid. I can’t believe that the young Ye Chenfeng had such a terrifying strength.

Wei Hengyi, who shouted loudly, showed a strange look, and the cold smile on his face instantly solidified.

"Now, do you think you can kill me?"

When I was shot by myself, I took a few dozen steps to stabilize my body, Wei Penghong with her arms numb, and her face turned red. Ye Chenfeng carried her hands and said that she was overbearing.

"Small beast, I want your life!"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s combat power is beyond imagination, Wei Penghong believes that he can kill him with his playing cards, and his angry roar screams, summoning a force that swallows the sky and flows like a tide. The sword, it is necessary to kill Ye Chenfeng.

Suddenly, a low command sounded.

"Peng Hong, give me a hand!"

Wei Shitong, the leader of the Weijiazhong Liuzhu, the six-star road to the peak of the gods, accompanied by Wei Zhonghai, Wei Zhonghai, and Wei Jiagong, Wei Xinyue, came to the chaotic trading hall.

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