Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1795: 狠人

"How is Ye Gongzi, are you interested in ancient miracles?" Asked Ye Chenfeng, who was in meditation, asked Wei Shitong.

"Really interested!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Wei Lao, I don't know if there is any way to enter the ancient miracle in advance?"

"Unless you can get five keys, you can't open the ancient miracles with the ancestors of the peaks," Wei Shitong said.

"Well, Wei Lao, don't bother you to practice, I am leaving!"

You can't enter the ancient miracle in advance. Ye Chenfeng can only think of another way. When he is ready to get up and leave, Wei Shitong has shouted at him: "Ye Gongzi, after a few days, the city of Wancheng will hold one. Field grave shot, I wonder if you are interested?"


Ye Chenfeng brows a glimpse and has a keen interest in the tomb.

"Well, if you are interested in the grave, I will let the moon go with you." Wei Shitong nodded.

"Well, let Xinyue go to my place to find me!"

When finished, if thoughtful Zhou Chenfeng left the Wei family's old house, returned to the ancient courtyard, entered the Qiankun territory, controlled the brains and quickly deduced, and began to understand the time of the gods and the old branches. And the supernatural powers of the three thousand gods.

Time went by, and soon, the outside world passed three days.

When Ye Chenfeng was so fascinated to see through the two ancient antiquities, when he practiced three thousand gods, he felt the breath of Wei Xinyue appearing outside, and the thoughts moved, leaving the Qiankun environment, appearing in Out.

"Xinyue, did the grave shot start?"

When I was bathed in the morning sun, I was out of the dust, and Wei Xinyue, who was generous, said, Ye Chenfeng whispered softly.

"Well, the grave will start at noon today, let's go!"

Wei Xinyue nodded, leaving Ye Chenfeng to leave the ancient city, and came to a gloomy mass grave outside the ancient city, and the tomb that was about to open was in the deepest part of the mass grave.

"Well, who is that kid?"

Looking at Wei Xinyue, wearing a white robe, and Ye Chenfeng, who is talking and laughing with Wei Xinyue, many people have revealed a strange color.

"I haven't seen it, I don't know where the little white face came, I even hooked up the Princess Wei!"

"I see that guy is really tired, and Li Hongxu’s fancy woman also dares to hook up. I don’t know if Li Hongxu will come, seeing them, Qingqing, I will kill you!”

"Haha, today's grave is interesting! Let's go, let's catch up, it is estimated that there will be a lively look."

Speaking, many people hold the idea of ​​watching the show, and follow Ye Chenfeng's two people, and came to the deepest part of the mass grave.

"Good yin!"

The more you go to the depths of the funeral, Ye Chenfeng feels more and more fragrant in the air, especially when he comes to an ancient tomb that has been dug up, he feels that it can erode the bone marrow. The yin.

At this time, there were three people wearing black robes and holding tools. They were digging graves and slowly dug into the depths of the ancient tombs.

"Well, this breath!"

When Ye Chenfeng controlled the rapid derivation of the brain, infiltrated into the depths of the ancient tomb, forcibly penetrated a strong forbidden system, and felt a familiar atmosphere in the depths of the ancient tomb, making his eyes brighter. .

"The blood of the ancestors, how can there be the breath of the blood of the ancestors in this ancient tomb, is this the tomb of the Protoss!"

After the repeated perception of Ye Chenfeng, he basically determined that the familiar atmosphere in the ancient tomb was the same as the blood of the ancestral god. This means that there is a great possibility that there will be blood of the ancestors in this ancient tomb, or The people who are buried here are the protoss of the Protoss.

"It's interesting. I didn't expect to let me discover the tomb of the Protoss. It seems that this ancient city hides a lot of secrets!" Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself: "I don't know the legendary ancient miracles." Whether it has a relationship with the Protoss."

As time went on, more and more people came to participate in the tomb, but among these people, almost all of them were young people in the ancient city, and the family-level people did not show up.

"Moon, I didn't expect you to come too!"

When Ye Chenfeng and Wei Xinyue stood by, while chatting and waiting patiently, a feminine voice suddenly sounded.

A man wearing a black robe and a robes on his robes, his long black hair was scattered on his shoulders, his face was cheeky, his eyes were deep into his cheeks, and a black beard was left around his mouth, giving him a A man with a ferocious feeling, accompanied by four entourages, slowly came over.

Looking at the man in black, the smile on Wei Xinyue’s face suddenly disappeared, and there was even a hint of disgust in his eyes, and he ignored him.

"Moon, who is he?"

When Wei Xinyue ignored himself, the man in black was not angry. He cast his gaze on Ye Chenfeng and said with no good intentions.

"Ye Gongzi, let's not care about him, let's talk over there!" Wei Xinyue gently pulled Ye Chenfeng's hand and walked away.


Looking at Wei Xinyue’s initiative to pull the leaves of the morning breeze, the black man’s face sank, and his eyes showed a sense of color.

As the top of the city, he never allowed a woman to look at himself and had a close relationship with other men.

"Xinyue, I don't care who he is, but you are the woman I see, others can't get touched! Who dares to touch you, I twist his neck." The man in black said he was overbearing.

"Li Hongxu, you rarely ruin my reputation, I have nothing to do with you, who I like, who I like to be with, you can't control!" Wei Xinyue's face was heavy and mad.

"Haha, I can't control it!" Li Hongxu, one of the four great families of the ancient city, laughed and said arrogantly: "When I kill him, you know that I can't care."

"Kill me? Are you sure?"

Although Li Hongxu’s talent is extraordinary, he is young and cultivated to the five-star demon realm. But this level of masters is no different from flies in front of Ye Chenfeng. He can kill between the waves and feel Li Hongxu. He produced a killing intention, and Ye Chenfeng showed a cold smile.

"Hey, it’s still a hard bone, I like it!"

Li Hongxu cracked his mouth and revealed a fierce smile. He flashed his body and made a shadow in the air, suddenly attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, the poor boy, even provoked the madman of Li Hongxu, I am afraid that I will lose the layer of skin!"

"No way, who let him not look long, and Wei Princess, Qingqing, me, I don't know, Princess Wei is the wife of Li Hongxu, who dares to touch, is his enemy of life and death!"

Everyone is not optimistic about Ye Chenfeng, thinking that he will be badly poisoned by Li Hongxu, a huge sound suddenly sounded in the depths of the mass grave.

Ye Chenfeng broke through the shackles and broke Li Hongxu’s attack and squatted on his chest.


A blood was sprayed in the mouth of Li Hongxu. He was like a broken kite. He was flew out by Ye Chenfeng and rolled for a few weeks in midair. He fell hundreds of meters away. A large pit was pulled out from the ground.


Seeing the scene of Li Hongxu being kicked by Ye Chenfeng, everyone present at the scene issued an incredible exclamation, and a pair of almost blind eyes smudged and projected to Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, the guy is also a monk!"

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