Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1796: Mystery Theme

"Less Master!"

Looking at Li Hongxu, who was flying by Ye Chenfeng, his four followers suddenly became angry, and four outbursts broke out. Locking Ye Chenfeng, he will teach him to interrupt him and interrupt his limbs. Revenge for Li Hongxu.


The sound of broken bones sounded.

Ye Chenfeng is faster, bursting out more than 200 billion jins of force, smashing the attack of four people, and slamming them into a punch.

A fist banged out, the space shook, accompanied by the chilling bones of the people, the four people were beaten by Ye Chenfeng, fell a few kilometers away, and did not get up for a long time.

Static, incomparable silence.

The major power masters who came to participate in the tomb shot looked at Ye Chenfeng like a monster, and were deeply shocked by his strength.

"He is a god-level master!"

"But he is too young, such a young god-level master, I have never seen it before!"

Looking at the likes of killing the gods, Ye Chenfeng, the major powers whispered.

"What about the god-level master? He bullies the family like this, and he will never give up on the character of the family. If the family is launched, it is estimated that only the Sima family can force them!"

"Hey, it’s really a anger! But for a woman, it’s not wise to offend a family. He should pay for his own shackles and pay for his life!"

Although the strength of Ye Chenfeng is amazing, more people are still not optimistic about him. He feels that he will be retaliated by the **** family. Death is only a matter of time.

"Mom, I killed you!"

As a young master of Li Jiada, Li Hongxu has suffered such insults. He screams in anger and summons a scorpion, inlaid with three huge gems, reaching the scorpion level of the next product, whistling To Ye Chenfeng.


The **** hit, the whole space was immediately rendered into a blood red, and a terrible ghost erupted in the skull and mouth, wanting to corrode the body of Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, I don’t want to hurt me in the area."

Ye Chenfeng snorted, and the big hand emptied, and the terrible intentions gathered in his palm, turning into a huge cover-up, covering one side of the world, with more than 200 billion jins of power. Broken blood fog, caught the **** that made a ghost cry.


A crisp crackling sounded.

The scorpion of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred by Li Hongxu was smashed by the smothered hand of Ye Chenfeng, and turned into a piece of debris, scattered in the mass grave.

"Hey, the illusion of the sky is a big hand to catch the hoe! What kind of realm is this guy!"

"It’s terrible. The strength of this person is terrible. I said how dare he beat the big man in public. I didn’t expect him to have such terrible strength!”


When everyone was once again regretted by the terrible strength of Ye Chenfeng, Ye Chenfeng gently pointed out a finger, an unbeatable finger pointing out, entangled with powerful ideas, wearing Through the heavy air, in order to exceed the speed of dozens of times of time flow, flying to Li Hongxu.


The unsuccessful Li Hongxu was pointed by Ye Chenfeng, and the chest was directly pierced, and the whole person flew out again.

If it weren’t for his powerful amulet on his neck, he would dispel most of the finger attacks, and Ye Chenfeng’s sword would be enough to pierce his chest and abolish him.

"Less Lord, this person is too strong, suspected of a god-level master, we are not an opponent, or leave here to say!"

The four seriously injured masters quickly came to Li Hongxu, who was seriously injured and bloody, and helped him up. He quickly left with a heartless unwillingness.

"There should be no nasty flies to bother us!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the back of Li Hongxu and others, and did not openly kill them to take their lives. Standing by Wei Xinyue, who was flashing in his eyes, said faintly.

"Niu, this guy is a real cow!"

"Yes, but I really want to know if he can live tomorrow!"

"It's hard to say, I feel that this guy obviously hasn't put the Li family in his eyes. Maybe it's a direct disciple from the big family. Maybe Li Hongxu has kicked the iron plate he can't afford!"

In Ye Chenfeng’s sturdy posture, when Li Hongxu and others were rushed, the hot sun hangs high in the air, and there is a warmth in the dark mess.

"Okay, open the tomb now!"

A middle-aged man wearing a black martial arts uniform with a pale face and a low body looked at it with a glimpse of Ye Guangfeng, who was unclear, and shouted loudly.

After hearing the man’s command, more than a dozen big men, who were already ready, immediately threw a sharp iron claw into the bottomless tomb, and caught a tangle in the depths of the tomb. In ancient times, a little bit of the ancient gong that weighed hundreds of millions of pounds was pulled out from the dark grave.

"This breath, the blood of the ancestors is from this ancient scorpion!"

Looking at the weight of hundreds of millions of pounds, the whole body was dark, sealed with a strong forbidden ancient shackles, Ye Chenfeng's eyes lit up, and he had a strong interest in this ancient 棺.

In addition to this mysterious ancient pipa, there are many buried objects that were unearthed.

About more than half an hour, the entire burial objects in the ancient tomb were placed outside, but the time of existence of this ancient plaque was too long, and many of the burial objects had already been damaged, and there was no value.

"Okay, start the grave now!"

Although many of the funerary objects have been damaged and useless, they will still be shot in the grave, because there have been many people who have missed the useless funerary objects and got earth-shattering treasures.

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the burial object and found a spar wrapped in thick earth and egg size. This spar is suspected to be a good amulet, but it was eroded by the yin. Too long, if you want to play the true defense of this amulet, you need to refine it.

"Ye Gongzi, these funerary objects, do you have eye-catching eyes?" Wei Xinyue stood by Ye Chenfeng and asked softly.

"No, these funerary objects don't have much value!"

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes are extremely high, and even if the amulet is in his eyes, he shakes his head.

"Yes? Then I don't shoot anymore!" Wei Xinyue seems to believe in Ye Chenfeng and has not joined the auction.

But there are still a lot of powerful experts who have a strong interest in these funerary objects and have bids.

After about an hour, dozens of funerary objects were all auctioned.

"Okay, now I’m going to the final auction! I don’t know if I want to take the lead?” the thin black man asked loudly.

"How much do you want to sell?"

Ye Chenfeng, who has been silent for a while, spoke.

"Starting price, 100 million Chinese products!"

The black man glanced at Ye Haofeng, who had just made a big fuss, and learned from Li Hongxu, and said slowly.

"Okay, I am out of 100 million Chinese products!" Ye Chenfeng nodded, and the money was rough.

"100 million Chinese products!"

"Is this guy really a direct disciple from the big family!"

The general currency of Wan Gucheng is only the lowest product. Some people are willing to take out the Chinese products to buy things. They have seen the big hand of Ye Chenfeng, and many people have sent out the sound of sucking.

"100 million Chinese products, there is a price increase?" The black man did not expect Ye Chenfeng to really bid, revealing a touch of joy, asked aloud.

"Well, since there is no, then I declare that this theme is earned by this son!"

After waiting for a while, the black man made a slap in the road and completed a deal with Ye Chenfeng, selling the mysterious master to him.

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