Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1802: The Spirit of the ancestors

"Hey, you thought you were hiding in the ancestral land, can't I help you?"

Although the ancestral land of the Demon Palace is very powerful, far more than other ancestral homes that Ye Chenfeng saw, but he is not the same as before, the area of ​​the demon temple ancestral land can not threaten him.

"Give me a break!"

Ye Chenfeng burst into a bang, and the four holy road maps sprayed out his body, melted into the magic sword, activated more than 800 ancestral patterns in the sword, and the sword smashed out. Mangzhi thorns the sky, while the heavens and the earth are discolored, and a sword breaks through the fragmented guardian palace.

The next moment, the undead wings broke out of the body of Ye Chenfeng, and the wings were fierce, and the endless wind was rolled up. The harsh sound of the sound blew in the chaotic air, chasing and fleeing into the ancestral land. Magic name and others.


Wolf escaping into the ancestral array, the magic name immediately launched the ancestral array, hundreds of strangely shaped ancestral stone broke out of the black ancestral home, formed a mysterious ancestral array in the void, enveloped the ancestral land.

The next moment, two large rivers with a length of more than a kilometer were drilled in the ancestral temple of the Demon Palace. They spit a long snake core and screamed at Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, ancestral spirit!"

Looking at the two long river-like snakes, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes lit up. With his eyesight, he saw that the two great snakes were the ancestors of the Devil’s Palace.

"It's not bad. I didn't think that the ancestral veins of the Demon Palace turned into two ancestors. If the original tracts were swallowed up by the original tracts, they might evolve into Samsung ancestors!" Looking at the two ferocious The ancestral snake, Ye Chenfeng was not shocked and rejoicing, and his heart moved, summoning the original birthmark.

"This breath, two-star ancestor!"

Feeling the breath of the original birthplace, the magical name hiding in the ancestral land has changed greatly. Ye Chenfeng has these levels of avatars, enough to sweep them.

"Ye Gongzi, my devil's palace is not intended to be an enemy of you, if you stop here, I am willing to give you the Li Wei, let you deal with it!"

The discovery of Ye Chenfeng’s horror, the magical name has produced a deep scruples, and he has grasped the faceless and bloodless, and begged.

"French, French name..."

Li Wei did not expect that the magic name in the critical moment actually chose to sacrifice himself to preserve the demon temple, the heart is full of desolate, shivering.

"Mom, if it weren't for you, can my devil's palace be an enemy of Ye Gongzi?" The magic name revealed a sly color and shouted loudly.

"I said, from today, there is no demon temple in the virtual world, even if you hand her over to me, you can't change this fact!"

Ye Chenfeng is standing in the air, looking at the magical name of anger and anger, showing the hegemonic side, who said who I am.

"I don't know what you want to let me go to my devil's palace?"

At this time, an old man wearing a dark gray martial arts suit, stepping on an ancient wheel under his feet, and having a white hair with a white beard, is even stronger than the magic name.

This person is the rogue of the Devil's Palace, one of the two masters of the ancestors, the elders of the elders, one foot has entered the ancestral world.

"Give me the ancestral veins of the demon temple, I can consider letting you go!" Ye Chenfeng lion opened his mouth.

"Zumai is the root of my demon temple, I can't promise you!" There was a hint of anger in the eyes of the konjac, and she refused directly.

"If this is the case, then there is nothing to talk about!" Ye Chenfeng said with a high spirit: "From now on, there will be no demon palace."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng burned the blood of Hongmeng and merged the three great treasures. He instantly upgraded his strength to a star ancestor, quickly pulled the leading ancestor bow, and shot a powerful ancestor arrow. The ancestral array of the ancestral land.


A deafening sound of blasting sounded in the ancestral array, and the dark golden ancestral arrows constantly attacked the extremely terrible ancestral dynasty, swaying the ancestral continual tremors, and the terrible vibrational force drove the entire demon temple to tremble. stand up.

"Hello, let's stop, although you have the ancestors, but my devil's palace ancestors have been nurtured for millions of years, you can't break through your strength. If you are willing to close, my devil's palace is willing to work with you. Become a close friend!"

The konjac is full of confidence in the ancestral temple of the Demon Palace and continues to persuade.

"You don't deserve it!"

The blood of Hongmeng is burned, and Ye Chenfeng has an inexhaustible power. He constantly pulls the leading ancestor bow, and fully attacks the huge ancestral array, breaking the ancestral pattern a little.

"Hello, if you don't know what to do, you can't help yourself!"

Seeing Ye Chenfeng’s persuasion of his own perseverance, and constantly pulling the leading ancestor bow attack, the face is more and more gloomy, cold warning.

"You have a lot of nonsense!" Ye Chenfeng sneered coldly.

"Well, since you are looking for death, the old man will fulfill you!"

"The Spirit of the ancestors, kill me for him!"

The konjac spurted two bloods of the life at the cost, and merged into the spirits of the two serpent-like ancestors, and issued a commanding sound to them to kill Ye Chenfeng.


According to Ye Chenfeng’s command, the two ancestral spirits writhed a few kilometers of body, breaking the ancestral array that withstood the ancestral arrow attack and trembled violently, opening the chilling blood basin and biting it. Ye Chenfeng.

"It’s just right!"

Ye Chenfeng did not expect that the konjac would let the two ancestral spirits leave the ancestral array to attack themselves, and immediately summoned the ancient flag of the three-faced ancestor level.

"Section space, forbidden!"

The golden soul force is continuously integrated into the three-faced ancient flag, controlling the rapid shaking of the ancient flag, interweaving a large number of patterns, forbidding the entire space, trapping two extremely ferocious ancestral spirits.

"Spiritual fish, let your original avatar come out!"

Following, Ye Chenfeng summoned the original corpse of the spirit fish, and broke into the space of the three-faced ancient flag ban with his original tire, attacking the two ancestral spirits, wanting to put them Swallowed.

"Zu, the three ancestral flags!"

Feeling that the spirit of the ancestral vein has lost contact with himself, the color of the enchanting face has solidified, and he can't believe that Ye Chenfeng has so many artifacts.

"How to do the ancestors, this person is too evil, his identity is not easy!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng summoning the three ancestral squad flags, trapping the spirits of the two ancestors, the magical name is even more uneasy, and he said with a slight panic.

And Li Wei is even more scared, standing in the same place, the brain is blank.

"This person means the sky, but with his strength, it is not easy to break my ancestral temple. When he consumes a lot of power, we can kill it with a bang, maybe it can reverse the situation!" There was a fierce light in his eyes, and he whispered.

"Hey, this is the only way to do it!" The magic name sighed softly, and the more it was like suffocating.

When everyone in the Demon Palace pinned all their hopes on their ancestors, Ye Chenfeng’s hand appeared a few feet long, and the whole body was dark and swallowed the scythe.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng hit the way of the imperial device, took the golden power of the whole body and injected it into the death sickle, inspiring the strongest power of this best artifact, and slamming the great ancestors. Array.


The solid ancestors of the ancestral ancestors were smashed by the death sickle, and the terrible Yu Wei squatted on the black ancestral home of the Demon Palace, splitting the ancestral plaque into a deep bottomless gap.

The scene of horror stunned everyone in the Demon Palace, letting them fall into the abyss.

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