Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1803: Blasting double ancestor

"This, what level of artifact is this!"

Although the konjac, the magic name and other people took advantage of the turbulent array to block the moment, they evaded the Yuwei attack of the death sickle, but witnessed the ancestral ancestor being opened, the ancestral land was split, and the demon temple master fell into despair. The whole body is cold and cold.

The konjac thought that he had overestimated Ye Chenfeng, but he saw the death sickle that floated on the top of Ye Chenfeng and swallowed all the light. He found himself still a small breeze, his means and details. It has gone far beyond its own imagination.

"Then, the black sickle will not be the top grader or the best artifact!"


When the konjac, magic name and other people were regretted by the attacking power of the death sickle, Ye Chenfeng recovered the power of consumption by the blood of Hongmeng, stepping out in one step, and instantly appeared in the ancestors who were opened by the death sickle. In the ground.

"Old ancestors, what should we do?"

The magic name did not think that Ye Chenfeng’s strength was so strong, and his mind was chaotic.

"We have no retreat, go all out!"

The spirit of the ancestors was trapped, the ancestral dynasty was broken, and the demon temple was forced to a dead end, and only to fight all the best.


The magic name bites his teeth tightly, and both the magical and the konjac use the magical powers of the demon, forcing the power of the ancestral temple of the demon god, and hardening his own strength to the realm of a star.

"Is a Star Devil useful?"

Feeling the magic name, the power of the konjac is extremely fast, but there is no change in the look of Ye Chenfeng. He reveals the domineering singularity of my own, and launches an attack on the magic name.

"The disciple of the Demon Palace listened to it, attacked with all strength, who could hurt him, and I made him a deputy!" The threat brought by Ye Chenfeng was too great, so the magic name had to do all the power to deal with him.

When you hear the magic name shouting, the disciples of the Demon Temple, which are unable to retreat, burn powerful blood, summon a powerful true spirit, pass the heavenly treasure, attack to Ye Chenfeng, want to combine the power of everyone to kill Ye Chenfeng.


The overwhelming treasures hit, and Ye Chenfeng’s outbreak of more than 600 billion kilograms of force ushered in. The terrible physical power crushed everything and continually shook off one piece of treasure.


Looking at the unstoppable Ye Chenfeng, the konjac immediately controlled the ancient plate that stepped on the foot to grow bigger and bigger, flowing with sharp meaning, turning into a slowly blooming lotus flower, intertwined with sharp meaning. Attacked Ye Chenfeng.

And the magic name, summoned the ancient clock of the best heavenly celestial level, sprayed a blood of the life to the ancient clock, inspiring the pattern of the ancient clock surface, screaming the deafening bell, in At the same time, the attack went to Ye Chenfeng.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

The two ancient treasures came, and Ye Chenfeng’s understanding of the four avenues was deducted to the extreme, transforming into an invincible **** of war, shaking one side of the world.

A fist blasted out, and the four holy figures in his head evolved into a large number of punches, such as falling meteors, constantly attacking the two ancient treasures.


The blasting sound of the landslides rang, the terrible sound swayed for nine days, and the clouds in the sky were shattered. The entire ancestral temple of the demon temple was shaken by this horrible collision force, and it broke open. crack.


Although Ye Chenfeng has just realized the three thousand Huashen fists, he can't play the strongest attack power of this supreme magical power, but the attack power of Supreme Mastery is terrible, and it is not at all that the best sanctuary of the area can resist.

Under the attack of a fist, the ancient disk and the ancient clock continually ruptured, and finally failed to withstand the three thousand gods, and they were blasted out by a meteor-like fist.

"Last name, go with me!"

Ye Chenfeng casts a supernatural power, and when the strong magical name is broken, the desperate screaming suddenly approaches Ye Chenfeng, detonating the source of his own power, using his life to Ye Chenfeng. Launch a critical strike.


The Holy Spirit explodes, the chaotic void is broken and the horrible explosion is like a mushroom cloud that devours Ye Chenfeng directly, madly destroying his body.

"Good opportunity!"

When Ye Chenfeng was smashed by the savage attack, the magic name, the konjac and other people were overjoyed, and continued to merge with the powerful ancestral pulse, increasing the strength, and attacking Ye Chen with thousands of Demon Palace masters. Wind, I want to take this opportunity to kill him.

The space of the virtual world is extremely hard. It is difficult for ordinary people to break it out of the space black hole, but it is attacked by magical names and others. There is a bottomless black hole in the space where Ye Chenfeng is located.

When the magic name and others thought that Ye Chenfeng would die, a lonely voice was subjected to an attack like a sea, and came out of the chaotic space.

"This, how is this possible, how can he be fine!"

Looking at the unscathed Ye Chenfeng, magic name, konjac and other people widened their eyes, can't believe what they saw in front of their eyes, as if they saw ghosts in their eyes.

"Zhujia, he is wearing a ancestral armor!"

Suddenly, the magic name saw Ye Chenfeng's body surface, and a set of trenches depicting the mysterious pattern was found, and the psychological defense line was disintegrated by three points.

"When did the horrible horror appear in the virtual world, one person with so many artifacts!" The magic name shouted in despair.

"Mirror avatar!"

When the magic name became more and more fearful, Ye Chenfeng split the mirror and split it, killing the magic name and others.


Next, Ye Chenfeng injected a lot of golden power into the unbroken wings, inspiring the strongest attack and speed of the undead wings, and turned into a residual image in midair, killing the master of the Demon Palace.


Under Ye Chenfeng's ultimate speed and mirror-shadow attack, a large number of Demon Palace masters died, and the chaos of the sky was full of blood and fog, and the whole sky was stained with blood red.

"The ancestors, this surname Ye is too horrible, and wearing the ancestors, with our power can not break the ancestral gang to hit him!"

Listening to the screams of constant sounds in the ears, the magical name became more and more frightened, while flashing away from the attack, while transmitting to the konjac.

"Do you really want to use the final card?"

Although the ancestral temple of the Demon Palace is almost destroyed, there is a card in the Demon Palace, but the card can only be used three times. In the long history of millions of years, the Demon Palace has been used twice, only a chance.

However, watching Ye Chenfeng reclaim the life of the Demon Palace master like the autumn wind, the konjac knows that he has no choice.

"French name, you are the hope of my demon temple, you can not die, let me sacrifice, give life to the demon ancestors!" The konjac bit his lip, made an important determination, the whole At this moment, people are still a hundred years old.


The konjac takes a deep breath and suddenly bursts out of the flesh, revealing the old soul. Under the protection of the magic name, he uses the magical magical powers, blends the thick blood in the air, sacrifices his soul and everything, and integrates To the deepest part of the fragmented ancestral land.

The next moment, the cracked ancestral home trembled, and a dark volcano like a volcano erupted in the cracks of the ancestral land, instantly smearing the entire space in lacquer black.

ps: Suddenly remembered that iphone can't be appreciated, well, add a more chapter, support the tears of the WeChat public number: ylty83

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