Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1804: Dark ancestor

"Well, I didn't think there was such a presence in the Demon Palace. The forces in the virtual world couldn't be underestimated!"

Feeling the dark power that was sprayed out in the depths of the ancestral land, Ye Chenfeng showed the color of surprise. His powerful soul power clearly felt a powerful force awakened through the cracks of the ancestral land.

"The dark demon ancestors, some people want to destroy the demon palace, also ask the devil to shoot, kill the enemy, and keep me safe."

Feeling the darkness of the deep sleep in the depths of the ancestors, the magical name is overjoyed, and the legs are on the ground, devoutly said.


The name of the magical voice just fell, one is bigger than the grinding disc, and the palm of the hand wrapped with strong magic broke through the fragmented ancestral land and directly shattered the large ground.

Then, the whole ancestral land trembled more and more, the height was more than three long, the whole body was flowing with black magic light, and the dark magical ancestor with arms like Zhalong broke open the ground and walked out from the bottom of the earth.

"Samsung Devil!"

Feeling the strength of the dark ancestors, Ye Chenfeng could not help but reveal a dignified color. With his strength, although he can kill a star ancestor master, but the Samsung ancestors who resorted to the means of heaven are tens of thousands. Not an opponent.

But in the face of the dark ancestors who are enough to threaten his life, Ye Chenfeng did not summon a helper. He prepared the dark ancestors to test their own strength. If they were not, they summoned Long Shaotian. Kill the enemy.

"I promised your ancestors that year, and kept you in the Devil's Palace three times. Now is the third chance. After the last chance, I will leave here!" The dark magic ancestors sounded like a thunder, and they shook a lot. People with poor strength, eardrums hurt.

"Mr. Zuzu, please also kill the enemy and leave an artifact for my demon temple!"

In the name of the magic, the dark ancestors wake up, enough to control the life of Ye Chenfeng, kneeling on the ground and pleading.


The dark ancestors nodded, and the deep scorpion scorpion shot like a real light, and the hole penetrated Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, the Samsung Magic ancestor also wants to kill me, you are too naive!" Ye Chenfeng snorted, summoning the Chinese ancestor Feixian sword, holding the magic sword in one hand and flying the fairy sword in one hand. The following swordsman, attacked the dark magic ancestors.

"Another artifact, how many artifacts he has!"

Looking at the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the flying fairy sword with a strong ancestral charm, the magic name can not help but envy the leaf morning wind.

General forces, can have a strong scent of a family, and Ye Chenfeng alone, there are seven or eight artifacts, of which the death sickle is also suspected of top grade or the best artifact.


Ye Chenfeng was armed with a pair of ancestral swords, and the dark ancestors immediately slammed a punch at him. The terrible fist became the size of the disc, with the darkness of the mysterious death, resisting Ye Chenfeng. Destroyed two great artifacts.

"St. Spirit Soul, Melt!"

The attack was broken by the dark magic ancestor. Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the holy sword spirit into the flying fairy sword, activated the artifact of the Feixian sword body, and continued to attack the dark magic ancestor.

But the dark ancestors lived countless years, the strength is too horrible, and Ye Chenfeng’s continuous attack with his double-anced swords was broken by his power, and he could not hurt his ancestors. body.

In the full-strike attack, Ye Chenfeng was also attacked by Yu Wei, who was attacked by the Dark Devils. The whole body's blood violently rolled up.

"Dark prison, forbidden!"

Rely on the absolute strength to shake off the morning breeze, the dark magic ancestor opened his mouth and squirted a lot of dark light, forming a dark prison, directly trapping Ye Chenfeng inside, and shrinking The smaller, the more his body was banned.

"If you have a surname, it’s useless to have three heads and six arms. It’s the last card of my demon palace. You will die!”

The name of the magic reveals the color of the blasphemy. In his view, Ye Chenfeng is banned by the dark ancestors, and there is no chance to reverse the glory.

"Chaotic God Wood, Broken!"

In times of crisis, Chaos Shenmu broke out the body of Ye Chenfeng, swaying the chaotic five elements of light, easily tearing the dark prison, slamming to the dark magic ancestor, and defusing the killing he launched. .

"Chaos Shenmu, how can you have Chaos Shenmu!"

Looking at the top of Ye Chenfeng’s head, the chaotic **** wood swaying the chaotic five elements of light, the dark demon ancestors widened their eyes, revealing the color of the accident.

Chaos is the first **** of the universe, above the time of the gods, the space above the gods, and the chaos of the gods has not appeared in countless years, so watching Ye Chenfeng summoned the chaos of the gods, the dark magic ancestors were deeply The earthquake was stunned.

"Hey, I wanted to leave you alive at the Demon Palace, but it is impossible now!"

Ye Chenfeng sighed softly. In order to keep the secret of Chaomu Shenmu, he could only kill and kill the entire Demon Palace.

"The demon bird flag, ban space!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind moved, summoned the demon bird’s flag, and controlled the demon bird’s flag to grow bigger and bigger, swaying out a huge light array, shrouded the entire ancestral land of the demon god, and trapped the devil’s palace. In the ancestral land.

"It seems to kill you, my ancestors can get a lot of good things from you!"

Looking at the chaotic **** wood suspended in the top of Ye Chenfeng, the dark magic ancestor showed the color of greed. He felt that Ye Chenfeng was the biggest opportunity in his life. If he could kill him, he might be able to borrow Ye Chenfeng. The treasures, across that difficult step, broke through to the realm of the four-star ancestors.

"Holy nucleus burning, the body of the war!"

The dark magic ancestor sent out a terrible shout, and at all he burned the holy nucleus, and changed into a powerful war demon body. The unmatched warfare spread in his body and promoted his own strength. rising.

"Don't you be desperate? Unfortunately, it's useless!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng controlled the Chaos Shenmu attack to the Dark Devil.

The burning of the holy nucleus, the power of the dark ancestors almost touched the four-star ancestors, but in the first battle of the year, he broke the only artifact, making his attack power greatly affected, facing chaos The attack of Shenmu, he has no way at all.

At this time, the two original primaries combined to break a ancestral spirit.


The two original primaries have opened up the whole body's acupoints, madly devour the broken ancestral spirit and enhance their own strength.

With less than ten breaths, the original mermaid of the spirit fish broke through to the six-star god.

Next, he broke through to the semi-grandfather and greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

When the strength of the two original primaries increased rapidly, they joined forces and smashed the last ancestral spirit, madly swallowed and boosted its own strength.

Feeling that the two great ancestral spirits were destroyed, Ye Chenfeng was multi-purpose, immediately controlled the three ancient ancestral flags into the void, enhanced the space ban, completely sealed off the retreat of the demon gods masters, and they will I am trapped in the ancestral land that is constantly collapsed.

When Ye Chenfeng controlled the chaotic gods and fought against the dark magic ancestors to the white-hot stage, Ye Chenfeng’s original birthplace merged with two-thirds of the ancestral spirit and crossed the border of the Samsung Dazu.

After that, the original terrarium of the spirit fish crossed the star ancestor.

"The game is over, it's time to blow you up!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind is moving, summoning the two original power tires that have soared in strength, and with them, attacked the dark magic ancestors.

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