Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1003: North Hill ancestors

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the noisy Beiqiu Tianzong is gradually quiet.


乾坤境 under the control of Ye Chenfeng’s mind, broke out the other side of the cliff, and quickly came to the north of the Tianqi Tianzong forbidden land.

"Avatar, fast speed ban!"

Ye Chenfeng passed through Qiankunjing and found that there was no human smoke around him. He summoned the worms and let him swallow up the powerful prohibition of the forbidden land.

Soon, under the mad engulfment of the worms, the powerful ban was bitten through a large hole by the worms, and Ye Chenfeng flashed into the forbidden land.

"Well, this is the ancestral home of the North Hill Tianzong, not the origin of the Tianzu!"

Into the forbidden land, the speeding deduction of the brain is aware of the strong ancestral temperament, but it does not feel the origin.

"Is the origin of the Tianzu in other places?" Ye Chenfeng frowned and muttered to himself.

"Who are you, what do you want to do in the North Hill Tianzong ancestors?"

When Ye Chenfeng fell into meditation, a deep voice passed into his ear, and an old man wearing a linen robes with a strong scent appeared.

"Half-step virtual god!"

Feeling that the old man is surging with the power of the field, Ye Chenfeng immediately guessed that he is a half-step virtual power beyond the peak of the ancestral home.

"Who do you think I am?"

Ye Chenfeng, pretending to be a dusty one, showed a faint smile, his eyes staring at the half-step imaginary power, beware of his letter.

"I can't guess your identity, but I know that you are not one of the four kings of the royal family!" Half-step virtual **** can no doubt say.

"You are wrong, I am the emperor!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and denied it.

"Whether you admit it or not, I can be sure that you are not a prince!" Half-step imaginary power: "Dare to dare in the day when my north hill Tianzong rejoiced, pretending to be the emperor, come to trouble, I Really want to know who you are?"

Speaking, the half-step virtual **** can take a step, such as a teleport, appearing in front of Ye Chenfeng, and stretched out the thin old hand and grabbed Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, half-step virtual **** also wants to catch me?"

Ye Chenfeng snorted, Hong Meng blood burned, and merged with the heart of the gods, instantly boosted his own strength to the half-step virtual god, bursting a punch, and instantly erupted more than three trillion jins of force to destroy It broke the half-step virtual attack and forced him back.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng summoned the best artifacts and thousands of streams, transforming the black river that is rolling and moving, directly banned the entire space, and sealed off the retreat of the half-step virtual god.

"The ancestors of the North Hill Tianzong, the strength is just that!"

Blocking space, Ye Chenfeng summoned the ancestor's sword spirit, locked the North Hill ancestor with a slightly changed face, said overbearing.

"It seems that you have been plotting my North Hill Tianzong for a long time!"

Feeling the blockade of the evil space has reached the level of the best artifacts. The color of the ancestors of the North Hill ancestors is more intense, looking for a powerful summon, a tens of billions of weights, the best ancestor The square-level painting of the class is held in the hand.

"The best artifact, it seems that you are not in the position of the Tianqi Tianzong in the Tianzu!"

The best artifacts are extremely rare and precious, and they can only be owned by the forces of the heavenly people who have made great achievements.

"Less nonsense, dare to come to the North Qiu Tianzong ancestral home, the ancestors let you come back!" North Qiu ancestors roared, bursting out of the power of the sky, holding the square painting, smashed down.

Under one blow, the space was smashed by the powerful Fang Tian painting, and the terrible power was like a huge mountain falling down, making people suffocate.

"Hey, a great artifact has given you such confidence?" Ye Chenfeng snorted and summoned the virtual artifact to swallow the sky.


The Shenjian swallows the sky and the Fangtian paintings collide, and the instantaneous burst of power tears the entire space.

But because of the ban on the evils here, the destructive power caused by the two people’s hands is not detectable by the outside world.

"Virtual, virtual artifacts, who are you?"

Feeling the power of the Excalibur to swallow the sky, the arm numb, the North Hill ancestors who broke the bloodline and trembled, and did not hesitate to combine the power of the ancestral land to kill Ye Chenfeng.

"Two original primaries, devour the ancestral land!"

The force of rolling the ancestral veins poured into the body of the North Hill ancestors, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the two original birth tires, tearing open the ground, and plunged into the ancestral land to devour wildly.

The speed of the fusion of the ancestors of the North Hill ancestors continued to decline as the two original primaries opened their body and madly swallowed.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng inspired the invincible sword body, holding the Excalibur to swallow the sky and continue to launch a fierce attack on the North Hill ancestors, not giving him the opportunity to seek help.

"You, you are a human being!"

When fiercely fighting, the North Hill ancestors felt the intention of Ye Chenfeng to emanate, and determined that he was a human being.

"A sword is godless!"

Ye Chenfeng did not answer the words of Beiqiu's ancestors. He quickly deduced the four ancestral road maps and combined the power of more than three trillion jins. A sword stabbed the North Qiu ancestor who changed his face and forced him to defend.


The brilliance of the heavens and the earth, the ruthless imaginary sacred thorns in the North Hill ancestors instinctively blocked in front of the Fangtian paintings, the instantaneous burst of power shocked Fang Tianhuan appeared out of control, stunned On the chest of the North Hill ancestors, he was defeated by his festival, and a large amount of blood was sprayed out of his mouth.

"Oh, you are the Kunlun Holy Land or the Feather Palace!" The injury is serious. The North Hill ancestors merged with the strength of the ancestral pulse and continued to enhance their strength. They said aloud: "My North Hill Tianzong asks you and the Terran No enmity, why are you coming here to make trouble?"

"Hey, you Beiqi Tianzong did not have hatred with me, but blame you for being a dog of the Tianzu!" Ye Chenfeng snorted and deliberately said: "The Tianzu attempt to annex the tribes, is it not allowed? Do we fight back?"

Ye Chenfeng’s voice just fell, and the North Hill ancestors changed color. He had a feeling that Ye Chenfeng did not come to his northern hills.

When there was distraction in the ancestors of Beiqiu, Ye Chenfeng inspired the invincible sword body, and cast a sword to return to the ancestors, and instantly evolved tens of thousands of swordsmanship, such as the rolling sword river. The northern ancestors.

"The field of heaven, resist!"

In times of crisis, the North Hill ancestors opened up a strong field of heaven, and wanted to use the power of the field to resist the return of Wan Jian.

But the attack power of Wanjian Guizong is too horrible, and it combines the power of the virtual artifact and the sword to swallow the sky. Under the attack, the field of heaven is broken, and the terrible swords are bombarded on the body of the North Hill ancestors. He flew out and the whole body became bloody.

"A sword is godless!"

Teaching to the strength of Ye Chenfeng’s horror, Beiqiu’s ancestors immediately wanted to crush the news beads.

But in the sense of the brain, the every move of the Beiqi ancestors was monitored in Ye Chenfeng, and the Beiqiu ancestors crushed the communication beads, and Ye Chenfeng quickly stabbed a sword.

In the 50 times time flow amplitude, Ye Chenfeng’s sword has almost reached a hundred times the speed of light. Under the sword, the right arm of the Beiqiu ancestors was smashed, so that he could not crush the beads.

"Spiritual Tower, Repression!"

A sword smashed the right arm of the North Hill ancestors, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the best artifacts of the gods, and suppressed the body on the body of the North Hill ancestors, further damaging his body.

"Search Soul!"

The North Hill ancestors were unable to move under the pressure of the **** tower. Ye Chenfeng immediately used the power of the brain to forcibly search the soul of the North Hill ancestors and learn his soul memory.

"No, the old man is dead, and won't let you succeed!"

In order to keep the secret, the North Hill ancestors will blew themselves up, but under the suppression of the **** tower, his body's ancestral force flow is very slow, and it is impossible to ignite the whole body's ancestral force.

"Don't worry, wait until you have no use value, I will only send you to hell!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly, holding his head in his death and continuing to control the soul of the soul.

"The original Tianzu origin is there!"

By searching the soul, Ye Chenfeng finally knows the location of the origin of the celestial beings, summons the chaotic law, and **** the painful mourning Beiqiu ancestors into a human being, condenses three chaotic gods and sends him down. hell.

After more than an hour, the two original birthmarks swallowed the ancestral veins of the Tianqiu Emperor of the North Qiu, reached the peak ancestral level, returned to the Qiankun territory, and left with Ye Chenfeng.

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