Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1004: Sing a song and

In the morning, soft sunshine splatters in the North Hill Mountains and wakes up a new day.


The door of Zilin was pushed away.

The face was pale, the light was broken, and the messy Tian Yuanzong came out and humiliated and left.

"Hey, Zilin, how did you torture people last night, I see that the Yuanzong Shaozhu is going crazy!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the door slowly, and he was refreshed. The ancestors of the glare of the eyes shook his head and shook his head.

"I didn't torture him, just do a night game with him!" Zilin's mouth was slightly upturned, and she said it was still unfinished.

Looking at the lascivious face on the face of the ancestors of the ancestors, Ye Chenfeng shook his head and couldn’t help but sympathize with the celestial beings of Tianyuanzong. This kind of nightmare experience is really scary when you think about it.

"Right, today you may want to play a show with me!" Ye Chenfeng voiced, told the story of killing the North Qiu ancestors, Zilin, and her plans to discuss how to blame the emperor.

"Do not worry, this girl shot, must turn their group to play!" Zilin patted the chest to ensure that.

When Ye Chenfeng and Zilin discussed the plan, Qiu Yunchuan unexpectedly discovered that the North Hill ancestor's life card broke down, and the entire North Hill Tianzong suddenly fell into chaos.

The North Hill ancestors are the pillars of the Northern Qiu Tianzong, and they are the guardians of the Northern Qiu Tianzong. His death will be a disaster for the Northern Qiu Tianzong. There is no Beiqiu ancestor sitting in the town. Strength will drop several grades.

"In the end, who sneaked into my North Hill Tianzong and killed the ancestors!"

Feeling that the situation is serious, Qiu Yunchuan immediately ordered the entire North Qiu Tianzong to block the identity of the murderer.

Thinking for a while, Qiu Yunchuan felt that all the forces that came to congratulate were suspected, and only the real hegemony of Tianyu could trust.

The reason why Qiu Yunchuan trusts the Huangtian people is because the Beiqiu Tianzong has always been attached to the Emperor Tianzu. More importantly, the Beiqiu Tianzong also shoulders the mission of guarding the origin of the Tianzu, and the Huangtian can never kill it for no reason. The northern ancestors, the overall strength of the weak North Hill Tianzong.

As for the ancestors of the mausoleum, the identity of Huang Yichen, he has no doubt.

Thinking about it, Qiu Yunchuan can only help the Emperor Tianzu, and use the hand of the Emperor Tianren to avenge the Beiqiu ancestors.

"Give me a good guard for the North Hill Tianzong, no one can leave without my permission!"

Qi Yunchuan, whose face was gloomy and watery, solemnly screamed and went to the other side of the cliff side to meet Ye Chenfeng.

"Lingguangzu, a dust, I have something to see!" Qiu Yunchuan stood outside the hospital, some anxiously said.

"Qiu Zongzhu, what happened!" Zilin imitated the voice of the ancestral ancestors and said in the courtyard: "Come in."

"Lingguangzu, a dust, I have a big event in the North Hill Tianzong!" Qiu Yunchuan opened the soundproofing system in the courtyard and told the murder of the North Hill ancestors.

"The North Hill brother is dead!" Ling Guangzu brows tightly wrinkled together: "When is this?"

"It should be what happened last night!" Qiu Yunchuan clenched his fists.

"Last night!" Ling Guangzu pondered and said: "In addition to our arrival yesterday, how many forces have come to the North Hill Tianzong."

"There were five major forces coming in yesterday, but these five forces have always been good with my North Hill Tianzong, and the overall strength is not as good as my Beiqiu Tianzong, I really can't think of who the murderer is!" Qiu Yunchuan 151 Said.

"Qiu Zongzhu, your thinking point is wrong!" Ye Chenfeng said in a side: "The North Hill predecessors are half-step virtual gods, capable of killing the half-step virtual **** under our eyes. It may be a real virtual god, so it is very likely that he is disguised as an identity and hidden in all major forces."

"Yes, the analysis is very right!" Zilin and Ye Chenfeng sang and said: "Qiu Zongzhu, I don't know where the North Hill brother was killed. Can you take us to see if there are any clues? ?"

"The ancestors have been guarding my ancestors in the northern hills, and they should be killed in the ancestral veins!" Qiu Yunchuan said.

"Walk, let's go to the ancestral veins to see if we can find any valuable clues?" Zilin suggested that Qiu Yunchuan, who was in a chaotic mood, went to the northeast Tianzong ancestors.

The two major primaries were swallowed up, and the ancestral veins of the northern hills were almost withered. A lush forest of spirits, the spirits had already died, and the entire ancestral veins were dead.

"Oh, this is what people do!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qiu Yunchuan only felt that his heart was bleeding. He knew that this would happen. He would not recruit all the forces to kill him. He would celebrate the celebration in the North Hill.

"Well, these sword marks have problems!"

Zi Lin walked over to a bottomless sword mark, and studied it with a model.

"Lingguangzu, what did you find?" Qiu Yunchuan immediately came over and asked.

"If I didn't read it wrong, these sword marks are very likely to be left by the virtual artifact!" Zilin pointed to a few deep sword marks.

"Virtual artifact!" Qiu Yunchuan eyes sighed: "Lingguangzu, are you sure these sword marks are left by virtual artifacts?"

The entire virtual world, the number of virtual artifacts is not much, almost all in the hands of the major races, if it is determined that these sword scars are left by the virtual artifact, the identity of the murderer can be reduced to a certain extent.

"Qiu Zongzhu, you can release the soul force to feel that there is still a breath of virtual artifacts in these sword marks!" Zilin said casually: "I can be sure that these sword marks are left by the virtual sword, the murderer Only by mastering the treasures of these powers can God kill the North Hill brothers without knowing it."

"Old ancestors, if I remember correctly, the emperor's sword in the hands of the emperor is a virtual artifact!" Ye Chenfeng said in a side.

"Yes, the Emperor Sword is a virtual artifact!" Zilin nodded and said: "But I heard that the Emperor and the Feathers are retreating."

"Retreat!" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly wrinkled: "The Emperor, the feathers of the gods declared a retreat, but we do not know whether they really retreat."

"Emperor!" Qiu Yunchuan fell into deep contemplation: "The ancestors, a dust, if it is really a human, you think he is trying to figure out what."

"Traditional origin!"

Ye Chenfeng and Zilin have the same voice.

"Yes, not long ago, the Taishen patriarch was separated from the emperor. Although the emperor eventually killed the Taishen patriarch, he was also injured. You said that the emperor would accidentally know that there is a day. The origin of the family, I want to take it for myself. In this way, I can retaliate against my celestial family. Secondly, he refines the origin of the Tianzu people, and also has the opportunity to make his own strength even higher!" Ye Chenfeng said with enthusiasm.

"A dust, your analysis is very reasonable!" Zilin said with certainty: "It seems that the murderer is very likely to be a human being."

"The Emperor..." Qiu Yunchuan felt that his head was more chaotic.

"Old ancestors, a dust, if the murderer is really a human being, what do you say we should do?" Qiu Yunchuan was influenced by Ye Chenfeng and Zilin, and accepted this analysis in the subconscious.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the Emperor should still be hidden in the North Hill Tianzong, so we have to do two things now!" Zilin said: "First, you will tell what happened here and our analysis. The family, the gods, and I and the dust are going to protect the origin of the heavens."

"But if it is really the emperor, then we are probably not the opponent!" The emperor is the strongest person of the human race, facing Qiu Yunchuan inevitably lacks confidence.

"You can rest assured that we have the body incarnation given by the Emperor of the Emperor of Heaven, and we are guarded, and the emperor can't think of it!" Zilin patted her chest.

"Well, then everything is please!"

Qiu Yunchuan knows the horror of the emperor's incarnation. He didn't think about the identity of the two. He immediately took them and went to the deepest part of the Tianqiu Tianzong, sealing the origin of the Tianzu.

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