Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1012: Mu Linger's means

"The body of the nine devils!"

Looking at the tall figure that appeared in front of him, Shinto and others immediately recognized that this person is the incarnation of the demon patriarch of the nine devils.

"The nine demon patriarchs, they will be handed over to you, I will kill the Terran kid!"

Although it is just an incarnation of the nine devils, in the origin of the Mozu, this incarnation of the body can continuously fuse the origin of the devil, almost undead.

"Okay, they gave it to me!"

The sound of the avatar outside the body of the demon uttered a horrible sound. He quietly stood in the air and immediately provoked the whole space, as if the space could not withstand the pressure brought by his body, at any time. broken.

"Hey, if you are the true body of the Nine Devils, we will be afraid of you a few points, but with your incarnation, you want to stop us!" The evil spirits snorted, carrying the evil spirits, to the nine devils The incarnation of the body launched a fierce attack.

The evil spirits tried their best, and the gods were imaginary. God Henggu did not hesitate, and they raised their attack power to the extreme. They held the two best artifacts and continued to display the amazing killings and attacked the incarnation of the nine devils.


In order to rescue Ye Chenfeng, the attack launched by the evil spirits was very fierce. The terrible attack instantly suppressed the body of the nine devils and invaded his body.

But with the ingenuity of a large number of magical creatures integrated into the body of the nine demon gods, his body wounds quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, resisting the attack of the evil spirits.

The nine demon gods are incarnate with one enemy and three, and when they fight against the evil spirits three times, the nine sacred gods enter the space treasure nine secluded, want to take this opportunity to kill Ye Chenfeng and win the treasure he possesses. .

"Human boy, let's die!"

Nine secluded gods burst into a bang, the horrible power of the squirting out of his body, turned into a rolling wave, crazy into the hands of the pseudo-virtual warfare, attacked Ye Chenfeng.

"Who is not sure!"

Although the power of the nine sacred gods is above him, but on the face of Ye Chenfeng, there is no trace of fear. He holds the sword and swallows the sky to fully attack, and the nine sacred gods are fierce in the nine secluded Strangled.

"Nine secluded power, kill!"

When Nine Secret God attacked Ye Chenfeng with all his strength, he constantly controlled the power of Jiuyou into a spear of nine secluded, and the hole penetrated the body of Ye Chenfeng, involving his energy.

"The field of swords, destroy!"

After being attacked by a large number of nine secluded spears, Ye Chenfeng immediately opened up the field of the sword and turned into an attack of tens of thousands of Excalibur around the body, fully resisting the power of the nine secluded.

"Killing the ancestral school, killing the aura!"

The power of Jiuyou was killed by Ye Chenfeng in the field of swords. The nine sacred gods immediately displayed the Mozu supernatural powers, instantly condensing nine killing apertures, increasing the attack power by nine times.

The power of the nine sacred gods is above Ye Chenfeng, and now it has increased the attack power by nine times, bringing a deadly threat to Ye Chenfeng. The fierce attack constantly suppresses Ye Chenfeng’s offensive. , shattering the field of the sword, forcing Ye Chenfeng to retreat.

"Mu Linger, come out and help me!"

Nine secluded to block the evil spirits and other people, the thunder and the sorrowful and serious injury can not help, Ye Chenfeng can only summon the Mu Linger who stayed in the Qiankun environment.

Although Mu Linger's combat power is not strong, but the means she mastered is terrible, and it is enough to make a lot of trouble for the nine sacred gods.

"Linger, use all the means you have to deal with him, fast!"

Unable to withstand the offensive of nine emptiness, Ye Chenfeng shouted at Mu Linger.


Mu Linger nodded, and the white tender hands quickly twisted, mobilizing the powerful space and the power of nature, attacking the nine sacred gods.


Endless mad thunder, flames, boulder, ice, **** wood, skylight appears around the body of the nine sacred gods, constantly bombarding his body.

Although Mu Linger’s attack could not hurt the nine sacred gods, it greatly distracted his energy and prevented him from attacking Ye Chenfeng.

When the angry nine sacred **** shattered and attacked his natural power, Ye Chenfeng seized the opportunity to start counterattack.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

"Chaotic Promise!"


Ye Chenfeng inspires the power of the invincible sword body to the extreme, with the body of the sword, the left hand to promote chaos, the right hand to evolve the gods robbery, while exerting the three supernatural powers, attacking the nine secret gods.

When the Three Supreme Masters attacked, the Spirit Tower descended from the sky under the control of Ye Chenfeng's mind. It was like a tall mountain, and it was squatting on the nine sacred gods.

The sorrow of the nine sacred gods is horrible, but it can't resist the simultaneous attack of the three supernatural powers and the **** tower.

In the face of the three supreme magical offensives, the body defense of the nine sacred gods was broken instantly, and his head was even stunned by the gods.

"The Way to the Imperial!"

Catch the opportunity of the slow response of the nine secluded gods, Ye Chenfeng hit the way of the imperial device, inspiring the Shenjian to swallow all the gods in the sky, and smashed a sword enough to destroy the stars.

The horrible swordsman is like a glimpse of the long day, running through the universe, and a sword squats on the body of the nine sacred gods, directly smashing his shoulders with his arms.

"Chaotic law, swallowing!"

Get rid of the shoulders of the nine sacred gods, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the chaotic method, extending a large number of five-color roots, and instantly swallowed the broken arm of the nine sacred gods.

"No, this is what!"

There is no undead blood in the body of the demon. There is no resilience of the metamorphosis of the celestial beings. The eyes are watching the broken arm being swallowed up by the chaotic method, and the nine emptiness gods are horrified.

The right arm was lost, the strength of the nine sacred gods was greatly reduced, and the threat to Ye Chenfeng was reduced to a minimum.

"Blood bleeding!"

When the nine secluded gods forcibly condensed their right arms, Mu Linger instantly condensed a mysterious light print, blending into the body of the nine emptiness gods who lost their right arms.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood was sprayed from the broken arm of Jiu Ning, and the wound was getting bigger and bigger.

"This, what is this ghost!"

The nine sacred gods fully sealed the broken arm wounds, but found that their seals could not be sealed, and the blood was continuously lost.

"Shenjian swallows the sky, hehe!"

At the time of catching the nine sacred gods, Ye Chenfeng instantly merged with the Excalibur, and the sword smashed into the body of the nine sacred gods.


There is a deep sword mark on the body of Jiu Ning Xuan, and a large amount of blood is splashed out uncontrollably.

"Blood bleeding!"

At this time, Mu Linger condensed a light seal, which melted into the body of the nine sacred gods, accelerating the speed of blood splattering.

Two consecutive blood-dropping techniques were performed. Mu Linger’s face became pale and his body became weakened. He was sent to the Qiankun to rest in time.

"Nine secluded, it is time to send you to hell!"

The right arm was lost, and the blood was too much. The strength of the nine sacred gods dropped several levels. Grab this rare opportunity, and Ye Chenfeng continuously launched a fierce attack on him, constantly increasing his physical injuries. Impaired his combat power.

As the injury became heavier and heavier, the nine sorrowful gods did not dare to wait for a long time, and wanted to leave quickly.

"Want to escape? Is it too late!"

Ye Chenfeng sneered a sneer, and the evil brakes flew out of his body, turning into a river of death that rushed, and instantly trapped the seriously injured nine secluded gods.

Then, the tower of the gods descended from the sky, and the escape space of the nine sacred gods was sealed.

"Chaotic law, swallowing!"

The nine sacred gods that have been seriously injured, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the chaotic law, transformed into a chaotic god, and attacked the nine sacred gods.

In the face of the five-color roots that the chaotic **** wood extends, the nine-deficient gods with serious injuries can't resist it. They must be broken into the broken body by the five-color roots, and madly engulf the energy in the body.

"No, how can Chaos Shenmu be on you!"

The virtual **** is extremely difficult to kill, but the first **** of the universe, Chaomu, can easily kill the virtual god.

In the face of the devouring of the chaotic **** wood, the nine sacred gods attacked wildly.

Now he was too wounded, and he was twice suppressed by the evil brakes and the tower of the gods. He could not tear the five-color roots.

Soon, his body began to wither and his resistance became weaker.

In the end, he was swallowed up by Chaos, and he became a man, killing him on the spot.

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