Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1013: 罗王魔神

"Six chaotic gods with complete domain meaning."

Seeing Chaos Shenmu swallowed up nine sacred gods, condensing six chaotic gods with full domain meaning, Ye Chenfeng showed a satisfied smile.

If used properly, these six chaotic gods are enough to make the gods of death, and they will enter the real virtual state.

"The blood of Hongmeng, refining!"

Killing the nine sacred gods, the space treasure nine secluded became the ownerless thing, Ye Chenfeng quickly squeezed out a lot of blood of the life, melted into the nine secluded, forced to recognize it .

The level of Hongmeng's blood is too high, and the blood of Hongmeng is merged. The treasure of space, Jiuyou, has quickly established contact with Ye Chenfeng, becoming the second space treasure of his best artifact level.


Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and Jiuyou collected his body and refining and appeared in the outside world.

At this time, the sacredness of the gods, the evil spirits and other people and the avatars of the nine devils fought fiercely to the stage of white heat. The horrible attack constantly shattered the space and smashed a tower of ancient trees.

"Morning wind..."

Looking at Ye Chenfeng's collection of nine secluded, and the nine secluded gods became a dry corpse, and Shen Dao and other people sighed with relief and devoted all their energy to the fierce battle.

"Oh, this God must have killed you!"

There are not many virtual gods in the whole virtual world. Everyone who dies will have a great impact, and the nine sacred gods killed by Ye Chenfeng have the opportunity to step into the intermediate virtual god. His death greatly weakened the overall strength of the Mozu.

"Hey, the little incarnation of the body is also daring to speak out!" The evil spirits screamed, and the hegemonic said, constantly blasting the attack of a broken hollow, and the fierce confrontation with the body.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

Crazy God, when the three gods and the avatars were fiercely attacking each other, Ye Chenfeng inspired the invincible sword body, instantly condensed tens of thousands of invincible swords, and attacked the body.

The addition of Ye Chenfeng instantly reversed the situation and allowed the nine demon gods to be invaded by the enemy. The terrorist offensive was suppressed a little.

And the Mozu originated under the joint force of all the swords, war demon, and death gods, and was sealed a little, not giving the opportunity to merge the nine devils.

"Magic World!"

The offensive was suppressed, and the incarnation of the injured body burned the body, forcibly exerting the supreme power of the Mozu, and launching the most fierce attack on Ye Chenfeng and others.

In the twinkling of an eye, the unparalleled magic light descended on the heavens and the earth, rendering the entire space, engulfing Ye Chenfeng and others, constantly destroying their flesh.

"Ye Shao, lend the sword to me!"

In times of crisis, the whole body of the evil spirits constantly grows bigger, blocking in front of Ye Chenfeng and others, using his undead body to resist the attack of the magical world. When he defends with all his strength, he borrows the Excalibur to swallow the sky.


The evil spirit is an intermediate virtual god, and the Excalibur can almost exert its strongest power in his hands.

A sword squats, surging, can instantly kill a half-step virtual god, the world is swept away by the sword, the terrible swordsman with the power of the invincible, smashed to the full evolution of the world Incarnation of the body.


The physical defense of the incarnation of the body was broken, and the terrible swordsman left a deep sword mark on his body.

Then, the evil **** held the sword to swallow the sky, continued to launch a fierce attack on him, and smashed the devil into the world, constantly increasing his physical injury.

When the body was invaded by the evil spirits, the Ye Chenfeng three people simultaneously opened up a powerful field and slammed into the body.

"Boom!" Three loud noises.

The three major areas that Ye Chenfeng opened up were broken at the same time. The power of the terrible field smashed the body and smashed the body and exploded his whole body.

"Chaotic God Wood, Devouring!"

The body of the nine demon gods is broken, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summons the chaotic **** wood, and controls the chaotic **** wood to grow bigger and bigger, extending the five-color roots, rooted in the body of the body and broken body, madly swallowed up.


The three evil spirits have a tacit understanding. When the Chaos Shenmu swallowed up, they simultaneously shot and suppressed the incarnation of the body.

Soon, under the full suppression of the evil spirits, the incarnation of the body lost the power of resistance and was eventually swallowed up by Chaos.

"Chaos Shenmu has condensed six chaotic gods with complete domain meaning!"

In addition to the chaotic gods left in the previous period, Ye Chenfeng now has ten chaotic gods with half-domain meaning and fifteen gods with full domain meaning.

Using it, he can let the gods of death, wars, etc. all step into the virtual state.

The power he controls when he arrives can be called other forces outside the celestial being.

"There are thousands of ancient evil ancestors, the top ten ancient ancestral flags, banned the entire space!"

The nine sacred gods who defended the origin of the Mozu, the incarnation of the nine demon gods, and Ye Chenfeng immediately banned the entire space.

"The evil spirits, the predecessors of the Tao, the predecessors of the ancient times, the war demon, the **** of death..." Ye Chenfeng did not swear, took out eight chaotic gods containing the complete domain, and gave them to the evil spirits and other eight people.

"Shock, although you just surrendered to me, I will not take care of this, this chaotic **** is for you, I hope that you will heal the body as soon as possible and step into the intermediate virtual state!" Ye Chenfeng will be seriously injured, has been in the cold The thundering **** of healing in the environment summoned him and gave him a chaotic god.

"Chaos, these five chaotic gods are yours, I hope you will break through to the six-star demon empire!"

Next, Ye Chenfeng gave five chaotic gods with partial domain meaning to the chaotic beast.

"Okay, let's practice here, wait until we refine and reinvent the original source here!"

Assorted chaotic goddess, Ye Chenfeng took a chaotic **** with half-domain meaning, and began to absorb powerful local cultivation in the origin of the Mozu.

At the same time, the death of the nine sacred gods caused an uproar in the Mozu.

"It’s not good for the elders, the name of the nine sacred gods is broken!"

The elders who were responsible for guarding the demon's imaginary **** tower, accidentally discovered that the name of the nine sacred gods was broken, and the first time to find the Mozu elders Luo Luohai, told him this situation.

"What, the name of the nine sacred gods is broken!"

The magical sea eyes glanced and felt the seriousness of the situation.

Nine secluded gods are sublime in the status of the Mozu, and he has been guarding the origin of the Mozu. He suddenly died, which means that the Mozu had an accident.

"In the end, who is so bold, dare to kill my demon god, encroaching on my devil's origin!"

While the Luoluhai is a great elder of the Mozu, but he is only a great ancestor of the ancestors, he can't mobilize the demon gods, and the demon patriarchs have already gone to the demon world with a few demon gods. The tomb of the wilderness can be said to be the most empty time of the Mozu.

"Old patriarch, only the old patriarch is ready to shoot!"

After contemplation, Mo Luohai decided to go to the old patriarch of the Mozu, and also the first place of the Mozu to practice the demon god. Tell him about this situation and ask him to take it.

"Magic Luohai, how come you!"

A gray-haired demon who has been guarding the demon's cultivation ground has opened the closed eyes and said lowly.

"Returning to the king of the demon, the big thing!" Mo Luohai respectfully succumbed to the death of the nine sacred gods, the news that the Mozu origin may have an accident told the king of Luo.

"Nine secluded!"

Under the news, the face of Luo Wang's demon **** became gloomy, and the deep shackles flashed with fierce colors.

"The old patriarch is shutting down, no one can bother!" Luo Wang devil's eyes flashed with fierce light: "So, I go to the magic sea with the white mist demon, I want to see what it is." People are so bold, they dare to kill my demon gods."

"There will be the king of Lauro!"

The king of Luo Wang is an intermediate virtual god. The white mist **** is also an intermediate virtual god. Mo Luohai believes that by their hands, they will be able to kill the enemy and avenge the nine sacred gods.

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