Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1014: The Battle of the Virtual God

"Half-step virtual god, breakthrough!"

There was a lot of devil's original power, refining the chaos and fruit, and accumulating enough of the essence of Ye Chenfeng to break through the bottleneck of the realm, breaking through to the half-step virtual state, the physical strength reached 15,000. Billion pounds.

"I don't know if I can use my current strength, can I have a middle-level virtual war!"

Feeling that his own combat power has increased by dozens of times. In the field of swords, the invincible sword body is more powerful, and the simple body can also counter the general lower level virtual god. Ye Chenfeng wants to know that his own combat power has reached What level?

Ye Chenfeng broke through to half-step virtual gods, evil spirits, gods and other people refining the chaos gods, swallowing a lot of the origin of the magic, and their own strength is also significantly improved.

Especially evil spirits, by the source of chaos and the power of the devil, almost cured the dark wounds in the body, and their own fighting power is stronger.

When Ye Chenfeng and others hid in the origin of the Mozu, they swallowed the powerful source of the demon, and when they hit a higher realm, the Luowang demon, the white mist demon appeared in the magic sea.

Follow them, and there are two demon subordinates.

The four virtual gods were dispatched at once, which shows that the Mozu attaches importance to the origin of the Mozu.

"Three people follow me, blocking the Bone Trench, don't let the enemy escape!"

Wearing a dark gray robes, the body is not burly, but the four kings of Luo Wang, who are full of horror energy, broke into the magic sea, came to the Baigu trench, played a large number of ancient flags, and blocked the entire Bone Trench.

Next, the four people quickly flew to the bottom of the Bone Trench, wanting to enter the origin of the Mozu, killing Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Well, the demon **** is coming very fast."

Ye Chenfeng’s remnant in the Bone Trench is aware of the breath of the Luowang Devil, waking up in cultivation.

And after a few days of engulfing them, they only swallowed one-sixth of the Mozu’s origins and would not leave.

"Crazy God, God's predecessor, Henggu predecessor, speed me to meet the enemy!"

The thunder and false gods have not healed, and Ye Chenfeng did not disturb him to devour the origin of the demon. He came to the forbidden with the evil spirits and waited for the four kings.

In order to conceal his identity, Ye Chenfeng’s four people all turned into a figure, so that the four kings of Luo Wang could not see through their true body.

"Who are you, why are you killing the demon gods and encroaching on my devil's origin!"

The extremely fast Luowang Demon four, who broke through the cold sea and came to the bottom of the Bone Trench, discovered the four people of Ye Chenfeng. When they felt the power of the evil spirits, the gods and other people, they showed an accident. The color.

Be aware that there are not many virtual gods in the whole virtual world. There are three virtual gods at once, and there are intermediate virtual gods. Only the top ethics of the virtual world have such a heritage.

"Hey, is it only allowed to invade the Mozu, do not allow us to fight back?" Ye Chenfeng snorted, deliberately hoarse and scorpion.

"Who are you guys?" Luo Wang Devil said with hostility.

"Luo Wang, have you lived a lot of age, are you living on a dog, do you think we will tell you the true identity?"

Looking at the hands of a lot of protoss with a lot of blood, the king of the gods, the white mist demon, the gods and the virtual two can not control the killing of the heart, cold and sigh.

"Don't you say yes? Wait a minute to hold you back, do you want to see if you still have a hard mouth?" Luo Wang Devil said in a desperate way, a horrible demon **** illusion emerged his body.

"Luo Wang Devil is handed over to me to deal with!"

Although it can be discerned from the breath, the strength of Luo Wang Devil is more than the three people of the White Mist, but Ye Chenfeng intends to test the strength of the king.

"Okay, the morning breeze, be careful!"

The evil spirits three nodded and did not compete for the king of Luo.

"We try to hide identity!"

Ye Chenfeng snorted and instantly burned the blood of Hongmeng, blending the chaotic law and the heart of the gods, and elevating his own strength to the intermediate virtual state.

"What, what is this supernatural power!"

Feeling the power of Ye Chenfeng’s moment from the half-step virtual **** to the intermediate virtual god, the four demon gods such as Luo Wang Devil and God showed a deep horror.

Although they are carrying a lot of treasures, they don’t have a treasure that is so bad, and instantly raises two realms.

Know that the virtual world is incomparably difficult to cross every level of the realm, and they have never seen the treasures of the two realms.

"There is a big secret on this person!"

The king of Luo Wang’s eyes showed a fiery heat, and the control of the demon god’s illusion that emerged from his body attacked Ye Chenfeng, who continued to approach.

"Hey, the shadow of the district also wants to hurt me, you are too naive!" Ye Chenfeng snorted, more than 6 trillion pounds of power broke out, blasting an unbeatable punch, bombarded the devil Shadow.

This fist, Ye Chenfeng compresses the force to the extreme, and when bombarded on the shadow of the demon god, the power of the momentary explosion directly smashes the ghost of the god.

Next, Ye Chenfeng slammed another punch and relied on absolute power to launch an attack on Luo Wang Devil.

The king of Luo Wang seems to be not burly, but he has been taking the refining route. He has already trained the body to the extreme, and has a palm print to Ye Chenfeng.

The fists hit each other, and the momentary power collapsed the entire space.

A hard regret, Ye Chenfeng and Luo Wang Devil's body trembled at the same time, evenly divided.

The next moment, the two broke the power of the sky, and once again the fierce battle was together.

Ye Chenfeng and Luo Wang Devil rely on a simple physical attack to attack the evil spirits, and the evil spirits and the formation of a white mist, can not see the real body of the white mist demon violently killed.

The White Mist Demon is practicing the field of white fog. In the field of white fog, she is like a cloud of erratic clouds, unpredictable and unpredictable.

Fortunately, the evil spirit refining a chaotic god, devour a lot of the origin of the demon, almost cured the body darkness, the combat power increased by more than ten times, plus the undead body, the attack of the white fog demon almost Can't be fatal to him.

The evil spirits and the white mist demon battled from the bottom of the trench to the middle of the trench, and from the middle of the trench, to the upper part of the trench, the entire trench was destroyed.

The sacredness of God and the attack of the gods and the lower gods of the two great devils also formed the destructive power of terror, constantly destroying the gap between the bones.

The cultivation of the Mozu origins for several days, the sacredness of the gods, the power of the gods and the ancients have improved a lot, but in order to conceal their identity, the two do not dare to use the domain power, and even more can not display the Protoss magic, can only borrow the best The ancestors attacked with all their strength.

Soon, three days passed.

In these three days, the eight great gods completely destroyed the Baigu trench, and the thick white bone covered in the trench was turned into powder.

In the past three days, no one of the eight great gods has failed to do anything. No one has been able to press the other side with an overwhelming advantage and to ruin the other side.

But the Mozu originated in the war, half-step evil spirits and other people swallowed up, the original source of power contained in the source is continuously lost, many branches are withered.

This makes the Luo Wang Devil and others who have noticed the change of the Mozu origin.

But the four people are no longer worried and can't beat Ye Chenfeng. They can't change the situation in front of them. They can only watch the roots of the Mozu wither.

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