Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1016: The eyes are deceptive

"Let's go, let's go to the demon world to find the Phoenix God!"

After a lot of time, Ye Chenfeng is going to go directly to the demon world to find the phoenix **** and the tomb of the wilderness.

"Morning wind, it is not easy to find the phoenix god, we must find the phoenix god's favorite things, it is possible to attract her, and find her!" Shendao meditation, said.

"I don't know what treasures can attract the Phoenix God?" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly wrinkled and asked.

"The phoenix is ​​inhabited by the phoenix tree, and the most attractive to the phoenix is ​​the tree heart of the phoenix tree. With the heart of the phoenix tree, the strength of the phoenix **** can make a qualitative leap, so in the face of the phoenix tree, she absolutely No resistance!" Shinto said.

"Wu Tong Shenmu Shuxin? Where do you want to go?" Although Ye Chenfeng has heard of Wutong Shenmu, but the gods are extremely rare, and the saplings that condense the heart of the tree need to grow for at least a million years, nowhere. Search.

"I have Sycamore Shenmu Tree Heart!"

When Ye Chenfeng was guilty, the fusion of the tribes, a sacred **** who stepped into the back of the virtual **** suddenly spoke.


Ye Chenfeng and others' eyes are brushed and projected to the evil spirits.

"Well, I was in a coincidence that I got the heart of a phoenix tree, but I sealed it in the treasure house of the evil!" The evil **** nodded.

"The evil treasure house!" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly wrinkled: "After so many years, will your evil treasury still exist?"

"My treasury treasure house is in a very safe place. Except for me, no one can open the transmission array accurately and enter the treasure space, and the treasure house is sealed with two foreign gods. I don't know how to open it. Can't open it!" said the evil spirit.

"Outside the Shenshi!" Ye Chenfeng’s eyes brightened: "You should not hide the treasure house in the extraterrestrial space."

"Yes, my evil treasury is in the extraterrestrial space!" The evil spirit nodded and said: "In addition to the phoenix tree, the evil spirits of my evil family are also in the treasure house, and so many years have passed. Hundreds of evil spirits should evolve into virtual artifacts."

"The evil treasury has a virtual artifact!" Ye Chenfeng knows the preciousness and power of the virtual artifact. He wants to kill the virtual god. He only uses the virtual artifact: "The matter should not be late, we will go to the evil treasury now." !"


Wanli Tiancheng, a large city within the sphere of God's genius, covers thousands of miles and is very prosperous.

Ye Chenfeng left the Great Bone Trench through the space wormhole. After several turns, he spent nearly a month and went outside the city.

The space transmission array leading to the treasure house of the evil family is hidden in the home of Wanli Tiancheng.

The Chang family is a family established by the evil spirits. When the family of the family kept following the evil spirits and loyalty, the evil spirits left the space transmission in the regular home and kept the family from generation to generation.

"The evil spirits, you said that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the family will have been betrayed!" Ye Chenfeng and the evil spirits walked side by side on the spacious streets of Wanli Tiancheng and said while walking.

"If Chang Kunyuan is not dead, then Chang Jia will never dare to betray, but if Chang Kun is dead, it is hard to say, but except for me, no one can find the exact coordinates of the evil treasures, even if It’s okay to betray the family!”

Wearing a black robes, the atmosphere converges, and the evil spirits of ordinary people whisper.

"That's good!"

Whether it is the heart of the phoenix tree or the virtual artifact, it is extremely important for Ye Chenfeng, and there is no loss.

"Well, wait!"

Walking and walking, the speeding brain of the brain suddenly noticed the breath of the treasure at a booth, and immediately went with the evil spirits.

"How can I sell this stone!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the booth and locked a fist-sized, muddy, black stone that seemed to have just been excavated, whispered.

"One million top grades!"

When wearing a linen robes, his eyes are white, and the old man smoking a dry cigarette bag glanced at Ye Chenfeng, not cold or hot.

"Okay, I bought it!"

The rich and powerful Ye Chenfeng did not bargain, and handed a Qiankun ring with a million pieces of top quality to the old man and bought the black stone covered with mud.

When Ye Chenfeng turned and left, a woman wearing a white tulle skirt, with white shoulders and slender legs, looked charming and slammed into Ye Chenfeng without warning.

But the next moment, her hand breaking into the space trajectory was caught by Ye Chenfeng.

"Want to steal my things, you are still farther away!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes showed a cold light, watching the woman who was eclipsed, said indifferently.

Ye Chenfeng’s voice just fell, and everyone’s eyes were projected to the woman.

"You squirt your blood, who, who stole you!" The woman in the short skirt changed her face instantly: "It is clear that you want to be indecent, and I don't release my hand quickly. You hurt me."

"You are indecent!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "This excuse is not good at all."

"Save, save lives, someone is indecent, who will help me!"

Touched the killing in the eyes of Ye Chenfeng, the woman in the short skirt was scared, shouting loudly with a scorpion.

The woman shouted, and suddenly attracted a lot of people to come over and watch.


Looking at the pretty woman's pretty face, the long white legs, the enchanting figure, a man in a gorgeous dress, tall and straight, full of enthusiasm, came with two followers, Speak loudly.

"Hello big dog gall, even when the street is indecent, not fast release the girl, otherwise you can't spare you!" The man glared at Ye Chenfeng and shouted loudly.

"I hope you don't provoke me any more, let alone be evil, otherwise no one can save you!" Ye Chenfeng saw more and more people gathered, his wrists were slightly weak, and the woman in the short skirt was directly thrown at Hey man, he is ready to leave.

"Staying, this is a rare saying that let you leave?" The man saw Ye Chenfeng want to go, the wind screamed, and intended to be a prestige in front of the beautiful woman.

"I advise you to polish your eyes as well. Maybe you are not holding a pretty woman in your arms, but a rude big man who is full of hair!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head.

"You..." The short skirt of the female bird is nestled in the man's arms, and the person said: "Seek the son to the young woman and severely punish the wicked."

"Reassured, this young has always hated evil, must bring him to justice, give you this bad breath!"

Feeling the soft body of the short skirt, smelling the faint sound of her body, the man is a little fluttering, patted the chest to ensure that.

She wants to solve Ye Chenfeng as soon as possible, with a short skirt to return to the government to comfort.

"Oh, sometimes, the eyes are really deceiving!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head, gently pointed a finger, and pointed to the short skirt woman.

The next moment, the power of the illusion in the woman's body disappeared, and the body became bigger and bigger, revealing the true body.

"This is..."

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful beauty in the arms, it became a short-haired man with a sturdy hair, and a scary man with a beard, scared the man to scream, and then stepped back and sat down on the ground. .


The real body is revealed. The thief is scared. He looks at the morning wind in awe, and flies away.

But at the moment he fled, a light of forbidden light penetrated into his body. If he would do evil again in the future, and he would make a living by stealing, then the light of the ban would erupt and directly kill his life.

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