Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1017: Family betrayal

"Now, you believe me!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at his face and his face was green and red. The sullen man who had been anxious was leaving with the evil spirits.

"Ye Shao, what is the special stone you just bought?"

The evil spirits are terrible, but he did not see that Ye Chenfeng spent a million yuan on the stone that was purchased by Shengjing.

"This is a five-color **** stone!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly: "You are only one line away from the breakthrough, and these five-color **** stones will be given to you."

"Five colors of stone!"

The evil spirit brows a glimpse, and the five fingers smashed a lot of divine power, penetrated into the muddy stone, forcibly crushed the hard stone shell.

A moment, a group of five colors of light are mapped out.

"Really is a five-color **** stone!"

The virtual **** breakthrough has a primary premise, that is, to accumulate divine power. Only when the evil spirits reach the level of the late deity of the gods, can he finally break through, so the five-color **** stone is extremely important to him.

"Thank you for Ye Shao!"

The evil spirits greeted him with a gratitude, and took this incomparably precious five-color **** stone into the ring of Qiankun.

Wanli Tiancheng is very vast, but hundreds of thousands of years have passed. The main pattern of Wanli Tiancheng has not changed. Ye Chenfeng and the evil spirits wandered around and went to the east city, occupying a golden area and building It is like a palace in Changzhou.

"Two, here is Changjiafu, I don't know who you are looking for?"

Looking at the slow-moving, pretentious Ye Chenfeng two, the regular home guard asked politely.

"I am looking for Chang Kunyuan!"

The evil spirits carry their hands, cold and proud.

"Looking for Taizu!" Changjia’s guards had a glimpse of their eyes, and some accidentally said: “Taizu has been sitting for tens of thousands of years.”

"Chang Kun is dead!" The brow of the evil spirit frowned slightly: "Who is the current master of the house, let me come out to see me."

"This is it!"

When you hear the madness of the evil spirits, the regular family guards suddenly get up.

"Mom, you two big dogs, humiliating the lesser, dare to come to my home, I see you are impatient!"

When the evil spirits showed a trace of impatience, when they wanted to force the Changjiafu, an angry roar sounded, and the sly man who saved the beauty and was not humiliated appeared with two followers.

"Dagong, you are back!"

Looking at the man, the regular family guard immediately bowed respectfully.

"If you want to die, I can fulfill you!"

The evil spirit is the Lord who is not afraid of the sky. The permanent family is a small branch of the evil family. It is squandered by the young masters of the branch, and the evil spirits suddenly become angry.

"Hey! I didn't get it wrong!" said the man, yin and yang, "I have to say it again, I..."

The man’s words have not been finished yet, and his entire body has exploded without warning, turning into a **** fog and killing him on the spot.

"Da Gongzi!"

The man stunned and died. He was stunned at the place. He felt that the regular family guards who had been in serious condition immediately ran into Changjiafu and informed the Changjia housekeeper of this situation.

"What, **** is dead!"

Under the news that the man was dead, Chang’s current owner, Chang Lanshan, was angry and called the master of the home to rush out and surrounded the Ye Chenfeng, who was in Changjiafu.

"Who is a regular family owner!"

The evil spirits carry their hands and glance at the fierce and sorrowful masters of the country.

"I am!"

Chang Lanshan looked at Ye Chenfeng, who had no fear and looked indifferent, and slowly walked out.

"You are Chang Kunyuan, do you know this token?" The evil spirit took out a purple gold, engraved with an ancient command of the gods, said indifferently.

"Purple Gold God!" Looking at the purple gold ancient order in the hands of the evil spirits, Chang Lanshan picked up a big wave in his heart: "What is your lord, how can there be a purple god?"

"You have too much nonsense, you only have to follow the rules of the ancestors!" The evil spirit said indifferently: "Take me to the ground."

"This is..."

Chang Lanshan hesitated when he heard the command of the evil spirit.

"Why, Chang Kunyuan did not tell you, see the purple gold **** command, if you see God?" The evil spirit looked at the blinking Changlan Mountain, said annoyed.

"God makes the anger, how can Lanshan forget the ancestral training, but can you let me take a good look at this purple gold **** order, identify the authenticity, after all, the purple gold **** order is extremely important for my hometown!" Changlan The mountain has fabricated a reason.

When I heard the reason for Chang Lanshan's fabrication, Ye Chenfeng basically affirmed that Changjia had long forgotten his ancestral training and wanted to take the treasure house of the evil spirits as his own.


The evil spirits threw the purple gold gods to Changlan Mountain, but the killing in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

The betrayal of Chang’s family annoyed him, and he wanted to know if there were other people who were greedy for the treasure house of evil spirits besides the regular family.

"Two, please, please go and ask the ancestors to identify this purple god!" Changlanshan no longer mentions revenge for his son, Ye Chenfeng's arrival let him see Get the opportunity to transfer the treasures in the space array.

"The evil spirit, how are you going to deal with the betrayal of the home!"

Ye Chenfeng sat in the Changjia Zhengtang, and while drinking the maid, he asked for a tea.

"Betrayal, kill innocent!" The evil spirit said ruthlessly: "I would like to see, in addition to the regular family, who is so bold, and greedy my treasure house."

The time passed by one minute and one minute. When Ye Chenfeng and the evil spirits just dipped in the third pot of spiritual tea, the hall suddenly swelled up a banned light column, and a mysterious figure emerged over the main hall, forbidding the whole Zhengtang, trapped Ye Chenfeng two people.

Suddenly trapped, Ye Chenfeng and the evil spirits did not panic, and continued to drink the spiritual tea.

"You two big big dogs, dare to take fake purple gold gods to fool my home, today the family is going to bring you to justice!" Chang Lanshan's voice sounded outside the hall.

Beside Changlan Mountain, standing with a squatting caduceus, body squatting, full of silver hair, the strength of reaching a starry ancestral home.

And this old man is the oldest person in his family, and he is the first master of the family.

"Zi Jin Shenling is true or false. You are very clear. Don't delay the time. Call out the people behind you. I have to look at it. Besides you, who else is plotting the treasures in the space!" Drinking the spirit tea in the cup, said faintly.

"It seems that you really know the secrets of this!"

A sound of a sudden sound suddenly sounded.

An old man wearing a black moire robes, his face is as sharp as a knife, his eyes are deep and powerful, and he is stepping into a half-step virtual world. With more than 30 breaths, the power of extraordinary strength appears. In Changjiafu.

"With the ancestors, you are here!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of the black robe and other people, Chang Lanshan and others were overjoyed and immediately greeted each other.

In their view, there are half-step ancestors of the virtual realm of the gods, and more than 30 powerful mountains and strong supporters, Ye Chenfeng two people are also able to drink and hate on the spot.

As long as they control Ye Chenfeng, they secretly ask the secrets of the space transmission array from their mouths, and the secrets of the constant home guarding hundreds of thousands of years will be readily available.

ps: Five chapters, thank you for your support!

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