Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1018: One palm killing

"Half-step virtual god, this is still like!"

Feeling the strength of the ancestors of the mountain, the evil spirits put down the teacup in their hands: "Ye Shao, you should be able to close the net, you are waiting here, I will destroy them, then we will go to the evil treasure house." /

"Good!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "But don't kill innocents."


The evil spirit took a step, and the power of terror shattered the prohibition of the ban, and broke the mysterious map.

"Well, great atmosphere!"

When the ancestors saw the evil spirits wearing black robes and slowly coming out, they immediately felt a strong danger from him, and his face showed a dignified color.

"Is it dependent on Tianzong?" The evil spirit looked at the ancestors of the heavens indifferently: "I didn't expect that when I was a little dependent on Tianzong, I dared to play the idea of ​​God. I think you are really impatient. ."

"This God!"

The evil mythology just fell, relying on Tian Laozu and other people to change their faces.

Only half a step above the illusion of God, dare to call himself the god, look at the arrogance of the look, and whoever I am, the dignity of the face of the heavenly ancestors is even stronger.

"Who is your lord? If you are an old person, you can be the master of the old age, and share the treasure with you!" In the mind of the ancestors, I flashed several thoughts in an instant, and finally he decided to test the identity of the evil spirit.

"Oh, just because you dare to play the treasure, I see you are really impatient!" The evil spirit snorted, arrogant and arrogant.

"Old ancestors, would you like me to test his strength?"

A burly man, wearing a silver trench, has a long blond hair, like a lion-like big man.

"Well, everything is careful. If this person is really a half-step god, remember to crush the amulet!" Nodded by the old ancestors, and the voice was snarled.

"Reassured ancestors, unless it is a real virtual god, no one can kill me!" The burly man is confident in his own defense and decided to test the true strength of the evil spirit.

"Hey, let my ancestors see, what awful capital you have!"

The burly man snorted and raised his defensive power to the extreme. He held a slapstick with a length of two feet and a weight of one hundred kilograms, and launched a fatal blow to the evil spirits.

The mace is falling, the blood of the burly man's body is burning instantly, and the rolling ambition and the ancestral force are madly melted into the mace, increasing the attack power of the mace, such as shaking a mountain, 砸To the burly man who did not move.

"The four-star ancestor of the district is also playing against me!"

The evil spirits carry their hands and glance at the burly man holding the mace.

Suddenly, two blood-red twilight shots in his deep sea-like eyes, like a sword, directly penetrated the lower body of the mace, and the body defense of the burly man's solid soup, will him I flew out at a glance.


The burly man's entire body was turned into a **** fog in midair, killing him on the spot.

Static, incomparable silence.

Seeing the evil spirits and killing the four-star ancestor known for its defensive power, it shocked the Tianzong, and everyone in the family, even the face of the ancestors became pale.

"Gall, you are a virtual god!"

At this time, relying on Tian Laozu and others to be completely affirmed, the evil spirit is a virtual god, and the legs can not help but tremble.

And Chang Lanshan and others even showed the color of fear. They never dreamed of it. They were greedy for a moment, and they even counted the head of the virtual god.

"From today on, the virtual gods do not rely on Tianzong, there is no permanent home!" The evil gods overbearingly announced the fate of the two forces.

"Wait, wait for the predecessors, today this thing really has nothing to do with my dependence on Tianzong, we are blinded by the regular family, but also ask the seniors to exalt your hands and spare us!"

The ancestors of the heavens know the horror of the virtual gods, and the imaginary gods must destroy the heavenly sects. They use all the means, and they can't resist the power of the ancestors.


The evil spirit said ruthlessly, and printed a palm on the stunned ancestors.

A palm print was printed, directly blocking the space around the body of the ancestors, so that he did not have a chance to dodge, and he could only try his best to resist.

"Rely on the sky and yin umbrella!"

Feeling the horror of the big hand, relying on the ancestors of the heavens, he immediately sacrificed a grade of the top grade, depicting the yin and yang umbrellas of the ancient lines, continuously injecting the blood into the yin and parasol, and raising the yin and parasol. Defensive power, hard regrets the attack of the big hand.


The evolution of the evil spirits fell into the sky, and the power of terror directly crushed the upper-class artifacts by the Tianyin parasol. Then, the shaking of the sky’s hands was unabated, shattering the support of the heavenly ancestors. In the domain, he will directly smash the mud into the mud, and the entire ground will collapse for dozens of meters.


Seeing the evil spirits and killing the ancestors of the half-step virtual realm, all the people present are caught in deep fear.

Chang Lanshan and others are even legs, continually begging for mercy, praying for evil spirits to spare their lives.

"Before, the predecessors, we know the wrong, and ask the seniors to look at my grandfather Chang Kunyuan, spare us a life, I promise that I will never make these mistakes again in the future!"

In the face of unbeatable evil spirits, Chang Lanshan and others know that they want to live only for mercy.

"Hey, this God wants to kill you, even if Chang Kun is here, you can't save you!" The evil spirit snorted, and was unmoved, once again printed a palm, killing Changlanshan, etc. people.


A palm of the hand, the Changlan Mountain and others who greeted the treasure house of evil spirits turned into a group of blood fog, killed on the spot, and the ground of the entire home once again collapsed.


Seeing the ruthless evil spirits, the three souls scared the two souls by relying on the means of the heavenly powers to escape.

But their strength is far from the evil spirits. They have not waited for them to escape from the Changjiafu, which is full of **** smells. They have turned into a group of blood fog and killed on the spot.

There are less than thirty breaths, and the home is all killed by Tianzong.

Because Ye Chenfeng does not let the evil spirits kill innocent people, he did not open the killing ring and spared the lives of most people in the family.

"Let's go, let's go to the space transfer array!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the severely collapsed home, and there was no mercy on his face.

Because all of these are permanent homes, relying on Tianzong to take care of themselves, if they are not blinded by greed, the home may get imaginable benefits because of the emergence of evil spirits.

After heaven and hell, Chang family chose **** and could not blame others.

"Give me a break!"

Before the Chang family banned the land, the evil spirits gently smashed their feet and directly broke the prohibition outside the forbidden land, and came to the space transmission place where he stayed at the regular home.

Although Chang’s research space transmission array has changed countless years, it has changed the structure of many transmission arrays, but these changes have been fixed by the evil spirits in an instant.

"Ye Shao, let's go!"

Fixed the space transfer array, the evil spirits adjusted the transfer coordinates, and started the space transfer array.


A skylight column goes straight into the sky.

Ye Chenfeng and the evil spirits disappeared into the homes where the casualties were heavy. Through the space transmission array, they came to the treasure house hidden in the alien space and sealed for hundreds of thousands of years.

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