Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1022: Repression of Jinpeng ancestor

"Half-step virtual god...who are you guys?"

Feeling that Ye Chenfeng is also a half-step virtual god, Jinpeng’s ancestors immediately developed a strong uneasiness, and asked loudly.

"Guess who we are?"

Ye Chenfeng has a faint smile.

"No matter who you are? Today God wants you to die!"

The four great six-star ancestral powers that Ye Chenfeng and Zilin killed just now, two from the Tianzu, their status is not low, they are likely to anger the Tianzu, the consequences of this matter, Jinpeng demon arrogant madness, can not wait to leave Ye Chenfeng two thousand.

"The Ultimate Golden Crown, Fusion!"

Jinpeng's ancestors thought and moved together with the ultimate golden crown. The attack, speed, and defense increased greatly, and the strength also crossed the subordinate virtual state.

The power of terror shook the entire space, and a large number of doctrine chains were transformed at his feet.


The limit gold gun appeared in the hands of Jinpeng's ancestors, and the force of the rolling rule was integrated into the limit golden gun, and one shot stabbed Ye Chenfeng.

Jinpeng demon ancestors came to the limit, and Ye Chenfeng immediately burned the blood of Hongmeng, blending the heart of the gods, controlling the ancestral spirits into the right fist, and rushing up.


Ye Chenfeng’s fist collided with the stabbing limit gold gun, and instantly burst out nearly five trillion kilograms of power. He directly bent the limit gold gun and shocked Jinpeng’s arm.

The space in the main hall is even more severe.

But the whole space was banned, and the fierce battle between Ye Chenfeng and Jinpeng's ancestors did not disturb the masters.

"What, what is this flesh!"

Jinpeng’s ancestors squinted their eyes, and couldn’t believe that Ye Chenfeng’s physical strength was so strong that it exceeded his imagination and suppressed the limit gun.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

A fist broke the attack of Jinpeng's ancestors, and Ye Chenfeng pushed the four ancestral road maps to the extreme, and instantly blasted three thousand invincible **** fists, like a meteor shower, and smashed to Jinpeng ancestors.

"Combat form, the field of heaven!"

Feeling the destructive power of the Three Thousands of Gods, Jinpeng's ancestors instantly changed into the strongest form of battle, and opened up the field of heaven, continuously displaying the demon killings and resisting the three thousand gods.

But Chen Chenfeng broke through to the half-step virtual god, the body is too strong, more than 5 trillion jin of power continued to attack, smashing the field of the sky, destroying the killing, constantly bombarding Jinpeng ancestor He flew out directly, and the whole body broke the road crack.

"Mr. Meridian, save me!"

Teaching to the horror of Ye Chenfeng, the Jinpeng demon sorcerer who was not hurt was afraid, and made a terrible scream and shouted for help.

"Call, you are shouting your throat and it’s useless, no one can save you!" Purple Lin stood on the side and showed a smile.


"Extreme Speed!"

Jinpeng demon ancestors found that their help-seeking voice could not be transmitted at all, only to speed up to the extreme, and to rely on speed to entangle Ye Chenfeng, looking for opportunities to escape.

"Time slows down!"

The Jinpeng demon ancestor relies on absolute speed to instantly morphize a number of speeds and shadows of various shapes, and attack Ye Haofeng from all sides.

But Jinpeng’s demon ancestor was close to Ye Chenfeng’s body, but he was horrified to discover that the space around Ye Chenfeng’s body became a mire of time, and his speed was infinitely reduced.

"The field of swords!"

Ye Chenfeng stepped out in one step and opened up the field of horrible swords. Tens of thousands of invincible swords instantly engulfed Jinpeng’s ancestors and several speeds, and directly smashed the speed afterimage, once again He broke the Jinpeng ancestor and flew him out.

"Mr. Meridian, help!"

The injury is getting worse, Jinpeng’s ancestors feared, and suddenly gave up attacking Ye Chenfeng. Instead, they attacked the space that was banned by the evil martial arts and the top ten ancient ancestral flags, and wanted to cause a huge earthquake in the space. The meridian **** of cultivation.

"Chaotic Promise!"

When Jinpeng’s ancestors attacked the space forbidden, the tall chaotic godmu’s virtual shadow emerged from his body, hitting and blasting, the power of chaos and the four ancestral road maps, the power of nearly five trillion jin Together, they smashed.

"This trick...you are Ye Chenfeng!"

Jinpeng's demon ancestor relied on absolute speed, and evaded the chaos of the chaos, and identified the identity of Ye Chenfeng.

"You are not stupid!"

Ye Chenfeng sneered with a sneak peek at the footsteps of the sword, and continued to launch a fierce attack on the Jinpeng demon ancestor, trying to suppress him as soon as possible.

"The Field of Heaven!"

Having learned the identity of Ye Chenfeng, Jinpeng’s demon ancestors were even more alarmed.

He can't believe that in such a short period of time, Ye Chenfeng's strength has increased so much, and he has stepped into a half-step virtual realm.

"A sword is godless, broken!"

Ye Chenfeng ignores the field of the heavens that Jinpeng’s ancestors opened up, and the whole body merges with the ancestral sword spirit to inspire the invincible sword body, and throws out a sword that is invincible and directly tears the field of the sword. A sword smashed to the Jinpeng demon ancestors who desperately dodge.

When Jinpeng's demon ancestor relied on the ultimate speed, and sneaked away from the sword that the morning wind spurted out, Ye Chenfeng slammed a punch and slammed into the Jinpeng demon ancestors.

This punch seems to be very slow, but the Jinpeng ancestor who has the ultimate speed has not been able to dodge it. It was bombarded by Ye Chenfeng in the chest, and nearly five trillion jin of force directly smashed his body defense. He kicked him out and the entire chest was completely sunken.

Next, Ye Chenfeng constantly changed the rules of time and launched an attack on the Jinpeng demon ancestors. The power of terror continued to destroy his body and he flew again and again.


When Jin Peng’s ancestors continued to increase their injuries, the space of the evil sacred and the top ten ancient ancestral flags was suddenly attacked and the ban was broken.

"Mr. Meridian, help!"

Looking at the ban on the rupture of the ban, the Jinpeng ancestors who vomited blood were very happy, and they shouted for help.

"Jin Peng, you don't have to shout, and the king of heaven can't save you!"

After the meridian god, Ye Chenfeng no longer possesses the Tibetan Mastiff, summons the Excalibur to swallow the sky, and launches a fierce attack on the Jinpeng demon ancestors.

Under fifty times of time deceleration rules, the speed of Jinpeng's demon ancestors is constantly decreasing, and it is impossible to dodge the attack of the Excalibur, and the whole body is riddled with holes.

"Spiritual Tower, Repression!"

Ye Chenfeng holds the Excalibur to swallow the sky, and when the golden wings of Jinpeng’s ancestors are smashed, the tower of the gods has fallen under the control of Ye Chenfeng’s mind, blurring the flesh and blood of the body of Jinpeng’s ancestors. The squatting on the ground, fainted on the spot.

"Nine secluded, swallowed!"

The Shenling Tower suppressed the Jinpeng demon ancestor, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the best ancestors of the nine secluded, and controlled the nine secluded directly to devour the dying Jinpeng ancestors.

"Thousands of ancient ancestors, the top ten ancient ancestral flags, receive!"

Successfully suppressed the Jinpeng demon ancestor, Ye Chenfeng immediately put away the evil brakes and the top ten ancient ancestral flags, directly facing the angry meridian god.

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