Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1023: Mr. Meridian

"Give them the Jinpeng ancestors, and God will give you a whole body!"

The Meridian God coldly glared at Ye Chenfeng, releasing a powerful power to lock them, and Senran’s command.

"Jin Peng Demon, they are dead! If you want to see them, I can send you to **** and reunite with them."

Although the meridian **** is terrifying and reaches the intermediate virtual state, the chaotic method is integrated with the original Taoist heart, and it also reaches the intermediate virtual state, and Ye Chenfeng holds two virtual artifacts, many of the best artifacts. Without inexhaustible power, he has no fear of the **** of noon.

"You are really daring, I have forgotten how many years I dare not talk to me like this!" In the eyes of the Meridian god, two shots are like the actual killing, and the insight is directed at Ye Chenfeng. To penetrate the body of Ye Chenfeng, give him a lesson.

After being attacked by the Meridian god, Ye Chenfeng stood still in the same place, letting two rays hit the body.

The dawn of the meridian **** can penetrate the body of the ancestral dynasty, but when he hits the body of the morning wind, he is scattered by the power of nearly five trillion jin in his body, and he can't hurt his body.

"Mr. Meridian takes out your true ability, and such attacks are as ticking!"

Ye Chenfeng does not want to expose the evil spirits in the eyes of the public, and the gods and other people decide to kill the gods and test their strength.

"Well, this **** wants to see, what capital do you have!"

The Meridian God was completely irritated by Ye Chenfeng, summoning a Poseidon fork with a pseudo-virtual level, mobilizing the power of the powerful heaven, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"Chaotic law, fusion!"

In the face of the attack of the Meridian God, Ye Chenfeng did not dare to care about it. He instantly merged the chaotic method and raised his own strength to the ultimate level of the virtual god. The force instantly surpassed the Meridian virtual **** several times. One day, a sword broke the attack of the meridian god, and shook him back.


The meridian gods widened their eyes and looked at Ye Chenfeng incredulously.

"Intermediate virtual gods, virtual artifacts!"

Feeling that the atmosphere released by Ye Chenfeng far exceeds himself, and the meridian **** of the gods has set off a big wave in the heart. It can be said that Ye Chenfeng’s means are beyond his imagination.

"Now, it’s my turn to attack!"

Strengthen the strength to the extreme, Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps, such as teleports, appear in front of the meridian god, holding the sword to swallow the sky, and instantly intertwining a sharp sword, and annihilating him. Launch a deadly attack on him.


Temporary loss of the gods, the meridian gods hold the sea **** fork full defense, and Ye Chenfeng fiercely fights in the center of Beitiancheng, causing devastating destructive power, collapsed the entire Yaozu government, and the void is broken. The road cracked.

"The field of heaven, destroy!"

The time of fierce killing of the semi-column incense, the meridian virtual **** found that he could not suppress Ye Chenfeng, immediately opened up the field of heaven, and controlled the field of the sky to attack the Ye Chenfeng, wanting to borrow the field. Force will hit him hard.


The field of rolling days hits, and Ye Chenfeng immediately pushes his own ideas to the extreme, blasting a blow that destroys Cangyu and welcoming the field of heaven.


The two invincible forces collided together in midair, and they stunned thousands of huge waves, and collapsed large blocks of ancient buildings, scaring the demon people in the Northern Sky City to flee.

"Spirit image!"

A hard regret, Ye Chenfeng immediately cast a three-way mirror avatar, attacking from the three directions to the meridian god, distracting his attack power.

When the Meridian Deity relies on absolute strength to open up the field of heaven and smash the three mirrors, Ye Chenfeng’s whole body merges with the Excalibur, and evolves fifty times to accelerate the rules. The sword stabbed to the meridian god.

A sword stabbed, and the chaotic North Sky City suddenly turned into a night and night, and the endless light was swallowed up by the sword of Ye Chenfeng.

"Xuantian Shendian, Heavenly Punishment!"

The meridian **** of divination shrinks, and the body and the field of heaven melt instantly, turning into a punishment for the death of the Lord, and once again detonating the entire sky.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

A sword is godless and forced to break by the meridian god. Ye Chenfeng inspired the invincible sword body and evolved into tens of thousands of invincible swords. The cave wears the whole space, such as the sword river that rushes to attack the meridian from all angles. Virtual god.


Under the attack of Wan Jian, the body defense of the Meridian God was broken. His whole body was flying by the raging sword river and fell to a kilometer.

"Transformation, this leaf morning wind is too abnormal, this is only a few years, even the intermediate virtual **** is not his opponent! According to this development, maybe he can really stand on the top of this world!" Ye Chenfeng’s positive reinvention of the scene of the meridian god, Zilin was regretted by his horrible fighting power, and also confirmed her determination to follow Ye Chenfeng in the future.


Ye Chenfeng appears as a teleport on the meridian virtual sky that takes the ground out of the big pit, pouring the power of the whole body into the right foot, condensing a huge footprint, and stepping on the meridian God.

The hegemony stepped on, the whole space was smashed, the hegemony weight, billions of miles, the mountains can step into the ground.


The meridian imaginary **** who just flew out of the pit was inevitable. He was stepped on by the hegemony, and the whole body trembled. Once again, he fell into the hole, and the whole ground was continuously collapsed by the horrible hegemony.

"This **** swears that you will be frustrated!"

When the Meridian **** has suffered such insults, he was stepped on the ground and stepped into the ground, giving out an angry roar, taking a milky white medicine, and using the power of the medicine to speed up the strength. In a short time, it reached the peak of the intermediate virtual god.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do it!"

The raging madness of the meridian gods, Ye Chenfeng and the field of the sword merge into one, wirelessly inspires the invincible sword body, and continuously casts the sword to the ancestors, the gods robbery, and the chaotic promise attacks the meridian god.


Under the attack of the three Supreme Masters, the murderous murder of the Meridian God was broken, and the three supernatural powers bombarded him on his body, smashing the artifacts of his body and blasting him out. Ten thousand meters of support, leaving a lot of blood fog in midair.

"The power of blood, completely burned!"

The body injury is constantly increasing, and the Meridian God is mad, and it burns the blood of the whole body, summoning a crystal clear, chilly spar.

"Ice the world!"

When he crushed this spar and threw it into the leaf morning wind, the void covered with cracks was instantly frozen by the chilly air in the spar, and the leafy morning wind that was flying quickly was frozen into ice sculpture. .

"Go to hell!"

"Tai Huang Tian Dao, Huang Tian Promise!"

The moment when Ye Chenfeng was frozen, the Meridian virtual **** cast a supernatural power, and raised his attack power to the extreme. He threw out the Shenshen fork that appeared in the gods, attacked Ye Chenfeng, wanted a blow. He will be hit hard.


In times of crisis, nearly five trillion jin of force was poured into the ice that frozen his body, and the power of terror shattered the ice.

"The Way to the Imperial!"

Next, Ye Chenfeng hit the way of the imperial device, and threw the magical sword of the heavens and the earth to swallow the sky, and greeted the Poseidon.


The two great gods collided together, and the pseudo-virtual artifact Poseidon fork was swallowed into two halves by the Excalibur. The spirit in the Poseidon sighed and smog.

Stop the sea **** fork, the sword of the gods swallowed the sky and the power of the gods turned to the meridian **** of great change.

The horrible swordsman forced him to retreat.

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