Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1027: Phoenix God (below)

"You are a natural person!"

The flamboyant phoenix **** burned a blazing flame in the body, burning the space, looking at Ye Chenfeng sharply, killing the way.

"No, I am not a person of the Tianzu!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "I want to destroy the Tianzu like you."

"Do you think I will believe your ghost?" The spirit of Phoenix is ​​getting stronger and stronger, and the hot breath makes it difficult for Ye Chenfeng to breathe. She is always ready to launch a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng.

"Phoenix God, don't rush to start, you see who they are?"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng summoned the body of Jinpeng Demon and the Meridian God and threw it on the ground.

"The body of Jinpeng's demon ancestor, the body of the Meridian god..."

Looking at the bodies of the two of them, the phoenix gods picked up the big waves, and the eyes of Ye Chenfeng changed greatly: "They are all killed by you."

"Yes, they are all killing me!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "Phoenix God, do you have a look at these two great artifacts?"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng summoned the unbroken wings and the life and death disk.

"This is the undead wing of the undead ancestors and the life and death disk..." Phoenix God recognized the origins of these two great ancestors, and asked with some surprise: "Who are you?" >

"My name, you have never heard of it, I inadvertently inherited the inheritance of the undead ancestors, and I am a deadly enemy with the celestial being!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly: "The enemy of the enemy is a friend, Phoenix God, I wonder if you are willing to cooperate with me and seek the tomb of the wilderness?"

"You said it is good, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, but you are too weak, even if I cooperate with you, I can't swallow the tomb of the wilderness." Although the Phoenix God is not clear, Ye Chenfeng uses what means to kill Jinpeng demon ancestor and Ziwu virtual god, but she feels that Ye Chenfeng seems to be only half-step virtual god, can not help himself.

"Weakness? Phoenix God, then how do we try? In a stroke, I can hurt you!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth is slightly upturned, filled with a confident smile.

"A stroke hits me?" Phoenix's beautiful face showed a faint smile: "Do you know my strength?"

"The middle-level virtual **** is extreme, one foot stepped into the late stage of the virtual god!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile: "Phoenix God, I wonder if I have made a mistake."

"Since you feel my true strength, and have confidence to hurt me?" Phoenix God suddenly had a strong interest in Ye Chenfeng, and would like to know his true reliance.

"Phoenix God, how about we bet? If I hurt you in a stroke, tell me the location of the tomb of the wild, if I can't hurt you, I will give you the Wutong Godmu, and then immediately Leave!" Ye Chenfeng proposed.

"Indus Shenmu heart is already in my hands, you..." The phoenix myth has not been finished yet, and Wutong Shenmu heart was suddenly swallowed by the nine secluded and disappeared.

"I am a small means of yours, well, I bet you!" Phoenix Shenmei has a stern color: "I hope you give me a surprise."

"Reassured, I have never let anyone down!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng burns the blood of Hongmeng, blends the heart of the gods and the chaotic law, and instantly raises his own strength to the ultimate level of the virtual god, and the combat power almost reaches the level of the Phoenix God.


Feeling the strength of the leaf morning wind climbing, the phoenix **** brow gently picks up, revealing the color of the accident.

This method of Ye Chenfeng did indeed surprise him.

The next moment, the Excalibur swallows the sky, and the sword of all things breaks out the body of Ye Chenfeng, suspended above his head, releasing endless power, shaking the space of the treasure constantly tearing.

"Two virtual swords!"

Feeling that the Excalibur swallows the sky, the power of the Sword of All Things, the face of the phoenix **** reveals a shocking color.

In the virtual world, the virtual artifact is rarer than the virtual god. Like the demon, there is only one virtual artifact, which is in the hands of the phoenix god, and Ye Chenfeng suddenly took out two virtual artifacts, which is completely beyond the Phoenix god's imagination.

"Phoenix God, be careful!"

Ye Chenfeng screamed and played the way of the imperial device.

Having the ultimate power of the intermediate virtual god, Ye Chenfeng’s way of playing the royal device has already provoked the strongest blow of the two virtual artifacts at the same time.


Under the stimuli of the Imperial Command, the Excalibur swallows the sky, and the gods in the sword of all things emerge, reflecting the heavens and the earth. The power of terror has torn through the entire treasure space, with the power to destroy the universe, and turned to the face. The phoenix god.

The Phoenix God is powerful, but it can't resist the strongest power of the two virtual artifacts. It has to spit out the suppression of the Tianzu imprint, and the demon king of the virtual artifact level is fully defended.


The Shenjian swallows the sky, and when the sword of all things stands on the bell of the demon god, it suddenly sounds like the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu. The power of the horrible virtual artifact is stirred in front of the phoenix god, which produces the power to destroy the earth. Broken into the space, slamming on the body of the phoenix god, hit her a few kilometers away, and a stream of blood flowed down her mouth.

"It's not good, the gods of the gods have already felt the imprint of the heavenly people in my body. We are leaving here quickly, otherwise we will have trouble!"

Without the suppression of the demon **** clock, the celestial body imprint of the phoenix **** immediately vibrated, which made the phoenix **** face change, and quickly said.

"Phoenix God is in a hurry, if you believe me, speed into my space treasure, I have a way to get rid of them!" Ye Chenfeng already thought about the retreat.


The Phoenix God is powerful, but she can't resist the whole heaven with her own power. In desperation, she can only enter the realm of Qiankun.

"Zi Lin, leave here quickly!"

The Phoenix God, the white-haired old man was taken into the Qiankun, and Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the Qiankun to fly to Zilin, not far away, and let Zilin leave.

"Phoenix God, if you believe me, I will help you break the mark of the heavenly body!"

Ye Chenfeng saw the phoenix **** constantly controlling the demon **** clock to suppress the Tianzu imprint on the chest and whispered.

"Okay, then please!"

The existence of the seal of the Tianzu has always been a big problem in the heart of the Phoenix God. She knows that Ye Chenfeng has a way to break it out, and she is very happy inside.

"Chaotic law, swallowing!"

Ye Chenfeng gently pointed out a finger and clicked on the soft double peak of the Phoenix god. The control chaos method extended tens of thousands of five-color roots and penetrated the chest of the Phoenix **** through his finger sword. In the imprint of the heavenly people.

Feeling the feeling of electric current between the two peaks, spreading to the whole body, the phoenix **** only felt a lot of ants crawling out of the body, and the heart of the ancient well could not help but sway, and the face of the graceful face showed a faint blush. .

However, soon, the Phoenix God dispelled the distracting thoughts, dispelling the feeling of crispy and numbness in the body, staring at Ye Chenfeng, feeling the change of the inscription on the heavenly body.

Under the madness of the five-color roots, the power of the Heavenly Seal is constantly weakened.


With the phoenix **** spurting out a blood, the celestial imprints that are fused with her blood are broken by the chaotic method

"Zi Lin, speed back to the inn!"

Breaking the memory of the Phoenix God's celestial beings, Ye Chenfeng immediately turned Zilin back into the rented inn, summoned the Peacock King and left it, pretending to be everything.

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