Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1028: Fenghuang ancestral land

"Phoenix God, now you can tell me the location of the tomb of the wilderness!"

Looking at the phoenix **** is slightly pale, but without losing the beautiful face, Ye Chenfeng whispered.


Although Ye Chenfeng means amazement, the Phoenix God still reveals a bit of hesitation and hesitates the true identity of Ye Chenfeng.

"Phoenix God, don't hesitate, cooperate with us, is your best choice at present, and only rely on us, you have the opportunity to enter the tomb of the wilderness, get the opportunity inside."

At this time, the gods are imaginary, and God Henggu and others have come over.

"The Word is imaginary, God Henggu... How are you!"

Looking at the two coming, the phoenix gods widened their eyes, revealing a deep shock.

"Phoenix God, are you surprised that we are not dead?" Looking at the phoenix god's face, there is a thick stunned color on his face, and his face is handsome, and the scholar's general God Henggu reveals a faint smile.

"Hearing that the Protoss was destroyed by the celestial beings, the twelve great gods, and all the ancestors died in battle, is it rumored to be wrong?" The phoenix **** stunned his heart.

"Hey, the battle was really fierce in the past, and my luck with God was good. I was lucky enough to survive. As for other people who have survived, I am not sure!" God Henggu sighed softly, in his eyes. There is a strong hatred of color.

"Hengu, can you tell me who he is?" Phoenix God has been very curious about Ye Chenfeng's identity.

"She is the son of Ye Wuji and Yao Tian, ​​a trustworthy person!" Shen Dao whispered in the side.

"You are the son of Yaotian!" Phoenix God said with surprise: "Since it is the old man, then I have no concerns."

"But I will take you to the tomb of the wilderness. Can you do me a favor?" Phoenix God and Shen Yaotian are old knowledge. Knowing the identity of Ye Chenfeng, she looks at Ye Chenfeng’s eyes. It has become much softer.

"What busy?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"When I went to the Phoenix ancestral home, I rescued the people of my phoenix family!" said the Phoenix God.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and did not hesitate to agree, and took out the Indus Shenmu heart and gave it to the Phoenix God.

When he spoke, the Peacock King, who stayed outside to inquire about the news, communicated to Ye Chenfeng through the communication beads to inform him of the latest developments in the Beast City.

"What happened to the morning breeze?"

Looking at the frowning brows of Ye Chenfeng, Shendao asked.

"The Peacock King has been rumored, and the Beast City has been completely blocked. No one can go out!" Ye Chenfeng.

"I am sure that I am in the beast city, they must search for my whereabouts on the carpet!" Phoenix said with a dignified face: "It is not good, we will kill."

"No, even if we can kill it, it will also scare the snakes and increase the difficulty of us to rescue the Phoenix people!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head.

"Then what good way do you have?" Phoenix God looked at Ye Chenfeng and asked.

"Leave through the space wormhole!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly, summoning the worms to the side: "The worms, see you."

"Reassure the owner, one day I will be able to cut out the wormhole that left the beast city!" The worms said confidently, came to the outside world, opened their mouths full of fangs, madly swallowed the space wall, swallowed A narrow wormhole.

"The worms... I didn't expect the gods that have disappeared in countless years to follow you!" Phoenix said with a shock, the more the feeling of Ye Chenfeng is not simple.

Because it is determined that the Phoenix God is hidden in the Beast City, nearly ten imaginary gods of the Tianzu and Mozu rushed to the Beast City for the first time, surrounded the group, searched and searched for the whereabouts of the Phoenix God. It is necessary to find her and ask for the location of the tomb of the wilderness.

When the beasts of the beasts were in the wind, the worms and the worms were connected to the outside of the Beast City. Through the space wormhole, Ye Chenfeng controlled the Qiankun to leave the Beast City without knowing it.

Smallly left the Beast City, Ye Chenfeng immediately left the Qiankun, and flew in the direction of the Phoenix ancestral home according to the coordinates told by the Phoenix God.

"Who is... standing still!"

When Ye Chenfeng summoned the undead wings, when he flew to the Phoenix ancestral land very fast, an ice cold passed into Ye Chenfeng’s ear.

Ye Chenfeng saw far away, three Yaozu Yaozu, two Mozu ancestors came flying at a very fast speed, intercepting Ye Chenfeng.

"Is there something?"

How strong is Ye Chenfeng's soul, he has already discovered five ancestral powers. However, with Ye Chenfeng's current strength, the ancestral power can be like a child in front of his eyes, and he can kill one by one.

"This area has been blocked. If you want to leave, you must accept our inventory!"

A burly figure, with green light in his eyes, dark skin, like the four-star ancestors of the tower shouted loudly.

"Hey, why are you suffering this!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and sighed: "With your strength, even if you find the Phoenix God, how can you hold the Phoenix God, or can you have it?" Time ventilation?"

"What do you mean by this?"

When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s words, the five ancestors suddenly became alert and summoned powerful military devices to hover over their heads, ready to launch a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng.

"I mean, you are too weak!" Ye Chenfeng's pupils shrank, and instantly opened up the field of swords, swallowing five ancestral powers in the field.

In an instant, the five ancestors were smashed by the field of the sword, and turned into a group of blood fog, killed on the spot.

The field of control swords kills five people, and Ye Chenfeng sighs with breath and quietly leaves.

About eight days or so, the fast-moving Ye Chenfeng came to the Phoenix ancestral home, which was blocked by a strong ban, and entered the phoenix ancestral home completely controlled by the Mozu through the space wormhole that the worms cut through. in.

"The late power of the virtual god!"

Ye Chenfeng is hidden in a remote corner of the Phoenix ancestral home. He controls the rapid development of the brain, and when he covers the entire Phoenix ancestral land, he feels a late power of the virtual **** in the Phoenix ancestral land.

In addition to a latent power of the virtual god, Ye Chenfeng also felt the mid-capacity of two virtual gods, and the early power of two virtual gods.

And because the brain is too powerful, the devil's several false gods are not aware of being peeped.

"It seems that you want to successfully rescue the Phoenix people who have been suppressed by the Mozu, and you need to plan well!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't think that there were so many imaginary powers in the ancestral ancestors of Phoenix, especially the late power of the virtual god, which brought a deadly threat to Ye Chenfeng, and he had to be cautious.

"The only way is this!"

Ye Chenfeng thought for a while, controlled a little bit of induction in the brain, and found the place where the Phoenix people were suppressed, waiting in the dark for observation.

When he patiently waited for a day or so, a half-step virtual realm, the demon of the mouth with blood and blood stains can get out of the prisoners where the Phoenix people were suppressed.

"It's you!"

The target was discovered, and Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled him to lock him and follow him into the room.

When the brain was feeling that he began to cultivate, Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the ancestral road map of the illusion, and turned into his appearance, and walked to the prison of the Phoenix people.

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