Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1033: Tomb of the Wilderness (below)

"This is the tomb of the wild!"

Through the space passage, Ye Chenfeng came to a desolate mysterious space.

In this mysterious space, there are gray suns, gray skies, black land and black forests that don’t look at the margins, as well as a river that flows like a black dragon, slowly flowing, and a swell I don't know how many years of graves exist.

"Everyone is out!"

Into the tomb of the wilderness, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the phoenix god, Mu Linger and others.


When Phoenix God and others came to the tomb of Hongran, they immediately felt a strange force to penetrate their souls, control their consciousness, and let them have a feeling of being lost in the tomb of the wilderness.

"Hey, Linger is telling the truth, there is no heart stone, the phoenix gods and other masters of this level will also be lost in the tomb of the wild!"

Feeling the phoenix god, the war magic and other people's breath is getting more and more disordered, a stock of killings permeates their bodies, and Ye Chenfeng immediately transmits the war magic and other people without the heart stone to the Qiankun environment. The last heart stone was hung on the white neck of the Phoenix god.

"I, what happened to me?"

Under the heart-breaking system, the mysterious power of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins disappeared, and she gradually became awake in confusion.

"There is a mysterious force in the tomb of the wilderness. If there is no heart stone, the virtual **** will lose itself and become a killing machine!" Ye Chenfeng explained softly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng is not clear how long the outer stone can block the Tianzu, the Mozu power, do not dare to delay the time, according to the road map told by Taiyi, flew to the black jungle in the distance.

"Well, the idol, two gods!"

When Ye Chenfeng flew outside the black jungle, he saw two statues tall and tall, holding the sea **** fork, looking into the distance and using special materials.

Although you can enter the black jungle by circling the gods, according to the route that Taiyi tells, the relatively safe road leading to the tomb of the wilderness is hidden in the middle of the two gods. The other roads are much more difficult than the gods. This path between the two.

When Ye Chenfeng was careful to approach two tall statues, the turbid eyes of the gods suddenly shot more brilliant than the sun. A horrible breath filled the two statues and locked. Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Phoenix God, you protect the spirit, these two gods are handed over to me and the evil spirits!"

In order to preserve the combat power and cope with the troubles that may arise at any time, Ye Chenfeng chose to fight against the two gods with the strongest resilience.

"The evil spirits, quick fix, blast the two great gods as soon as possible!"

Ye Chenfeng snorted and immediately merged with the chaos method, instantly boosting the combat power to the intermediate virtual god, holding the sword to swallow the sky and welcoming an awakened statue.


Ye Chenfeng burst into a bang, and the rolling power merged into the gods to swallow the sky, interweaving a tens of thousands of feet long, invincible to the gods of the world, and slammed into the gods.

The Excalibur swallows the sky, and the awake statue immediately greets the sea **** fork, and it is hard to regret the attack of the sword.


The two great soldiers collided together, and the instantaneous force directly shook the statue a few meters away, leaving a deep footprint on the hard ground.

"Good hard stone soldiers!"

Although a sword retreats the statue, but Ye Chenfeng reveals a strong shocking color, shocking the gods in the hands, the stone soldiers built with special materials, even with the Shenjian swallowing a sword attack damage.


When Ye Chenfeng’s sword retreats from the statue, the strength is even more terrifying. One foot stepped into the evil spirit in the late stage of the virtual god, and the hand-held virtual artifacts and the other stone statues fought together, causing tremendous damage. force.

But the space of the tomb of the wilderness is tough, no matter whether Ye Chenfeng and the gods fight or the evil spirits and the gods fight, the destruction and destruction caused by the destruction can not destroy the space, even a black ancient wood can withstand The power of destruction does not hurt.

"This tomb of the wild is too strange!"

When looking at a black ancient wood that is stronger than the best artifacts, Shinto couldn’t help but feel.

"The ancient wood bears the power of destruction without damaging it, not that it is strong, but the rules in the tomb of the wilderness are too strong, and the destructive power is infinitely weakened!" The footsteps are a mysterious light pattern, wearing a white dress. The pure and pleasant Mu Linger said softly.

"For the Linger, how do I have a feeling that the rules in the tomb of the wilderness are somewhat different from the rules of the outside world?" Shen Henggu suddenly said.

"Grandfather, you feel right, the rules in the tomb of the wilderness are indeed different from the outside world. The space rules here combine many rules of the universe, extremely powerful!" Mu Linger nodded slightly The old road said.

When talking, Ye Chenfeng, the evil spirits and the two great gods fought fiercely.

Ye Chenfeng constantly inspires the invincible sword body, increases its own combat power, interweaves the swords that are invincible, constantly attacks the gods, and leaves the gods with a very hard body. Sword marks.

The attack of the evil spirit is even more deadly. He relies on strong resilience, ignoring the attack of the gods, and holding the sorcerer's head to attack the idol's head and cracking into numerous cracks.

"All Mother Sword!"

Comprehensive suppression of the attack of the gods, Ye Chenfeng summoned the sword of all things, while controlling the two virtual swords to attack the statue and destroy his body.

"Hundred evils are broken."

The evil spirits attacked the gods with all their strengths, and the whole body merged with the hundred evil spirits, inspiring the evil spirits to map out a mysterious **** pattern, hitting the head of the **** image and directly breaking him. The head was shattered.


The head is broken, and the immature body of the idol is immediately cracked and cracked. It is like a broken glass.

"The weakness of the idol is the head!"

Ye Chenfeng's afterglow captures, the evil spirits bombard the head of the gods, his body is immediately broken, holding two virtual swords to attack the head of the gods.

Soon, the head of the idol was smashed by two virtual swords.

The two great statues that guarded the years outside the black mountain forest were destroyed. Ye Chenfeng clearly felt that the path between the gods became clearer and clearer.

"Let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng quickly took a superb Tongtian Shengdan, while recovering the power of consumption, while carrying the Phoenix God and others, along the middle of the path, in the dark jungle.

When the black jungle is shuttled, Ye Chenfeng and other powerful souls feel a lot of powerful monsters and monsters in the jungle.

But these monsters, the demon seem to have not found Ye Chenfeng and others, and did not launch an attack like them.

Soon, Ye Chenfeng and his party went deep into the depths of the black jungle along this path that shimmered with faint aura.

One and a half meters high, the red petals are like a flying wing, flying high and flying, and emitting red light. The strange flowers growing in a Lingtan are printed in the eyes of Ye Chenfeng and others. Their attention.

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