Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1034: Fengqihua

"Fengqihua...that is Fengqihua!"

Looking at the strange flower that looks like a phoenix in front of him, the Phoenix God immediately recognizes that this is a **** flower that has long since disappeared in the virtual world.

And rumors, Fengqihua contains the blood of the phoenix, and the attraction to the phoenix is ​​comparable to that of the phoenix tree. If the phoenix **** picks this phoenix flower, she is fully hopeful to borrow this phoenix flower and phoenix tree. Shenmu heart set foot on the realm of the late gods.

"Wait for Phoenix, don't get close to that flower!"

In the eyes of the phoenix god, who wants to forcibly pick up the phoenix flower that is vital to her, Ye Chenfeng grabbed her wrist and said her face.

"Morning wind, that Fengqihua is too important for me. I have to pick it up anyway!" Phoenix God stared at Ye Chenfeng, saying: "The phoenix flower was picked, plus You gave me Wutong Shenmu heart, I am completely likely to embark on the late stage of the virtual **** in a short time."

"Phoenix God, I know the importance of this phoenix flower to you, but I can tell you clearly that this phoenix flower is a bait. Once you leave the ancient road under our feet, the regular power in this road It will disappear, and we are very likely to encounter big troubles!" Ye Chenfeng said seriously.

"This is..."

When I heard Ye Chenfeng, the Phoenix God was a bit embarrassed, and even more faintly unable to control the desire of the heart. hope.

"Phoenix God, believe me, this Fengqihua is more than one. When we go deeper, we may find Fengqihua, and we will help you pick it up!" Ye Chenfeng clutched the Phoenix God tightly. The wrist is afraid that she will step out of the regular path.


Phoenix God glanced deeply at Fengqihua, which was vital to her, and finally obeyed Ye Chenfeng’s persuasion, chose to give up, followed Ye Chenfeng, followed the regular path and continued to the depths of the black forest. Go.

"That, that is the dragon grass... 鲲鹏果... the poor tree..."

Along the way, Phoenix God found many artifacts in the black forest that only circulated in ancient books, which made her heart.

Even the sacredness of God, the gods of the ancients, the eyes of the evil spirits reveal a hot color.

It’s that Mu Linger is much calmer than them, ignoring these gods that are enough to cause the virtual **** to be crazy, and closely follow the morning wind and walk towards the end of the black forest.

At the same time, I found the vision of the demon sea, the Tianzu, the demon virtual **** rushed to the sea of ​​the demon, and found the entrance to the tomb of the wilderness hidden in the depths of the trench.

But the entrance to the tomb of the wilderness was sealed by Ye Chenfeng with the gods outside the domain. The Tianzu and the Mozu were powerful and attacked for more than three days. They failed to break through the extraterrestrial stone and entered the tomb of the wilderness.

In the Tianzu, when the Mozu was in a hurry, the chaotic trench suddenly broke two cracks.

Wearing a dark gold robes, the whole body and the space are integrated into one, and the hands can be used to provoke the space to shake the sun, and the emperor has appeared at the same time.

"The prince of the Taishen, the prince of the Taizuo, you are finally here!" The head of the Mozu, the stunned **** who had lost the hand of the phoenix god, said with a sigh of relief: "The entrance to the tomb of the wilderness was phoenix God they sealed the seals outside the domain, and asked the two patriarchs to break them up."

"Well, give it to God!"

One foot stepped into the virtual god's fullness, and God nodded, and gently pointed out a finger, pointing to the outer stone of the solid soup.


Take a sacred attack, and suffer from the horror of the gods and other people who have been indiscriminately bombarded for three days without damaging the rips.

Next, the gods continue to stretch out their fingers and attack the gods outside the field.

When the speed of the gods is extremely fast, when the point is more than eight hundred fingers, this tens of feet of extraterrestrial stone is completely broken, and the entrance to the tomb of the wilderness is completely opened.

"Wait, you can't go in!" The entrance to the tomb of Hongran was opened by the gods, and the gods and gods will break into the tomb of the wilderness to chase Ye Chenfeng and others. At this time, Taiwangtian suddenly Shouted them.

"The patriarch of the Emperor, what is your intention?" asked the **** of the gods.

"The rumor is that there is a mysterious force in the tomb of the wilderness. When the virtual **** enters it, it will lose itself. Only the heart of the field can restrain this mysterious force in the tomb of the wilderness." Tai Huangtian explained "This time, I and the Taishen patriarch went outside the domain and got a total of nine pieces of heart stone. That is to say, only nine of us can enter the tomb of the wilderness, and others will enter the tomb of the wilderness."

"Only nine people can enter!" The brows of the goddess of the gods were tightly screwed together, and they did not expect to enter the tomb of the wilderness and these restrictions.

"Okay, shocking elders, you quickly select the three strongest devils from the Mozu, and enter the tomb of the wilderness!" Wearing the dark gold robes, the imperial Emperor Tiantian ordered.

Soon, the two gods and the demon selected the strongest seven virtual gods, and they got the heart from the hands of the gods and the emperor, and they were able to withstand the power of space and entered the wilderness. In the tomb.

At this time, on the way of the rule, Ye Chenfeng and others who are advancing rapidly came to the deepest part of the black jungle, and according to the soul mark imprinted in the mind of Taiyi, they immediately entered the next mysterious space.

In the deepest part of the black jungle, the Phoenix God also found the second phoenix flower, and there are several dragons that contain the dragon's blood.

"Morning wind, I can pick the phoenix flower in front!"

Looking into the distance, facing the gray day, the phoenix dance nine days of Fengqihua, the Phoenix God has a feeling, if you miss it again, maybe it will be completely out of contact with Fengqihua.

"Well, God's predecessors, you are waiting here, I and Phoenix God to pick the Phoenix flowers, if you are in danger, you can help each other quickly!"

Ye Chenfeng does not know what dangers are hidden in the black forest, but he is already at the end of the black forest. He finally decided to take the phoenix **** with the phoenix god.

"Do not worry, if there is danger, we will meet you!"

The evil spirits, the gods and the virtual people summoned the virtual artifacts, and the best artifacts were suspended in the top of the head.

"Phoenix God, let's go!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God left the path containing the mysterious rules, and the speed was very close to Fengqihua.


Feeling the closeness of Ye Chenfeng, the phoenix sounds in the phoenix flower, a lifelike phoenix emerges with a phoenix flower, fanning the wings of the colorful rays, attacking the leaves Morning wind two people.

Fengqihua illusion of the phoenix virtual shadow attack, while growing the black sapling at the end of the black forest, the poor tree also emits a beast-like scream, transforming a shadow of a beast that is tall and stunned for nine days. The attack went to Ye Chenfeng.

When a sacred beast attacked, Ye Chenfeng clearly felt that the regular forces in the black forest had changed, and they rushed to them, constantly suppressing their strength and limiting their combat power. .

In an instant, Ye Chenfeng, who is infinitely close to Fengqihua, has encountered great danger.

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