Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1040: 石棺

"Linger, Taishentian, Taihuangtian appeared, we must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

Although the Phoenix God broke through to the late stage of the virtual god, she has an insurmountable strength gap compared with Taishentian and Taihuangtian, not to mention the fact that they both appeared together.

But at this time, Mu Linger entered a magical mood and allowed Ye Chenfeng to call her, and she could not wake her up.

"Finally found you!"

A deep voice came from far away.

Although this sound does not seem to be big, it shocked Ye Chenfeng’s soul to tremble.

The next moment, there are two stalwarts in front of Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God.

Looking at the heavens and the emperor’s heavens standing quietly above the void, Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God suddenly have a feeling of not breathing, and every breath on them seems to crush the mountains. The invincible majestic atmosphere filled the entire space, and the world of Ling Shifeng gave Ye Chenfeng the illusion of worship.

"Phoenix, this God now gives you another chance. If you are willing to surrender to God, this God can be the Lord and spare you a life!"

The **** of the first person who is called the first person in the virtual world is watching the phoenix **** in a majestic manner, saying that the king is in the world.

"Hey, this God is dead, and will not surrender to you these two wolves!" Phoenix God snorted, reluctantly said.

"Wolf...Phoenix, haven't you seen it yet?" Taishen shook his head and said: "This world, no good or bad, everything we do is for one purpose, that is, God, as long as the **** becomes the true master, who will care about this process."

"Tai Huangtian, if Taishentian becomes the last god, would you be willing?" In order to confirm the guess in the heart, Ye Chenfeng asked intentionally.

"The Terran Kid, you don't have to think about us!" Tai Huangtian, wearing a dark golden emperor, spoke up: "Whoever can be a god, we are not a dead person should worry about it."

"You really thought that you can kill me!"

Although Ye Chenfeng knew that he was very embarrassed to escape in front of Taishentian and Taihuangtian, he decided to take a chance.

"Hahaha, in front of the god, you feel that there is hope of surviving!" Taihuangtian laughed loudly: "But thank you for giving us the chaotic godwood."

After the end, Tai Huangtian's body sprayed out infinite power, turned into a dark gold big hand, a palm blocked the entire space, suppressed to Ye Chenfeng.

"No one can hurt Ye Brother!"

When Ye Chenfeng wanted to fight for everything, Mu Linger suddenly woke up in a strange mood.

Next, her hands twisted quickly, communicating the mysterious rules in the dead cemetery, shrouded Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God.


The dark gold handprints fell, and the whole space trembled fiercely. The entire ground was crushed by hundreds of meters by the dark golden hands of the Emperor.

"Well, gone!"

Feeling the moment when the dark gold big handprint fell, Ye Chenfeng’s three people disappeared strangely, too God, the face of Taihuangtian became more and more ugly.

They can't believe that Ye Chenfeng has the ability to escape under their eyes.

"It seems that we have a small number of them. If I have not guessed wrong, the little girl in white should have mastered some of the regular forces in this cemetery!" The gods are as deep as the ocean-like eyes. Rules, deducing changes in the surrounding rules.

But the rules in the death cemetery are too strange. They are not afraid to pursue them with the strength of the two of them. They can only let the three people of Ye Chenfeng escape.

"Hot, good insurance! Linger, thanks to you, if it is not you, we are really dangerous."

Ying Chenfeng, who escaped from the birth of the day, took a sigh of relief. He did not think of the gods, the strength of Taiwangtian was so terrible, and he had no ability to resist in front of them.

"The two people are really scary, but I have mastered the rules in this dead cemetery, let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

Mu Linger is also somewhat afraid of the Emperor and the Emperor, constantly instigating changes in the rules, with Ye Chenfeng and two people, flying to the end of the death cemetery.

About more than a day, Mu Linger came to the end of the death cemetery with Ye Chenfeng through the change of space rules, and found a huge tomb at the exit.

"Morning wind, let's not go into this tomb!"

The Phoenix God glanced at the huge tomb in front of him and asked for the meaning of Ye Chenfeng.

"There should be a lot of people coming to this death cemetery. We should not waste time!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head.

"Morning wind brother, I took you to this exit, no one has come, no one has entered this tomb!" Mu Linger suddenly shouted Ye Chenfeng.

"Why, is there a lot of exits in this dead cemetery?" Ye Chenfeng asked unexpectedly.

"Well, according to my perception, this death cemetery should have sixteen exits!" Mu Linger nodded.

"That said, too God, the chance of Tai Huangtian to find us is very small!" Ye Chenfeng did not expect that there are so many exits in the death cemetery, and the heart is happy.

"Well, this exit I brought you is the most hidden, I think those two people can't find it!" Mu Linger nodded.

"In this case, let's go into this tomb and see what treasures there are!"

Without the threat of Taishentian and Taihuangtian, Ye Chenfeng decided to venture into the tomb and look for the big chance inside.

"Take the gods!"

The phoenix **** controlled the phoenix fire into the right fist, and the fist smashed the entrance to the tomb, and entered the tomb, which was filled with sinister horror and filled with death.

"This, who is the tomb of the people!"

Looking at the stone walls on both sides of the tomb, Ye Chenfeng discovered that there are many ancient ancient patterns on the stone walls, and these ancient lines are incomparable and revealing the artistic conception of the road.

Don't go long, Ye Chenfeng three people went to the deepest part of the tomb, blocked by a huge stone gate.


Ye Chenfeng’s arms broke out nearly five trillion jin, and pushed the heavy stone door hard and walked into an ancient yin hall.

When Ye Chenfeng held the moonlight to reflect the entire Yin Temple, he found that the center of the Yin Temple, which was propped up by a dragon and stone pillar, was placed in the center of the Yin Hall, with a huge stone scorpion that was three feet high. Around, crawling a lot of thousands of feet.

But these thousands of feet are different from the outside world, the power in the body is flowing, the attack power is terrible, enough to threaten the general virtual power.

"You back, these tricks are handed over to me!"

The phoenix shouted, and there was a hot phoenix fire in the body, killing a fierce thousand foot scorpion and fighting with them.

Although the Phoenix God was affected by the space rules of the tomb of the wilderness, it was unable to exert the strongest combat power, but after all, she broke through to the late stage of the virtual god, and the combat power soared nearly a hundred times.

Under her fierce attack, a ferocious thousand-footed tortoise was torn by her, melting, and bursting out a demon with a divine power.

But the demon power contained in these demon dan is far less than the demon sacred, and Ye Chenfeng does not want it, let the phoenix **** swallow all of them.

About a fragrant time, nearly 30 murderous thousands of scorpions in the yin temple were killed by the phoenix gods, and their demon dan was also swallowed by the phoenix god.

The killing of all the thousands of feet, the phoenix **** came to the stone wall of Sanzhanggao, the arms burning with the fire were slightly forceful, torn and banned, and opened the thick cover, opened the seal. I don’t know how many years of sarcophagus.

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