Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1041: 魃


The lid was opened, and there was an extremely ferocious roar in the stone sarcophagus. A lot of black light drilled the sarcophagus and blackened the whole space.

The next moment, a man wearing black armor, holding a bronze sword, his arms wrapped around a black gold chain, and a man who was more than a foot tall sat up from the stone scorpion, squatting with a pair of black-haired eyes. To Ye Chenfeng and others.

"The King of Zombies... Hey!"

Looking at the man who was filled with death, Ye Chenfeng immediately recognized that he was the king of zombies.

It’s just that the cockroaches in front of you are not as many times as the cockroaches that Ye Chenfeng had seen before. He is very likely to be refining with a horrible corpse.

"Give it to me, I will deal with him!"

Looking at the sorrow of death, the phoenix **** immediately became the strongest form of battle, burning the phoenix fire, and launching a fierce attack on him.


The phoenix attacked, and it made a terrible roar, and the bronze ancient sword was rotated, stirring the force of the rule to greet it. A sword tore the phoenix fire and smashed to the phoenix god.

"The demon **** clock!"

Looking at the bronze ancient sword that was like a bamboo, the phoenix **** immediately spit out the demon **** clock and greeted him.


The two great soldiers collided together, and the sound of the space shattered in the yin temple. A large amount of energy halo swayed in the void, forming dense water ripples.

"A good tough space wall!"

The horror of the destructive power caused by the two strikes of the two great soldiers, but they can not tear the space of the yin temple, which makes Ye Chenfeng be surprised by the level of the tomb space.

"Blood, I want to drink blood!"

Don't ignore the intensive space fluctuations, and issued a vicious and vicious voice. He continued to attack the Phoenix God with a bronze ancient sword. He wanted to kill it quickly and swallow her blood.

"Phoenix Shadow!"

The murderous temperament struck, and the phoenix **** immediately turned into a road like a real phoenix **** shadow descending from the sky, and continuously launched a ferocious attack.


In the face of a phoenix **** attack, he suddenly stepped out of his foot and stirred up a wave of energy to greet him. He directly tore the phoenix shadow from the sky and forced the phoenix **** to retreat.

"Linger, can you see the truth of this cockroach?"

Ye Chenfeng didn't think that this cockroach was so embarrassed, and broke the attack of the Phoenix God continuously, and quickly asked Mu Linger.

"This is from other universes. His strength before his life is comparable to that of the Phoenix God. It is comparable to the late power of your universe, and he is here. He has long been familiar with the rules here. Force attack, so the Phoenix God is under control!" Mu Linger, whose eyes turned gray, said softly.

"Na Linger, can you find his weakness?" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly and continues to ask.

"I haven't found it yet, but there must be weakness in him!" Mu Linger shook his head.

When he spoke, the phoenix **** was swayed by powerful forces of space to hit the body, flew out and hit a dragon stone pillar, and a stream of blood flowed down her mouth.

"Phoenix God, I will help you!"

Ye Chenfeng saw that the Phoenix God was injured, and immediately summoned two virtual swords, and the footsteps greeted him, and the attack turned to the lingering shackles.


Ye Chenfeng instantly merged with the three big cards, and promoted his own strength to the middle of the virtual gods. He held two virtual swords and took out an invincible blow that was enough to destroy the gods.

Looking at the body of the gods, suddenly the space in front of him was wrinkled, and the incomparable space wall was constantly weak and the attack of the gods was finally broken.

"The demon **** clock, destroy!"

The phoenix **** suppressed the physical injury, and at the cost, sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood into the demon god's bell, inspiring the attacking power of the demon king's bell, such as a meandering mountain, hitting the shackles.

But it is too horrible to mobilize the power of space rules. With the power of space rules, he hardly resists the demon **** clock and flies out the demon **** Zhong Yijian.

The attack was broken continuously, and Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God were not discouraged and continued to attack.

But they both tried their best to suppress the embarrassing offensive, but they were hurt by the power of space rules.

"Linger, haven't found the weakness of 魃!"

The body injury is constantly increasing, and Ye Chenfeng looks at the gray-eyed Mu Linger, and asks the voice.

"No!" Mu Linger shook his head and said: "This strength is too horrible. It is not easy to find his weaknesses. Ye Ge, can you do your best to break his defense so that I can find it? It will be simpler."


Ye Chenfeng nodded and quickly exchanged with the Phoenix God.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God also opened up the power of a strong field, shrouded the shackles, and forced the suppression of his body by the power of the field.

The horror of the horror of war, when holding the bronze ancient sword forcibly torn through two major fields, Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God were close at the same time, and launched a deadly attack on him.

"Nirvana Power!"

The phoenix **** burned a powerful blood, and activated the strongest Nirvana power to attack.

At the same time, Ye Chenfeng exerted the three supernatural powers at the same time and attacked at the same time.


Although 魃 空间 空间 空间 规则 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间Broken his defense and shot him.

Successfully wounded, Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God pursued by victory, constantly slamming the mighty and supreme power, continuous attacking, and creating opportunities for Mu Linger to find his Achilles heel.

Under the attack of Ye Chenfeng, the body defenses of the cockroaches were broken again and again, and the armor worn was even full of cracks.

But under full attack, Ye Chenfeng was also injured by fierce counterattacks, and his injuries were getting heavier and heavier.

"Found, the weakness of cockroaches is his lower abdomen. If he can penetrate his lower abdomen, he can break the power of death in his whole body!" Under the induction of Mu Linger, she finally found the weakness of her cockroaches. The voice told Ye Chenfeng two people.


Understanding the weakness of the cockroach, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to summon the best artifacts and thousands of streams and **** towers, suppressing the shackles and forcibly limiting his mobility.

The phoenix **** is also at this moment, blending with the demon **** clock, with infinite repression, and squatting.


In the Phoenix God, the two great artifacts were fully suppressed, and the mobility of the dragonfly was greatly affected.

Catch this rare opportunity, Ye Chenfeng hit the way of the imperial device, inspiring the two strongest attacks of the virtual sword, throwing it out hard and stabbing the awkward belly.


Under the attack of the two virtual swords, the abdomen's lower abdomen was pierced, and the power of death throughout his body was as broken as Mu Linger said.

"The demon **** clock, destroy!"

The power in the body of the dragonfly continually collapses. The phoenix **** constantly inspires the power of the demon king's bell, killing him in one fell swoop and killing him.

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